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The holy grail ...... Trade with me for more then 100 pips a day.


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Hi nifty,

congrats for the first successful day

Could you tell us something about your trading style...entries/exit?

At a first glance, it's looking like "high wire-no net" for me (but that's just me)

You got long into eurusd twice at or near resistance yesterday....are you playing the break of resistance among others?

Edited by iwjw
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niftymover, it would prosper more to members if you would explain the strategy in detail here on the thread. Probably we could ad something to make it even grater. When people are not educated what they are doing they do mistakes and mistakes in Forex cost money. Another problem, it is Asian session when we in New York sleep soundly. We have to move to India.

Thanks Hermes

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  niftymover said:
seems that you are a new born baby in forex ............ do 1 thing i am giving you 80% drawdown ...collect 234$ without any loss after that you can understand how easy barking....lolz.....dontmind


Sorry, that's more gambling than trading

If you're saying "without any loss" you'll probably never admit that a trade went wrong

Let S&P come out with a downgrade of one of the european AAA and your account is toast with the current basket

Even a daily close of eurusd below 1.2650 could do the trick

Your opener was 100+ pips daily...I hope you not only meant the balance

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Interesting hedge, if I'm not completely wrong you are currently short eurusd, usdchf, gbpjpy and long gbpusd. Audusd and eurjpy are fully hedged.


Is this how you normally handle drawdowns? Adding/hedging instead of exiting? Not criticizing, just curious.


Can't wait to see how these trades plays out :)

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