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Mamont EA - live results


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Yeah dude, I don't think you understand my question. no need to be rude mate..


On 2.2.1, if you do MM of 60, it opens up lots of 0.03 per $1000 balance. Yet on 2.3, it seems to only open up 0.01 per $2000 balance.


It seems something is either different or wrong with the MM feature on this shared version of 2.3.


By the way, it's not going to open up 29 positions in one go.. duhhh

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At least he answered your question. He understood it perfectly. How do you know that during certain market conditions it wont open up 20+ orders?


Maybe the EA is faulty (I doubt it) or maybe that's the mod for the next version ie from 2.21 to 2.3. Maybe the Money Management was fixed or modified for 2.3 and that's why it works differently. Like it's been said it doesn't work the way you think it should work. Also guess what? You haven't paid a dime for this EA so if it's not to your liking then just pop it into your recycle bin.


Problem solved... :-bd




Not only does Eleonora have no idea about how many trades it could open in the right market conditions, But he calls another member rude, when he himself download the 2.3 version and did not even "thank" the person who shared it here with all of us, Now who is rude?

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It seems like MM isn't working properly on 2.3, or it's radically different than 2.2.1.


On 2.2.1 MM of 60 on a $2000 balance would of opened up 0.06 lot size trades. On this 2.3 version, on a 2k account, it started by opening up a 0.01 lot size trade.


So something radically different is heppening here.


Also, I don't really undertand what educating an ea means, unless is just means cracking it. not sure of this 2.3 version is educated.



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I'm not being rude; I'm still testing this version of 2.3. I have no idea if it works right at all.


I am thankful for the link; it's just that I have already gone into a group for 2.3 with education, and paid for it.


While I am thank ful for this download, it still seems like MM isn't working right on it.. perhaps..


By the way, how do I know it won't open up 29 trades at once? For starters, most brokers have 24 or less on their market watch. Next, the conditions need to be met, and all pairs meeting the exact conditions in a short period, together, is very unlikley in my view.


I could undertand around 10-12 open trades open at one time, but all of them, I don't think is that likley.


Also, if you check, I have now thanked the uploader for the share.

Edited by Eleonora
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I'm not being rude; I'm still testing this version of 2.3. I have no idea if it works right at all.


I am thankful for the link; it's just that I have already gone into a group for 2.3 with education, and paid for it.


While I am thank ful for this download, it still seems like MM isn't working right on it.. perhaps..


By the way, how do I know it won't open up 29 trades at once? For starters, most brokers have 24 or less on their market watch. Next, the conditions need to be met, and all pairs meeting the exact conditions in a short period, together, is very unlikley in my view.


I could undertand around 10-12 open trades open at one time, but all of them, I don't think is that likley.


Also, if you check, I have now thanked the uploader for the share.




If you have already gone into a group buy on another forum and paid your 10 USD, go ask them about the MM they bought it right and educated the EA,



What better place to ask then the group that bought the EA, they must have educated the EA before they shared it with the group. This EA was just posted it looks like some time last night, while your group by from what I have read on the other forum has had this EA for about 1 month already, and the condition of the group buy was that they would not share it with anyone until 1 month had gone by. Which by the way is so ******, they even have member over at the other forum charging 5 USD for the educated version of this EA which they themselves paid only 5 USD for , god talk about cheap asses.



Now if what they wrote about not sharing for 1 month on the other forum is true, and you claim you went into a group buy, it means you have had this EA for almost a month already and never even shared it here on indo-vest. Hmmm ;(

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PS My apologies is I have sounded rude or ungrateful at any time here.


I have been reviewing eas and testing them over about 5 years, and have yet to find a very good one.


People seem to claim so much when it comes to eas, but the reality is that the vast majority of them are not worth a grain of salt in my opinion.


I would like to think Mamont V2 is different, although from my testing in the past, i don't know about that. For me, it's very tough to tell for sure.


There seems to be no proper back testing with it, and the author suggests against it.


Also, would you put any decent amount on with an EA after only about a 4 or so week forward test only?


It's tough out there, in the forex inducstry, where claims are one things, and actual results are usually something completely different.


All the very best...

Edited by Eleonora
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like ive mentioned before, its a 2011 optimised wall street raider clone. i took the time to backtest it (took near on a week) and that's exactly what it showed.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Hi Stormin


Was it profitable.


most of them were sideways or down for the period with up upsurge at the end. i think the euro was relatively ok (but not as good as WSR's graph).


in the end, this probably will be profitable for a while, but will hit a rough patch and cause losses of a quite significant nature.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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the message that This Version isn t actual and contact author showing for version 2.2.1 and all the stats that showed for eac pair have disappeared...does it mean that the ea would nto work and that something was missed while educating ver 2.2.1.


here is the gif image showing chart to which the ea was attached



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has anyone had similar messages on charts?


would lke some feedback please!



From another forum with the same problem , below is the fix




Yes .. it is an expiry date.. Simply delete the code block or comment it out between /* and */ like so:





if (TimeCurrent() > StrToTime("30.12.2011 23:59")) {

if (ObjectFind("Mamont3") == -1) {

ObjectCreate("Mamont3", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet("Mamont3", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);

ObjectSet("Mamont3", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 40);

ObjectSet("Mamont3", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 170);


ObjectSetText("Mamont3", "This version isn t actual send the message to the author.", 12, "Courier New", Red);


if (TimeCurrent() > StrToTime("31.12.2011 23:59")) return (0);

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the message of "actual ver" is gone by removing code parts mentioned but the EA seems dead...the buy sell and direction of trade taken as it updated on the chart is not updating for trading pairs.


further feedback from friends needed to see if the ea has become functional after making the changes pointed out by DeathStar!

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