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[REG] Reading metastock data in realtime to Tradesation?


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I investasi members,


I have following problem and wish experienced members to help.


My software gets realtime data in metastock format and stores them on my drivers. The problem come out when I want to use this with Tradestation and have been trying to find solution for 6 months without luck.


Could somebody show me the way? I have played with Metalib to read the data into excel and use DDE to Owndata to Tradestation but Metalib does not support realtime.

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Thank all for your response,

@ Nihilistic, I use the software called metakit that is design for Vietnam Stock. Currently it is free. I can use it with Tradeguider 2.5 RT and Metastock RT but not with Tradestation. If you need it for reference I will give it.


@ Sixer, is hserver different from Multifeed from RT soft. I have try Multifeed but it does not work

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