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Pip Accumulator EA

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Hi SoundFX, I have a question about the PIPA EA:


Do you please mind explaining briefly the difference between the inputs for entry determination:






I tried looking for an explanation in the user manual, along the thread and in the original PIPACCUM thread but couldn't find an answer. I'm trying to test and tweak extensively but I please need clarification!


Thanks! :D



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Hi acostafulano,

sorry i cant answer your question, but if you are willing to help please use our EtherPad...At the moment we are just 3 people there


  acostafulano said:
Hi SoundFX, I have a question about the PIPA EA:


Do you please mind explaining briefly the difference between the inputs for entry determination:






I tried looking for an explanation in the user manual, along the thread and in the original PIPACCUM thread but couldn't find an answer. I'm trying to test and tweak extensively but I please need clarification!


Thanks! :D



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Hi guys,


ProbEntry EA go short when MasterProb (MP) is -20 or less go long when MP is +20 or above.

ALLTFEntry is the same as above but MP is calculated on all TF (if your chart set to 5 min then all tf start from 1m to 30min, on 15 min chart All TF start from M1 to H4).

ProbSTEntry, use single MP for entry (-20/+20) and this signal will be filter with SuperTrend indicator. Example: MP -20, STindi is red and price cross under the line and close below so EA open a short, exactly the opposite for long positions.

AllTFSTEntry, is the same as above but MP is calculated on all TF.


Hope this may help,



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  chromeie said:
mostly one day will open how many trade?


what is the meaning educated ea ? it that mean crack ea ?


Yes, educated ea menas like crack ea. How many trades will open most depends on the TF of your chart, type of entry setting on EA (ProbEntry, ProbSTEntry ...), EA work hours. I use version 1.0.1 with 7am-10pm, 15 min charts and entry arrowonly with modified avarages (looks PIPACC 3d in trading system section post #687 if you want to try my settings) and usually was open 2-3 trades per day. I set fixed SL and TP: 50 pip SL and 100 150 pip TP. If you choose little TF like 5 min and ProbSTEntry maybe you will get more trades per day.



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There are some good coders and goodwill who want to try to incorporate the changes that i wrote in the 3d section pipacc section? :) If someone want to implement these stuff in last EA version of II please contact me. Unfortunately at the moment the master coder of the EA (soundfx) can't work to the project. I hope to return soundfx there may be a basis on which to perfect this wonderful system.
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Hi soundfx,


thank u for this inspirierend thread and for ur sympathy...i think this system realy may have potencial..so im using separate trailing ea for mentioned TP problem ;)


best wishes





Edited by Scalper72
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  mangiare said:
Yes, educated ea menas like crack ea. How many trades will open most depends on the TF of your chart, type of entry setting on EA (ProbEntry, ProbSTEntry ...), EA work hours. I use version 1.0.1 with 7am-10pm, 15 min charts and entry arrowonly with modified avarages (looks PIPACC 3d in trading system section post #687 if you want to try my settings) and usually was open 2-3 trades per day. I set fixed SL and TP: 50 pip SL and 100 150 pip TP. If you choose little TF like 5 min and ProbSTEntry maybe you will get more trades per day.




I look at the code.. There's an option to trade arrowonly in the v1.01, but it doesn't go anywhere. There is no code relate to arrowonly. So, even if you set arrowonly = true, EA is not trading on arrowonly. So, question is, how the EA is trading when you set arrowonly = true? If you commented out //arrowonly = true; and recompiled, there is no error. So, something must either got deleted along the way or this was never implemented.


Another issue that I see in v1.0 is trailing stop doesn't work either. I've watched trade this afternoon and it doesn't trail. Could this is the reason that there is an updated version 2 exisit?


I don't think Trailing works on v2 either. I could be wrong, but I don't see it trailing.

Edited by fx4_ever
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I use 1.01 and arrowonly flag work fine for me (i suppose because i can't understand mq4 language) but if i look about EA entry is the same as in manual strategy i do (i'm testing entry on arrow only). I'd test v2.01 and trailing work, doesn't work in v1.01 (i use trailingator for v1.01). fx4 was amazing if you can copy the v1.01 part of code for arrow entry only parameters in v2.01a, it will a good point to start serious test. Some good coders are need to improve and keep alive this amazing EA :) TQ.
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  mangiare said:
Hi guys,


ProbEntry EA go short when MasterProb (MP) is -20 or less go long when MP is +20 or above.

ALLTFEntry is the same as above but MP is calculated on all TF (if your chart set to 5 min then all tf start from 1m to 30min, on 15 min chart All TF start from M1 to H4).

ProbSTEntry, use single MP for entry (-20/+20) and this signal will be filter with SuperTrend indicator. Example: MP -20, STindi is red and price cross under the line and close below so EA open a short, exactly the opposite for long positions.

AllTFSTEntry, is the same as above but MP is calculated on all TF.


Hope this may help,




i open the ea whole day but no trading, can you share your ea to me ?

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  hermes said:
chromele that's good not trade no Loss, isn't it? Ha, ha, ha...




there is no trade for the ea. but if look at expert alert messge, it have lot of alert trade,

but this didnt show on my chart and not pop up window alert message.

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  chromeie said:

there is no trade for the ea. but if look at expert alert messge, it have lot of alert trade,

but this didnt show on my chart and not pop up window alert message.

Looks like you have free margin of $95 and you have 2% MM allocated. Maybe, you try change your MM = false and manual lot size = 0.01. LotSize digit = 2.

EA works on many different brokers' platform as far as I can tell, so it should work. Just change some of your settings.

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  fx4_ever said:
Looks like you have free margin of $95 and you have 2% MM allocated. Maybe, you try change your MM = false and manual lot size = 0.01. LotSize digit = 2.

EA works on many different brokers' platform as far as I can tell, so it should work. Just change some of your settings.





i can't find manual lot size and LotSize digit, is that the image above ?

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  chromeie said:
it work now, is that tp is hidden ?

it will automatic cut off the trade ?


you use it in live or demo ? how long you have been use it ?

LotDec is for lot size decimal point, so when you trade 0.01, you need to set LotDec=2

I am demo trading. Just finished reading the thread and still learning.

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  rivergreen said:
Having the same problem when trying this EA out.


1.Would someone advise on how to edit the setting so that the EA will open just 1 trade rather than keep trading?


2. I found out that when a trade is open, there is SL(last swing) but no TP. How do I set the TP on EA so that it will TP automatically?


3.How to set a smaller SL? SL on last swing is rather big for me.


Have read the manual but can't find the answer.


Would appreciate if someone can help.




my pip accumulator ea dont have tp,

the trade can't close by itself. how to set it?

your tp is default setting ?

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  fx4_ever said:
I look at the code.. There's an option to trade arrowonly in the v1.01, but it doesn't go anywhere. There is no code relate to arrowonly. So, even if you set arrowonly = true, EA is not trading on arrowonly. So, question is, how the EA is trading when you set arrowonly = true? If you commented out //arrowonly = true; and recompiled, there is no error. So, something must either got deleted along the way or this was never implemented.


I'm looking about code (i never try mql coding before) and i suppose that in v1.01 the part of code for arrowonly entry is:


if (BoxMACD_Main > BoxMACD_Signal && !BoxBuyFlag) {

// Print("1st IF");

BoxBuyFlag = true;

BoxSellFlag = false;



if (BoxMACD_Main < BoxMACD_Signal && !BoxSellFlag) {

BoxBuyFlag = false;

BoxSellFlag = true;



What do you think about it fx4?


i was trying to implement in 2.01a something like that:


if (ArrowOnly) {

if (BoxMACD_Main > BoxMACD_Signal && !BoxBuy) {

BoxBuy = true;

BoxSell = false;



if (BoxMACD_Main < BoxMACD_Signal && !BoxSell) {

BoxBuy = false;

BoxSell = true;



but when compiling return 4 errors, expected for array....i have to read some good book about mql programming!! :)

Edited by mangiare
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