Diesel 10 Posted August 24, 2011 Report Share Posted August 24, 2011 If anyone could share the uploaded DVDs or the PDF, it would be greatly appreciated! This guy uses only the MACD indicator plus price action to tell him when to place options trades that result in massive profits! Sounds very good... Here is the sales copy: It's so easy, once you discover the simple secret... Are You "Cash Flow Poor" In Today's Market? Here's How The Stock Market Can Pay You A "MACD P@ycheck"... Each And Every Week! And we're not talking "chump change" here. In fact, what you're about to read may sound like a story from Fantasy Land, as far as what the stock market can pay you each and every week. But I urge you to pour over every word--and find out for yourself how 500% weekly returns can be child's play... The MACD P@ycheck I need to warn you right up front that what I'm about to reveal to you may seem like science fiction. It will certainly sound "too good to be true." And--without this warning right away--most skeptical readers would stop reading after the first few paragraphs. That's because most of you have been "trained" to think about stock market returns in a certain way. Consider this... Warren Buffett... perhaps the most successful stock market investor in modern times (and one of the wealthiest human beings on the planet)... created his wealth from consistently scoring about a 22-24% return a year over many years. So even 18-20% a year to most investors would be outstanding. And there have been hordes of hedge fund and other money managers who've become fabulously wealthy achieving that kind of result for their investors, including Buffett. And here's where your "Skeptic's Antenna" may start to be raised... I'd like to introduce you to a guy who has "more ambitious" goals for his stock market returns. His name is Dale Wheatley. And Dale often claims that "3,000% in an hour or two is more my style... not 30% a year!" The funny part is... he's actually scoring those kinds of returns... almost every week. In fact, he recently showed us, in a simple trade, how he made 60 times his money in one hour. Now, think about that. That's 60 TIMES his money... not 60%... or even 600%. But 6,000%! How'd he do it? He bought an out-of-the-money option at 2 cents and sold it an hour later for $1.20. So now you may be thinking: "OK, so what? That trade was probably on a tiny biotech stock that got a sudden FDA approval on its main product, and shot to the moon! And I probably wouldn't have been able to grab it in time anyway!" But you would be wrong. That trade took place on the SPY - the S&P 500 Index - one of the heaviest-traded indices in the world. Anyone on the planet could have gotten in on that trade. If they had known what to look for. And I'm about to reveal exactly how you can spot these "Special Situations" for yourself... Everything is clearly laid out and explained for you in Dale's brand-new DVD course The MACD Paycheck: Simple Trading Laws for Extraordinary Wealth. Dale's presentation could just be the simplest... yet the most profitable... program we've ever offered. How simple is his trading system? Truth be told, it couldn't be much simpler. In fact, he taught his system to his 12-year old niece, who understood immediately how it worked. You see, Dale is a "one-trick pony." He uses just one indicator known to any serious trader or investor. You've probably already guessed it - the Moving Average Convergence Divergence oscillator, or MACD for short. Plus, the price action of the stock or other tradable entity. Once he sees a certain price pattern combined with a certain situation with his indicator, he pounces. And, in most cases, scores multi-thousand percent returns in a matter of hours. Dale says he's NEVER seen this setup NOT WORK! 1,000 times working out of 1,000 setups are pretty good odds, I'd say. His record? Probably a 2-day, 35,000% return on Freeport-McMoran, He made 250 times his money on the first day! (Dale talks about that trade in his presentation). Would you like to discover Dale's simple system? Here's your chance... How To Restore Your Retirement Account In Just Two Trades! With Dale's system, 2,500% short-term returns are fairly routine. So let's say you start out with $1,000. One the first day, you hit one of those 2,500% return jackpots. Your $1,000 startup account is now worth $25,000. And if you take that $25,000 and hit a second 2,500% return, my calculator shows $625,000! In just two trades, you've restored (or created) a nice retirement fund for yourself. Are you beginning to see why your small investment in Dale's program could turn out to be the smartest move you've ever made? On this 2-disc DVD set, in less than four hours you'll know everything you need to know about how to make these huge returns in the stock market. In fact, you'll discover and understand how to use Dale's MACD Paycheck system itself within minutes... since it's totally visual, and so easy to "get" right away. No tedious study, no long memorization of new tools and techniques. nothing complicated whatsoever! Dale will simply show you--quickly and easily--how to make big money in the stock market... period, end of story. How The Physics Of The Stock Market Can Make You Rich! To arrive at his simple trading system, Dale sought out the "so-called" experts of the investing and trading arena. He read countless books... attended dozens of seminars... consulted with the "Stock Wizards" one-on-one... and ended up like most of the rest of us. Totally confused. His question was simple... "What Makes Stocks Go Up (Or Down)?" And, after years of fruitless study of the "Gurus"... He finally figured it out on his own. He figured out that... just like everything else in the Universe... The stock market obeys Sir Isaac Newton's Basic Laws of Physics. And more importantly... He discovered how those Laws of Physics applied to the stock market can make you rich! Dale completely describes HOW these Laws work in his presentation. On this remarkably entertaining DVD, you'll also discover: How you can FINALLY stop studying complicated trading systems, ignore the fundamentals, news and other useless noise, forget about earnings reports and JUST MAKE MONEY in the stock market! Why "3,000% in an hour or two, and not 30% in a year" will soon make total sense to you... How to ALLEVIATE your risk using options... How to take a 2-second glance at a stock chart to see if it's a "play"... How to "design your trade" to make 2,500% returns and more... Why the MACD and price action are the only tools you'll ever need to make huge gains in the stock market (HINT: Most traders claim the MACD is a "lagging" indicator... and they are WRONG!)... The "Sandpile on the Beach" theory of using multiple time periods to confirm your trades... Why you NEVER have to explain why a move is being made (HINT: The CNBC guys and gals don't have a clue)... The ONE KEY to early retirement and a life without financial worries! The two reasons why people are not wealthy (yes, there are ONLY two!) How to easily combine physics and options to make 500% returns each and every week... The "Peeking Under the Table Rule" for forecasting price action... How to know exactly "where the price belongs" on almost every stock chart... How to discover "Wound-Up Momentum" about to catapult a stock skyward! Why and how you MUST re-train your brain to think in a new way, as in 1,000% returns from the stock market in hours (instead of 10%, 20%, etc. a year)... The "Golden Easter Egg Hunt" analogy of seeking the "best" stocks to buy... How to score multi-thousands percent gains on the heaviest traded indices in the world... The ONLY TIME you can ever be wrong using this system, and how to avoid it... How to determine the length of any stock move, with a brief glance at a chart, on any time frame... Why Dale NEVER pre-determines sell points... The only three reasons to exit a trade... How you could have known to sell, short, or buy puts on all Japanese stocks... two days BEFORE the giant earthquake... and then make 250% on the eventual rebound! Why Dale LOVES "V"-shaped patterns! (But only in certain circumstances)... Why this system BLOWS AWAY "classical" Technical Analysis (and how using "old" TA techniques will cause you to miss 1,000% gains)... Where to find the "Secret List" of the Big Moneymaker Stocks, ETFs and Indices - the ones with weekly options expirations! The "Butterfly Hunter" system of finding the strongest stocks to buy... How the "Angle of Divergence" can make you a TON of money! When you can safely ignore "measly" 500% gains... ... and much more, including in-depth chart analyses, student questions, etc. Now after you watch and understand Dale's dirt-simple system to quickly make HUGE profits in the stock market, I have to give you another warning... You may get quite upset. The reason? You may become furious that nobody else has ever revealed to you anything remotely similar to this information... how quickly and easily you can make gigantic profits in the stock market... and how much time and effort you've wasted in spending countless hours trying to "figure out" how everything works... But now you can forget about all that, and just get started making big money from the stock market. It all starts with Newton's Basic Laws of Physics, and this new course! Get your 2-disc DVD course today. And get ready to "re-train" your brain for much larger (and quicker) stock market profits. Simple Trading Laws for EXTRAORDINARY WEALTHGet Your Copy of Dale Wheatley's The MACD P@ycheck: Simple Trading Laws for Extraordinary Wealth P.S. If Dale's 12 year-old niece can immediately take this system and run with it... I think you can too. I believe it was Einstein who said "Genius is the art of making complicated things simple to understand" - or something like that. Dale's MACD P@ycheck system is the best example of that saying I've ever seen. Get your hands on your personal copy today! One sucessful trade will pay for this course over and over again! Start Cashing Your MACD P@ychecks Today! Order Your Copy Now for only $495! PLEASE SHARE ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peterpiak Posted August 24, 2011 Report Share Posted August 24, 2011 Look so good method please guys kindly share. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
conglo Posted August 24, 2011 Report Share Posted August 24, 2011 (edited) Only the DVD is currently available, the hardcover has not yet been released. Edited August 24, 2011 by conglo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forex93 Posted August 24, 2011 Report Share Posted August 24, 2011 (edited) This is just a repackage of some of his overpriced courses for trading the MACD. His strategy is very simple: sell at double tops with macd divergence and buy double bottoms with macd divergence. He uses out of the money put and call options. You think this guy would get creative and sell something different, but he just changes the name of the course and I guess as long as people keep plunking down big dollars, he'll just keep changing the name of the courses. Here's a couple of links to two of his webinars: http://prowebinars.na5.acrobat.com/p18305403/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal http://www.aiqeducation.com/Archives/successfuloptions51507.html Edited August 24, 2011 by forex93 dk1aussie, darter, dennyyusuf and 5 others 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenry Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 The webinars look good i would like the full version of this please. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forex93 Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Lenry-- You've been a member here since April, 2010 and have never shared anything or even given thanks--why don't you buy it and share it? ForexRules 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dannydon786 Posted September 21, 2011 Report Share Posted September 21, 2011 you right forex93...it is all a team effort Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenry Posted September 22, 2011 Report Share Posted September 22, 2011 I took a look at some of his other courses and material like the options hunter and it does seem to be generally the same like Forex93 was saying. So i managed to get together some of the PDF's which explain how to enter and exit and what to look for on the charts.. hope this can be some use. http://www.multiupload.com/L73AZ4T6RE ForexExpert, minhtri, ⭐ mr12323 and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
valtrg Posted September 22, 2011 Report Share Posted September 22, 2011 The webinars look good i would like the full version of this please. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
123456789 Posted February 1, 2012 Report Share Posted February 1, 2012 With Dale's system, 2,500% short-term returns are fairly routine. Then is this Dale Wheatley guy in the world's top 100 richest people list? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meek13 Posted February 1, 2012 Report Share Posted February 1, 2012 I took a look at some of his other courses and material like the options hunter and it does seem to be generally the same like Forex93 was saying. So i managed to get together some of the PDF's which explain how to enter and exit and what to look for on the charts.. hope this can be some use. http://www.multiupload.com/L73AZ4T6RE None of the links work can someone please upload again. I too would really appreciate if someone shares this. :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mark1504 Posted February 1, 2012 Report Share Posted February 1, 2012 He trades option? Am I right? What about the cost to buy and sell that 2c option he bought and sold for $1.20. Can someone here who knows about options explain what the cost to buy and sell options will be? Thank you! alansim 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meek13 Posted February 1, 2012 Report Share Posted February 1, 2012 He trades option? Am I right? What about the cost to buy and sell that 2c option he bought and sold for $1.20. Can someone here who knows about options explain what the cost to buy and sell options will be? Thank you! Yes he trades options. It's called a round turn or round trip fee that an options broker charges or a commission if you like. So if a broker charges you say $10 r/t, than for every option contract you buy (call/put) your broker would charge $5 and another $5 to settle that contract. For example, if he paid 2c option he would be charged $5 for that option and when he sold the option for $1.20 he would also get charged $5 ($10 r/t). Since you control 100 shares per option he would have paid $2 for the option and then made $120 when he sold the option. So he would have made $108 per contract after commission ($120 - $2 - $10)... my maths could be off a little but you get the idea. ;) Just google it... hope that helps. :) Loustar1, ForexRules and mark1504 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dk1aussie Posted February 1, 2012 Report Share Posted February 1, 2012 (edited) bumping .... can someone please re-upload new link thank you Edited February 2, 2012 by dk1aussie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
netpreneur Posted February 2, 2012 Report Share Posted February 2, 2012 bump this one alansim 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lipe.fx Posted February 2, 2012 Report Share Posted February 2, 2012 please re-upload new link alansim 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vladv Posted February 2, 2012 Report Share Posted February 2, 2012 Bump this one. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mark1504 Posted February 4, 2012 Report Share Posted February 4, 2012 Bump this one Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
123456789 Posted February 4, 2012 Report Share Posted February 4, 2012 With Dale's system, 2,500% short-term returns are fairly routine. Then is this Dale Wheatley guy in the world's top 100 richest people list? All the marketers are the same. Their mouths are full of sh!t.. http://www.forbes.com/wealth/billionaires/list Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ForexRules Posted February 4, 2012 Report Share Posted February 4, 2012 Keep in mind that those listed are industry leaders. There are many that don't want their fortunes announced and keep a low profile and feel that disclosing their personal lives in an invasion of privacy. There are many traders that don't share openly as the above listed leaders of industry do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hermanhess Posted February 5, 2012 Report Share Posted February 5, 2012 Keep in mind that those listed are industry leaders. There are many that don't want their fortunes announced and keep a low profile and feel that disclosing their personal lives in an invasion of privacy. There are many traders that don't share openly as the above listed leaders of industry do. quite so .... it seems the infamous rothschilds are worth hundreds of billions Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenry Posted April 1, 2012 Report Share Posted April 1, 2012 these two pdfs basically sum everything up, look for MACD divergence on weekly then confirm on daily and then purchase a call/put option for like 10 cents and hope the price shoots up and your options contract becomes 1 dollar! theoptionshunter.c0m/Enter%20and%20Exiting%20Trades.pdf theoptionshunter.c0m/strong%20divergence%20examples.pdf bobaloo, mark1504, Loustar1 and 7 others 10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenry Posted December 2, 2012 Report Share Posted December 2, 2012 Hi guys i managed to find the files but the host is Extmatrix only, so if anyone can download and reup on a different host, would be very grateful. Change the 3 xx to tt, 3 to e and @ to a. hxxp://[email protected]/files/jKlY1336445686/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part1.rar.html http://[email protected]/files/TLWekj1336445748/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part2.rar.html http://[email protected]/files/F85aX1336445810/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part3.rar.html http://[email protected]/files/dMhXv5s1336445872/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part4.rar.html http://[email protected]/files/vEO09Y1336445934/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part5.rar.html http://[email protected]/files/Ew6ZDC1336445996/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part6.rar.html http://[email protected]/files/o8ZSO4lY1336446058/Dave%20Wheatley%20-%20The%20Secret%20to%203xtraordinary%20Wealth%20in%20the%20Options%20Market%20.part7.rar.html Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thaomoua Posted December 4, 2012 Report Share Posted December 4, 2012 Thanks for the link, Lenry. However, your links are only for premium account. can you UP to MF, RS? Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenry Posted December 4, 2012 Report Share Posted December 4, 2012 Afraid these are not my links, i found them browsing a website but hopefully someone with premium will be kind enough to download and re-up to another host. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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