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Best System Monorail 28bullbear

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Monorail ver.3 ..Redraw / Repainted ? Hoo..hoo.hoo.. No Redraw/Repainted my friend.. but forget it this system because i'm not interested to Sell or sharing, I'm use for my self and my fund company and Rent signal..


Maybe you will all say I was selfish, but I also have the right to determine whether I am going to sell it or not.


And all this time I never started for promotion on this forum. Image2 that comes from a Web 28bullbear. wordpress.com it wasn't me who put it on this forum or other forum.


Perhaps you will also start to blaspheme my by saying ' Hey, this forum is a forum for sharing ' or ' You don't post things that you would not share ' and many more other sentence invites boils down to just argue. And for that.. I will not be responding to you. I just want to communicate to people who can appreciate and want to really learn forex. Other than that I would never respond.


To be honest I have to say that the system was very profitable and helped traders by providing a signal of the same color to you open a position dimarket. And if I say that based on what system, then I am sure you will know with certainty whether or not the system it repaint. But in this case I am not going to say it because it is the secret of the Company Funding that I have


i'm Sorry for all...



If you want by other system trading, maybe i can sell it..and i can teach you via Film or direct communication (Yahoo messenger)


Since my student (wempywarlordfx) give me full controll at www.28bullbear.wordpress.com , i want make that blog is commercial blog. and if you agree with me you can follow me at that blog.



Thank you for your all oppinion in this forum.



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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SEFC used to share all his things on this forum. Unfortunately, there were those who did not appreciate it and malalligned him and called him names for no reason. I can understand why he does not share anymore. A few people ruin a good thing, every time.


The worst things is some people may sell it..and say "Hey, this is my system which made me a lot of fortune"..so it is good if SEFC sell it or share it with people who register under him or for those who became his student...


p/s sory SEFC for the previous joke..sometimes im naughty a-lil-bit LOL

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The worst things is some people may sell it..and say "Hey, this is my system which made me a lot of fortune"..so it is good if SEFC sell it or share it with people who register under him or for those who became his student...


p/s sory SEFC for the previous joke..sometimes im naughty a-lil-bit LOL


mr.for-ex you're kind hearted, i really appreciate it

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To be honest I have to say that the system was very profitable and helped traders by providing a signal of the same color to you open a position dimarket. And if I say that based on what system, then I am sure you will know with certainty whether or not the system it repaint. But in this case I am not going to say it because it is the secret of the Company Funding that I have


i'm Sorry for all...



If you want by other system trading, maybe i can sell it..and i can teach you via Film or direct communication (Yahoo messenger)






The video and picture of your "indy base system" looks promising.


Despite my trading skill, as well as the pips gain, I always open to keep learning where I found your system quiet promising and could probably sharpen my trading skill.


After all, I would always have an open mind to keep learning.


Therefore, could you please inform me the profit/gain potential (daily/monthly pips or percentage gain) of your system.


I usually posted my real pips gain of my trading as a snap shot before closing my trade (MMM indicator showing real time pips gain) for forum members learning purpose such as:


http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17092-Market-Makers-Thread-Aftermath/page32 (daily trade commented, began post #313)

http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?p=5548483#post5548483 (post #598-599, resume of 1 week trading = 1.152 Pips)


I am looking forward to hear any useful information from you

(bandung na ti mana euy..?

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Bahasa Indonesia :

Keuntungan dalam forex adalah relative oleh karena nya yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh pedagang forex yaitu keuntungan yang diperoleh secara konsistensinya pada kurun waktu tertentu.

Mengenai sebuah system, saya akan jelaskan sebagai berikut :

1. Sebuah system trading itu hanya membantu kita sebesar +/- 30% saja dari seluruh perdagangan anda, baik itu jangka panjang atau jangka pendek.

2. Karena hanya 30% saja maka ada 70% lainnya unsur yang mempengaruhi dalam perdagangan forex, seperti Money Management, Strategy In/Out Market, tekanan Psychologys dan emosi pedagang, kedisiplinan dan keberanian serta ketegasan dalam bertindak.. nah secara keseluruhan itulah yang membuat anda akan memperoleh profit secara konsisten di market. Jadi bukan hanya mengandalkan sebuah system trading saja maka anda lantas bisa menjadi seorang jutawan

3. Dalam mencapai kesuksesan menjadi seorang pedagang yang ahli, maka semua itu membutuhkan waktu yang panjang. Dimana ada hal yang penting juga didalamnya yaitu karakteristik pair dalam sebuah market. Anda harus belajar tentang sifat dan karakter sebuah mata uang terlebih dahulu sebelum anda memutuskan untuk memulai perdagangan dengan mata uang tersebut


Saya senang anda mau belajar dan bisa menciptakan keuntungan xxx pips dalam 1 minggu.. dan itu pasti mendapat pujian dari saya pada minggu itu juga. Namun jika anda bisa membuat keuntungan secara konsisten walau kecil-kecil nilainya tapi selama 1 tahun, maka anda bukan mendapat pujian dari saya, tetapi mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi dari saya selaku pedagang forex.


System yang saya tawarkan di web 28bullbear itu juga tidak terlepas dari chaos nya pasar. Namun secara keseluruhan dapat membantu pedagang forex.

Ada juga murid saya yang mempunyai system tersebut, namun sampai hari ini blom bisa secara konsisten memperoleh profit bahkan pernah Call Margin. Anda tahu sebab nya ? Nah kesalahan dari murid saya itu adalah ketamakan dalam pasar. dimana awalnya dia masuk pasar dan profit. Namun dia tidak melakukan TP bahkan menambah terus posisi nya. Sampai suatu saat pasar berbalik arah dengan cepatnya. Anda pasti sudah menduga apa yang akan terjadi..


Oleh karenanya dalam mempelajari sebuah perdagangan forex, maka banyak hal yang harus anda perhatikan agar anda bisa sukses..

Terima kasih.


English (Google translator) :


Profit in forex is relative because his much needed by the forex traders profit obtained for a specific period at konsistensinya.

About a system, I will explain as follows:

1. a system of trading it just helps us $/-30% of all your trades, whether long term or short term.

2. Because only 30% then there are 70% other elements that affect in forex trading, such as Money Management, Strategy In/Out Market, pressure Psychologys and emotions of traders, discipline and courage and assertiveness in acting ... well as a whole that is what makes you will gain profit consistently in the market. So instead of just relying on a just trading system then you could thus become a millionaire

3. in reaching success became an expert trader, then all it takes a long time. Where are the things that are important also in the characteristic pair in a market. You should learn about the nature and character of a currency first before you decided to start trading with currency


I am glad you are willing to learn and can create profit xxx pips in 1 week ... and it definitely gets kudos from me on that week as well. However if you can consistently make a profit even though small in value but for 1 year, then you are not getting praise from me, but getting the highest award from me as forex traders.


System I offer on the web 28bullbear it is also inseparable from the chaos of his market. However as a whole can help forex traders.

There is also a student of mine who has a system, but to this day has not been able to consistently earn profit even ever Margin Call. You know for him? Well the fault of my students it is greed in the market. where initially he entered the market and profit. However he did not make TP even add his position continuously. Until one day the market turned direction with immediacy. You must have guessed what would happen ...


Therefore in learning a trade in forex, then a lot of things that you should notice that you can successfully ...

Thank you.



Edited by SEFC

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Mengenai sebuah system, saya akan jelaskan sebagai berikut :

1. Sebuah system trading itu hanya membantu kita sebesar +/- 30% saja dari seluruh perdagangan anda, baik itu jangka panjang atau jangka pendek.

2. Karena hanya 30% saja maka ada 70% lainnya unsur yang mempengaruhi dalam perdagangan forex, seperti Money Management, Strategy In/Out Market, tekanan Psychologys dan emosi pedagang, kedisiplinan dan keberanian serta ketegasan dalam bertindak.. nah secara keseluruhan itulah yang membuat anda akan memperoleh profit secara konsisten di market. Jadi bukan hanya mengandalkan sebuah system trading saja maka anda lantas bisa menjadi seorang jutawan

3. Dalam mencapai kesuksesan menjadi seorang pedagang yang ahli, maka semua itu membutuhkan waktu yang panjang. Dimana ada hal yang penting juga didalamnya yaitu karakteristik pair dalam sebuah market. Anda harus belajar tentang sifat dan karakter sebuah mata uang terlebih dahulu sebelum anda memutuskan untuk memulai perdagangan dengan mata uang tersebut


Benner teing Kang. System yg sama, diajarin dgn cara yg sama, belum tentu hasilnya sama.


Bahkan yg kata orang system MMM punya Steve Mauro yg targetnya adalah picking top and bottom, scale-ins sampe 600 pips, nyatanya mayoritas muridnya nangis kena MC cuma ngartos ambil tiap pola M dan W.


Aing ngaposken chart MMM di forum untuk memotivasi traders bahwa potensi itu emang ada (saya dapat banyak bantuan dari forum hingga bisa seperti ini jadi saya tetap di forum untuk membantu teman2 lainnya sekalian sharing dan belajar bersama).


Tapi sejujurnya system MMM hanya membentu sebagian dari skill trading saya. Justru sebagian besarnya adalah karena skill Price Action (YTC PAT, Sam Seiden, Al Brooks, dll).


Oke Kang, trims atas balasannya

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Ayo.. trader Indo.. Bagi yang mau aja ya ...anda bisa memberikan komentar-2 berharga di web/Blog ku, ada koq disitu warung ngopinya.. :D terus ada Ajang para trader memberikan prediksi market, dimana kita bisa saling ngajarin satu sama lain.. (walau salah juga nggak apa-apa.. karena resiko di tanggung penumpang sendiri..hahahaha) Dan kalau salah juga malah bagus.. karena kita bisa saling mengingatkan salahnya dimana.. karena didunia ini nggak ada orang yang sempurna.. termasuk saya sendiri..:))

Di warung dekil ku, saya mungkin bisa berbagi pengalaman juga.. walau mungkin kadang saya bisa salah dan kelupaan juga..hehehe.. btw .. saya persilahkan mampir kalau mau.. monggo mas, mbakyu, cah ayu dan lanang ganteng... silahkan deh.. Tapi kalau mau disini maka monggo juga.. yang penting kalimat yang ditulis adalah kalimat membangun..


Hmm.. Saya kini mempunyai kesulitan baru nih.. Gimana translate kata mbakyu kedalam google translator ya... hahahaha...


Salam profit dan Happy,



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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