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So often in business and even more so in life it's important to keep our eyes

firmly focused on the target.

I know, you're thinking "that's easier said than done." and you're probably

right. I'm not suggesting that it's easy. It's not.

In this fast-paced busy world that we live in it's easy to understand "why" so many of us

find ourselves getting caught in the drama and hectic routine of daily living.

It seems like everyone is competing for our attention. Radio, TV, Newspapers, E-mail,

Billboards...Blah, Blah Blah...

That's exactly when we need to say: "TIME OUT!" Yes, take a BIG time-out.

I think you know what I'm talking about.


* close your eyes and take a deep breath.

* re-focus your priorities and gain a sense of peace and perspective.

* take a laser-beam aim at the target.


The target I'm referring to is called "FRIENDSHIP."

It's among the VERY RAREST OF GIFTS we will ever know.

And it's one gift I never want to miss giving...or receiving again...if possible.

I only say that because I've already missed way more than my share

of opportunity.

Maybe my lost opportunity can be your "open" window.

As they say: "Old too soon and smart too late."

Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.

"If it's worth doing, it's worth giving it 100%"

~Jerry Koch

Blog / Money / Forex


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Wow thanks for posting that will. It is exactly what I needed today. Sometimes I'm going so fast that I miss the beauty that is all around me. Some of my happiest times have been when I've been present enough to recognize a smell in the air. Like the smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of summer.

When It's about to rain it reminds me of being a child.

Anyhow, my point is that unless I slow down and take that deep breath I will miss the beauty that is all around me.


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We, ALL of us, need to do this more often...

Thank you for your thoughts 'willbucks' ;)


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