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(Req) C0nsistent 0pti0ns Inc0me Course

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Hi, does anyone have the C0nsistent 0pti0ns Inc0me course that they could share? It looks excellent. He averages over 5% per month every month and is only in the market 40% of the time! He sets up a Russell 2000 index options strategy and adjusts it as needed, and voila! Here is the link for the website:





(replace "0"s with "o"s.)


********************When are the head Indo's going to fix that coding problem??? !

Edited by Diesel 10
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This looks interesting, he doesn't say how much the course is and he makes a statement in his last free video about buying his monthly service to get his levels you need to trade from. Here is a link to the first 4 videos, if your pressed for time the last one starts talking about what he offers




(replace '0's with 'o's)

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