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[Req] 4xrider

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  • 4 months later...

Seems interesting, especially the claimed results for the 3 months period on sales page.


But can't find any substantial reviews or feedback (good or bad) on google search, except for some stuff using the same product name back in 2007.


For example, here are some YouTube videos describing a forex system with the same name:






Anyone seen this older version before? Not sure if it is the grandfather of the current system, or totally unrelated.

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Who ever owns the "traders-onlineshop" ... is a member here at II

and does not like sharing they only take from II

and sell the products through their store


as I have had 2 accounts canceled by them which I did not expect after I bought products

and then I shared the products here on II ... .... live and learn


So if you going to buy from there use a different login name.

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they sometimes have products which have not been shared in indo.

They certainly collect them from different sources and they are fast doing it.


Now let´s hope that somebody shares this new holy grail 4 x r i d e r indicator.


How many holygrails have been advertised and they were not the grail ?


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