mrcrow Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 extern int MagicRangeLow=1000; extern int MagicRangeHigh=999; // inital value was 9999 which you gave me. int init() { GlobalVariableSet("OldBalance", AccountBalance()); return (0); } placed then on top of the init function, intialy gave it the value that you gave me. still not working, does not make sense never was one for debuging. i even tried this extern int Magic1 = 1000; extern int Magic2 = 9999; extern int MagicRangeLow = Magic1; extern int MagicRangeHigh = Magic2; int init() { GlobalVariableSet("OldBalance", AccountBalance()); return (0); i am getting intialization not expected. it should work they are global vaiables now. one more question why is ,agic set top 2008? thanx for the help? sam tomislav 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reinerh Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hi Technomage, I noticed that your new version has the ATR period set to 2. Does that mean we need to set the ATRPips indi to 2? Is anyone from the US out there (with a US broker) able to use CableRun on their live accounts? I can demo all versions, but I don't know if the FIFO and no-hedging rules will kill this here. And now, only 1:50 leverage. We forex traders are really screwed here I think. yes we are, fifo alone will kill it, leverage too, plus hedging. we are outa luck, darn dems.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hey Mrcrow, the limit MagicRangeHigh should always be greater than the MagicRangeLow. Other than that, the code seems to be fine, but these ranges dont have anything to do with the Global Variable 'OldBalance'. Why dont you upload the Mq4 file to 4shared/Rapidshare and lemme take a look at it? extern int MagicRangeLow=1000; extern int MagicRangeHigh=999; // inital value was 9999 which you gave me. int init() { GlobalVariableSet("OldBalance", AccountBalance()); return (0); } placed then on top of the init function, intialy gave it the value that you gave me. still not working, does not make sense never was one for debuging. i even tried this extern int Magic1 = 1000; extern int Magic2 = 9999; extern int MagicRangeLow = Magic1; extern int MagicRangeHigh = Magic2; int init() { GlobalVariableSet("OldBalance", AccountBalance()); return (0); i am getting intialization not expected. it should work they are global vaiables now. one more question why is ,agic set top 2008? thanx for the help? sam tomislav 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrcrow Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 tehno this is the file tomislav 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 @ Cash-flow: Please provide complete details. What was the broker you backtested on, the starting balance and which setting did you use? Is your broker 4-digit? @ peterke: All timings in my mod are based on GMT. You just have to ensure that you set the GMTOffset correctly (w.r.t. your broker) @ RVB: No, you dont have manually change any settings in the indi from now on. The default ATR period is 7 as always, but the optimized set I provided suggests that the ATRs should be 2, but only if you're running that setting as is. NOTE TO ALL: Please note that my optimized preset#3 is meant for 5 digit brokers and it's more of a "long-term" setting. It doesnt close trades as quickly as the previous settings; so if you're looking for quick action, please use other settings instead. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neworder Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Nice crap. I prefer trading price action manually! This is much more profitable! I think I will never understand why they sell such useless stuff and why people buy it! Could you expound on your system as this is a site of sharing, And we all have a little to bring to the table........ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 The Magic number ranges can be placed below Magic, doesnt make a difference. But it looks like there were a lot of places in the code where Magic was added unnecessarily. Have removed them and other unnecessary declarations. It compiles successfully, but you'll need to test the performance for yourself. I only corrected the code, nothing more... tehno this is the file Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Csh-flow Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hello Teknomage, The broker was FX Solution, and the settings are: MaxNum80; Step170; Firstlot 0.1, IncLot 0.1 MinProfit 15, closeatmaxloss0; Profitmode 3; Emergency false; Magic 2010; GMT: -4; tradeallday True: Cable runstartime 19:00; Cablerunendtime: 06:59; Tradefriday:true; Close alltradesbyfriday:false; Yourbroker_friEOtime: 21.55; AvoidlonSession:false; AvoidLonSessionFrom:05:00, 07:00; AvoidNYSession:false AvoideNYSession:13:00, 17:00; ATRPEriod 2; ATRPrePeriod 2; PreventBacktestErrors True; Debug false, CR24Tek, EncodeComents:false This was the settings. The starting balance was 1000$. The error was in GMT. I put -5 and it was -4. But the dd was very high 63.14% From the beguinig of the year until 11 of October made a profit of 839.76$ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fcorbier Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 teknomage: I found a bug in your version when "tradeallday" is false, it would create orders all the time outside the time range and delete them right away. You need to comment the line: if (!TradeAllDay && GMTime>= StrToTime(CableRunEndTime + ":00")) DeletePendingOrders(Magic); and have the DeletePendingOrders instead in the test a few lines below like this: if ( !TradeAllDay && !IsTradeTime(CableRunStartTime,CableRunEndTime)){ Comment(strComment); DeletePendingOrders(Magic); return (0); } Also, for some reason, I can't have the EA survive any 2010 yearly test with any of your optimised settings, it always dies right up in February. I'm using FXCM which is a 5-digit broker (and GMT offset 1). Any idea? teknomage 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tomislav Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Ok everyone stop what you're doing the parties over. I put CableLarikan ok 24H on to my live account today and the noticed that sell orders were not being opened as per what the demo along side it was doing. You got it... error 130. I know this has been brought up before but has it been resolved? Is it because my broker doesn't like what I'm trying to do or is it something easy to resolve. The reason why I had to try the original CableLarikan ok 24h is because it can make so much money so fast.... hey why not? I've gone back to didier's post #553 and am working on it. I never knew what error 130 meant until now. Terrible! I'm really asking for some help or guidance here. @-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) Hi fcorbier, my apologies for the earlier post. I see what you meant and I agree with you completely now. Thanks for pointing that out. The code below was supposed to prevent the logic flow from opening any further trades, if TradeAllDay is false and if it's outside the trade timings. In actuality, the line you pointed out actually comes from the original EA but i just modified it a bit. But your alteration is correct and I shall incorporate it a.s.a.p... thank you! :) if ( !TradeAllDay && !IsTradeTime(CableRunStartTime,CableRunEndTime)){ Comment(strComment); return (0); } About the backtests, all i can say is that the optimized parameters do work on FXopen, coz I optimized my mod based on their MT4 ECN data. I'll put up the balance graphs of the backtests I ran, and I'll include a .set file to mimic Muruku's original settings in his ok_24H version as well... teknomage: I found a bug in your version when "tradeallday" is false, it would create orders all the time outside the time range and delete them right away. You need to comment the line: if (!TradeAllDay && GMTime>= StrToTime(CableRunEndTime + ":00")) DeletePendingOrders(Magic); ? Edited October 13, 2010 by teknomage Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hey Tom, Error 130 had always been the bane of the earlier versions, which is I worked on getting rid of it in my mods. Are you using the original ok 24H version or the modded one with CloseTrades? Point me to the version u're using and i'll help you out... Ok everyone stop what you're doing the parties over. I put CableLarikan ok 24H on to my live account today... tomislav 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tomislav Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hey Tom, Error 130 had always been the bane of the earlier versions, which is I worked on getting rid of it in my mods. Are you using the original ok 24H version or the modded one with CloseTrades? Point me to the version u're using and i'll help you out... Thanks teknomage. This one has been giving me the best results so far. Really appreciate it glad you're back! I'm pretty sure my broker is ok but you never know. I hope I don't have to call them and discuss this. Thanks so much, Tom mrcrow 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Here you go, Tom. When you want to prevent Error 130 and other errors, make sure PreventErrors is true. Otherwise, to mimic the original ok_24H version, set PreventErrors to false (although i'm certain that's not what you want ;-) hxxp:// Thanks teknomage. This one has been giving me the best results so far. Really appreciate it glad you're back! I'm pretty sure my broker is ok but you never know. I hope I don't have to call them and discuss this. Thanks so much, Tom tomislav 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sydney2000 Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hi tom, so many versions here which one you suggest is the best version to use, Much appreciated for everyones help, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tomislav Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) Hi tom, so many versions here which one you suggest is the best version to use, Much appreciated for everyones help, I haven't tried all of them. But I'm keen on trying CableLarikan ok 24H with basket profit EA live because even though it looks like it's risky to use... it works for me at this time. I have details on a demo in the previous pages. The teknomage version is safer and also considering using it live. The teknomage version won't make your heart miss a beat as much as the CableLarikan will (live money hypothesis). :D P.S Thanks teknomage! Don't forget to spring clean your inbox lol Edited October 13, 2010 by tomislav mrcrow 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) Haha! will do, Tom! OK, here're the backtest graphs I promised earlier, for everyone's convenience. Please remember that these are the results I got on FXOpen ECN and your own results will definitely vary. Starting balance for these backtests was $2000... if you wish, start with a higher balance in case your backtest stops out... Optimized preset#1 Optimized preset#3 Optimized preset#5 Muruku's default settings - you can download the set file here (for this setting, you have to start with a balance not less than $4000) hxxp:// PS: Somethin's wrong with the image display on this post... dunno if it's a problem across the forum, or is it just this post?? Edited October 13, 2010 by teknomage tomislav, mahdicivil81, danny_pip and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RVB Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Technomage- your version with set file #3 looks like a winner so far on demo. Will also demo your other set files and a couple different pairs as well...Great Job! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kerozin Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hi Teknomage! I have tested your latest version Without Set files and got great results on GBP/USD and USD/CAD,with the same Equity curve, drawdown about 38-40%, but thats ok! I`m using CableLarikanMuruku_v5_teknomage version Live on ECN Broker, the results are great still now, hope they will remain the same! Any chance this wersion can be backtested, I have tryed a few times but after a few orders I`m getting order send error 130, I`m sure it`s not from the broker! Anyone can post some becktest for this version!? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teknomage Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 @ RVB: Thank you :) Took a while to optimize but it was worth it! Which broker are you demoing it on? @ kerozin: Glad you like the results you're getting with my mods. I know I sound like a stuck record, but which broker are you running it on? :-) And if you wanna avoid Error 130, I suggest you use the latest version I posted instead of v5... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hyperdimension Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 Error 130 means invalid stops, and depends on the broker. Some brokers (particularly STP or ECN brokers) require you to send the stop loss and take profit levels separately. i.e. first call OrderSend with stop loss and take profit = 0, then, if you got a valid ticket from OrderSend, call OrderModify with the proper stop loss and take profit values. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hyperdimension Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 these are the results I got on FXOpen ECN and your own results will definitely vary.Are you sure it's FXOpen ECN data? FXOpen ECN is simply Dukascopy with MetaTrader. If you had downloaded the data from the FXOpen terminal History Center then the data is probably from MetaQuotes, which is very poor quality data, and not from Dukascopy. See my thread here: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RVB Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 teknomage...I am using CMS forex for the current broker...I know, not the best broker, but that is the default broker that IamFx is sending its US clients to, so thought I would give it a try. So far so good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kerozin Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 @ RVB: Thank you :) Took a while to optimize but it was worth it! Which broker are you demoing it on? @ kerozin: Glad you like the results you're getting with my mods. I know I sound like a stuck record, but which broker are you running it on? :-) And if you wanna avoid Error 130, I suggest you use the latest version I posted instead of v5... I`m using SmarttradeFx it`s a good ECN/STP broker with fast speeds1 I have tested the last version without errors , but I liked better v.5 It`s a bit safer and has great results! @hiperdimension There is no stop loss or takeprofit values, so that can`t be the problem! I have managed to becktest it somewhat on USD/CAD v5 Here is the results: hxxp://[email protected]/?n1cqc296oab606r Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hyperdimension Posted October 13, 2010 Report Share Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) There is no stop loss or takeprofit values, so that can`t be the problem!Ah Ok. I've only started looking at this EA so didn't know. I'm not sure what the problem is then. I've just done a backtest using Alpari UK terminal with FXDD data from their web site, and had no error 130 problems. In my first backtest of this EA, the account stopped out after 2007-10-23 with 32 open trades. Here are environment details: EA name: CableMuruku24H_teknomage set file: cr24h_teknomage - optimized03 Symbol: GBPUSD Time frame: H1 Start date: 2007-07-01 End date: n/a Initial deposit: 10000 USD Leverage: 500 Stop out level: 20% The Alpari UK environment is good for Martingale or Grid EAs because of the high leverage and low stop out level. However for backtesting, the data from their History Center is crap (from MetaQuotes), so you should replace it with better data, such as FXDD data from their web site ( Edited October 13, 2010 by hyperdimension gctex 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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