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{Ask} Signal Alerts on cell phone


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Guest Todayke

Other solution:

Try www.voipdiscount.com, or similar voip service. Through this you can send sms via internet. For example:

Sms message: "This is an sms."

From number: +36201111111

To number: +36202222222

Registered username: regusername

Registered password: regpassword

Open this URL: https://www.voipdiscount.com/myaccount/sendsms.php?username=regusername&password=regpassword&from=+36201111111&to=+36202222222&text=This is an sms.

More info at:



Before this you have to register on the related VoIP page, and charge your account. Price: about 0.05 EUR/SMS.

SMS rates:



A small MT4 code (GrabWeb function is from FFCal):

#import "wininet.dll"
  int InternetOpenA(string a0, int a1, string a2, string a3, int a4);
  int InternetOpenUrlA(int a0, string a1, string a2, int a3, int a4, int a5);
  int InternetReadFile(int a0, string a1, int a2, int& a3[]);
  int InternetCloseHandle(int a0);

int gi_340;
int gi_344;
int gi_348 = 0;
int gi_352 = 1;
int gi_360 = 80;

int hSession(bool ai_0) {
  string ls_4;
  if (gi_340 == 0) {
     ls_4 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461)";
     gi_340 = InternetOpenA(ls_4, gi_348, "0", "0", 0);
     gi_344 = InternetOpenA(ls_4, gi_352, "0", "0", 0);
  if (ai_0) return (gi_344);
  return (gi_340);

int GrabWeb(string as_0, string &as_8) {
  int lia_24[] = {1};
  string ls_28 = "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ";
  int li_16 = InternetOpenUrlA(hSession(0), as_0, "0", 0, -2080374528, 0);
  if (li_16 == 0) return (0);
  Print("Reading URL: " + as_0);
  int li_20 = InternetReadFile(li_16, ls_28, gi_360, lia_24);
  if (li_20 == 0) return (0);
  int li_36 = lia_24[0];
  for (as_8 = StringSubstr(ls_28, 0, lia_24[0]); lia_24[0] != 0; as_8 = as_8 + StringSubstr(ls_28, 0, lia_24[0])) {
     li_20 = InternetReadFile(li_16, ls_28, gi_360, lia_24);
     if (lia_24[0] == 0) break;
     li_36 += lia_24[0];
  Print("Closing URL web connection");
  li_20 = InternetCloseHandle(li_16);
  if (li_20 == 0) return (0);
  return (1);

void SendSMS(string SMSText, string FromNumber, string ToNumber, string UserName, string Password) {
  string UrlText="https://www.voipdiscount.com/myaccount/sendsms.php?"+
  string ResText="";

Edited by Todayke
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