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Forex Mastery 2.0

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patheway: Yea, look at only 1 timeframe when coordinating slingshots. I like the 1 hour. So, when I see a 1 hour slingshot, with the arrows pointing up (price moving down), that is a leading signal that this could be a price correction, and we need to look to get into a long position when the trend resumes.


Well, as everybody knows, the lower you go in timeframes, the quicker the turn. So, the 30min will turn higher before the 1 hour, the 15min will turn higher before the 30min, and the 5 min will turn higher before the 15min. So, after identifying the 1 hour slingshot, I will look to the 30min and 15min stochastic (slingshot) and trend indicators to turn up. So, hopefully I can get in at the best posible price as momentum returns to the trend.


After entering the position, I place a stop-loss at the lowest or highest swing.


I'm still playing around with take-profits, etc.

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I agree the system is more than impressive for picking up a sling shot but what do you do with it once you have it. That where I took the loss.

The videos only give you enough to get into trouble. I am learning the hard way.

I would love a actual mannual I also have the cheat cheats but nothing in there about sling shots. And that is what this thing is made for..







  samk090905 said:
can anyone please post a link where we can learn what these indicators actually do? unfortunately for patheway he lost $400 b/c of the misunderstanding...this is exactly what i would like to avoid.


crod: how did you learn the rules of this system?


thank you,

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I am completely baffled Cordzilla the market scanner shut down. So the first thing I did was remove the EA,templates everything and deleted them I then took a new fresh download and inserted them and guess what still no scanner.

I then thought lets put it is another MT4 so I downloaded again a fresh set now this mt4 is what was using before with the old model well I wiped clean the MT4 took everything out and then inserted once again the new stuff. When I open the scanner on this one I get the old scanner I had in there before that never had the sling shots on it ,it only went down as far as the gravey train. Now why in the world would I still have that if I deleted those templates and added the new ones?

Does th eMt4 have a memory in it?


All I can think of as far as this scanner goes there is something that has rejected permiisson to enable

I out of answers

what do you think?

absolutley love that scanner..

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Okay writing this and need to get off to sleep long day.

If anyone has this issue w/scanner the only way I got it to work again was to download a new Mt4, download a new set of the software install and your fine. Everything else I did and did everything failed.


I have to say this scanner is so good I might buy a legal copy for my self..

good night and thanks for your help

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to capture some tips from the preview can help some too.


If anyone could educate the money management software EA for forex mastery will be helpful. This is original link that need user to login upon installation in order to work.


with software: http://www.ouforextrader.com/FRS/OU_ForexTrader_Setup.exe

Edited by chrisyeap
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Thanks good stuff problem is it cannot be accessed you need a members login.

Thanks anyhow

I have a guy looking at the network traffic we get once someone installs this in a Mt4




  chrisyeap said:
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1)Forex Mastery Risk Calculator link below:


http://www.ouforexmastery.com/members/files/Forex%20Mastery%20Trade%20Sizing%20Risk%20Calculat or.xls


2)Calculating Stop Loss Take Profit:




3)Configuring the Alert:


http://ouforexmastery.com/members/files/Configuring%20the%20Market%20Scanner%2020091117.pd f



  patheway said:
Thanks good stuff problem is it cannot be accessed you need a members login.

Thanks anyhow

I have a guy looking at the network traffic we get once someone installs this in a Mt4




If interested, here is the docs listed above for the FIRST Forex Mastery. I don't know what maybe different in the Second FM docs.


Thanks is appreciated.





Edited by FXClarence
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patheway: mine still works fine. There is no DLL in this version, so the EA does not communicate to any of OA's servers. Sounds like you have mixed up the versions somehow... or something.


andre.adamov / patheway: make sure your turn EA's on (Expert Advisor button).


patheway: when your slingshot indicator (stochastics) shades red or green, you will also see the arrows on your price chart which coincides with the indicator. That means there is a setup in progress.


I have been trading forex for over 7 years. I understand this strategy. If you don't understand how or why this works, don't trade it with real money. I understand it because I've "been around the block" several times. I've seen hundreds of strategies. 90% of all strategies are re-hashes of other known strategies. This is no different. This has just been packaged with a great scanner & video training. Is this worth the money? I don't know. If you can afford it, buy it. The training is where you will learn all about FM 2.0.


Judging from some of the comments on this board, there are several trading "newbies" here. This is not a beginner strategy. I cannot train you via this forum of the ins-and-outs of this strategy. This forum is not how you gain experience trading forex. Trading forex is how you gain experience. Demo accounts do nothing for you once you know the mechanics of trading. Put some "skin" in the game and you get real-life experience in dealing with your emotions. That is the only way to win.

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Hi Crodzilla,


understood but knowing how PA works without knowing the exact meaning of the indicators will not help you here.

This is not a hard system at all to use but it does take time to know it and know it well.

this is a variation of a price momentum system which is talked about in FF using several Stoch indicators set to 16,3,3

And possibility but I am not sure of this that the SR numbers are really numbers from Murray Math not this Joe guy..

I had winners all week but one nice losers which was my own fault.


I sent you a PM. It's my wish to get a few good traders together and set up a trading room using this system. We would be successful.


As fr as the scanner goes I have no idea it has nothing at all to do with having the EA turned on my god this is not my first rodeo. Like I said I tried everything and the only way I could get the scanner to work again was to download a fresh MT4 and a fresh set of software and install. Nothing else worked, using a fresh set of software in the existing MT4 did not work.

If someone can fine what this bug is and why it's getting exploited it would help a lot.

For now I advise people that are trading this system live like I have all week to make some back ups, download 3 or 4 MT4 and the fresh software for each one install and just leave them on your desktop to use..


Thanks for your input have a good weekend

Edited by patheway
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hy guys!


crodzilla / samk090905 : thanks the quick answer, but it was enabled already, So I did the same thing like pahteway, removed all of components of MT4 and installed it again. The failure messeage disappeard, but the scanner still does not work. I can see: OU Forex Mastery Market Scanner loading, but does not happen anything. I am paitent, I waited almost 3 hours, it does not helped too. All of others templates and indicators work. I tried with and without DLL, and live traiding, and ewery way?

Who has a well working scanner, can share wiht us the template again?

And if it still not help the next step: I'll reinstall my all of computer. I want this system, but unfortunetly I can't afford it.


To others: I dont have this Thanks button too..




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