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This is from the same guy as genius EA, and it looks like it is genius with another name and exactly same price. Search for genius and you will find all info about it. It works, but only on DEMO! Ask him for live accounts statements and for his setups and I'm sure he will not give it to you. Not sure if now, but before you would buy his EA and he would not give you the setup broker names and he would say something that it is for you to find out best combination. Also, I tried to check trades history from fxbook site and it is "private" so withdrawal might not be real. Live it will either take no trades or drain your account fast, and if you do find that working combination usually it is short lived (that is if you ever find it).
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  litxus82 said:
This is from the same guy as genius EA, and it looks like it is genius with another name and exactly same price. Search for genius and you will find all info about it. It works, but only on DEMO! Ask him for live accounts statements and for his setups and I'm sure he will not give it to you. Not sure if now, but before you would buy his EA and he would not give you the setup broker names and he would say something that it is for you to find out best combination. Also, I tried to check trades history from fxbook site and it is "private" so withdrawal might not be real. Live it will either take no trades or drain your account fast, and if you do find that working combination usually it is short lived (that is if you ever find it).


If this is true than myfxbook got hacked.. u can't withdraw money from a demo account LOL otherwise we all would be fantastrillionairs since long time

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I doubt that this EA will be shared.


Unless some poor guy got burned buying it for $2000 and want to get back at the developer for getting scammed. Ouch!!


Read the forum posts and it does not give out any conclusion.


However, having said that. I have not looked at their live account.

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Everyone, this looks exactly like genius and probably is. If you believe in it so much pro why not email the seller and ask him all the questions. Hey if it is so good when 2k is a complete bargain. The genius worked exactly same way with master and slave brokers but you could never find a working combination. Here is the answer in his FAQ for recommended brokers:


How can I find the right brokers?


There are over 250 brokers worldwide with MT4 platform. Most of them you can fine here: www.mt4brokersreview.com. You can find there lots of information about the spreads, dealing desk, etc.


Now, you need 2 broker combination and he will not give it to you, so do the math how many combinations can you have with 250 brokers? Don't forget combinations will have to be tested live as demo feed and execution is not the same in most cases.

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  litxus82 said:
so do the math how many combinations can you have with 250 brokers? Don't forget combinations will have to be tested live as demo feed and execution is not the same in most cases.


with 250 brokers as slave or master, in all combinations about a quater of a million.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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  • 2 weeks later...
  san2x said:
my friend bought this..




can anyone tell me how to use it?

its very complicated..even my friend don not know how to use it


the seller sent the whole metatrader programs


please someone help


No program here at all ony Doc files for such a large download.

If you want help then include the program as well, not just the documentation





Sorry my error, hidden fiies, go figure, why Dominic hides everything is beyond me. Will look and see what is there.

Edited by Pheniox
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The master is in the folder FxRobot\MT4 Files\Never Open\ODL Metatrader\experts\master.ex4. It does not need to be educated.


The slave is in the folder FxRobot\MT4 Files\Never Open\expertss\slave.ex4. Needes educating as he said its been coded to trade the buyers account.


I think this system is still FXrobot renamed but lets try. Only works on Eur/usd and Gbp/usd for bokers that offer 1-2 pips spread.


Question is How many genuine brokers offer 1 -2 pips spread and allow scalping at the same time.


If these can be resolved maybe, it can work out.

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Pls try again with this new link (hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?d11jxnhiy50)...... I uploaded the whole program as well..... Coz my one is working here.....


** If u see that the Experts tabs (Slave) that shown "Market Analysis in Progress".... means that it is working..... Jz wait for it to trade and test with other brokers.....

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