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MetaTrader to Dynamic Trader


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Here is an indicator that generate real time data (every 1 minute) for Dynamic trader. You need to paste it in

your metatrader foder/expert/indicator

Then go to metatrader, attach the indicator to chart (on propoertise you can se;ect each time frame you want).

Go to DT and make a new portfolio. brows the generated files on

your metatrader foder/expert/files

Then you have the real time data (updated every minuet) in DT. It uses little resourses of your computer.

here is the link


I have been using it for some weeks and it has no problem.

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Re: MetaTrader to Dynamic Trader


  Dave78 said:
I assume that you haven't pressed the red button on the up-left corner of the chart? Is that right?


I guess you're right... now its update thanks...

then i will try to figure the feature of VT that maybe can help me in trading....

any manual of VT or maybe how to start ?

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turtle you should edit the ascii definition while in the prn files folder. when saved it stills shows the cannot save message but a txtinfo.inf file should be created on that folder, thats the one you paste into the main dt folder.


also, im using windows 7 so far no problems.

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well the file im talking about its generally on the root directory of dynamic trader, also im not really sure if you can have various ascii configurations for multiple type of charts, i only have one


Anyways heres a link for the file its just a simple txt file so you can check its structure or just paste it in the root and try out




hope it helps

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