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Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro vols 1~4


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Hi Gang :)


This title is one of my favorites because Mark Cook other than being one of the market wizards profiled by Jack Schwager in his market wizards book is a very down to earth and humble guy. Well he's a simple farmer from Ohio. So much so that he usually comes to trading events and seminars in overhauls and publically says he's a slow learner. He talks kinda in a childish accent and has said many times how he got his start by selling his cow in some farm show or something. His basic message is if someone like him who is just another regular guy can beat ivy leaguers on wall street from his farm in Ohio so can you. He's done it all from winning trading championships to managing money and he's been a huge inspiration at least for me. Its a great video for those who are or want to trade full time.


So here we go ...


Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 1)





From INOTV, further info here ------>




File here ----->





Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 2)




From INOTV, further info here ------>




File here ----->





Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 3)




From INOTV, further info here ------>




File here ----->





Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 4)




From INOTV, further info here ------>




File here ----->






Hope you like it as much as I do friends. :)


Kudos always welcome ....


Lets run with the bulls guys



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Re: Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro vols 1~4


Can you save these videos? Because I play the with real player and I can't save them. Maybe there is another way to play them?





you can dl the files by jz copy the full address given and paste it into your Internet browser "address bar" then press Enter and the download window will pop up for you. remember to change the word "hxxp" to "http" and "mov*ies" to "movies"


Hope this help.





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