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[ REQ ] The@ilBiz EA

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Re: [ REQ ] The@ilBiz EA


I actually used the subscription version live for two months back in the late-Summer/early-Autumn timeframe and it was uncanny how the losses mounted. The EAs logic seemed true to the original Campbell methodolgy, but the character of the market changed. Campbell himself has changed the timeframe and trading hours he is focusing on using these tools multiple times now. IF you are going to run with this, it is imperative to check the@ilBiz website every day around the London open in order to see if JC has changed any parameters.


My advice to you is simple: Don't bother with this one. Your time is better spent on other EAs available in this forum.

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Re: [ REQ ] The@ilBiz EA


ea link is on the first post. needs education though.


here's the two together - still needs education though:


"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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