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FX Genius Robot Discussion


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first of all i'm very happy to part of this great community. i also would like if there is anyone here can help to find this expert, the author say that he start trading with just $100 and its now more than $60000. he says he use live account

here is the link,


can anyone help please :-bd

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Re: FXgenuis robot


from another forum (so dont know if it is true or not)


Prime4X is just as much of a bucket shop as Global Clearing Group. There are plenty of stories about them if you take the time to look. As far as the Japanese broker, I have no knowledge of them.


The EA tries to perform Broker Arbitrage by make scalping trades (2 pips within 30 seconds or less) on one broker based on a reference price feed from a second broker. It is not arbitrage between broker prices, rather it hopes that:


1. The broker you use for trading has a slower feed than the other broker.


2. The slower broker prices will match the direction and distance as the primary broker.


3. The spread is low enough to allow a profit.


4. You will not get requoted.


Nice theory but it is of limited practical usefulness. Most definitely not worth $2,000! BTW, if you want to spend $2,000 on an EA send it to me and I will send one that has been earning 5% or more per week fro some time. Just ask Kenny!


Kenny - This was the EA I mentioned in my email. - Dave

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  Stormin_Norman said:
from another forum (so dont know if it is true or not)


It is not arbitrage between broker prices, rather it hopes that:


1. The broker you use for trading has a slower feed than the other broker.


2. The slower broker prices will match the direction and distance as the primary broker.


I think its true, look what I found - http://i36.tinypic.com/21kgx0x.jpg

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  thesecret said:

Thats not cheating I think...Its getting advantage of unfiltered data


Still, brokers WILL warn you & eventually close your account if you do it. If you read the agreements closer, all the brokers' agreements have provisions against arbitrage, internet latency and "pip hunting".

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Re: FXgenuis robot


STP brokers still have arbitrage clause in the sign-up agreement.. Jadefx.. FXCM..


Pure ECN broker has level II datafeed where u get to see 5 level ask/bid price volume.. this is (unfortunately) not a feature possible under MT4.


I have not tested before pure ECN.. as it has high requirements to use a pure ECN broker (10k deposit, commission, monthly minimum lot etc.)


Any one come across less requirements ECN brokers? ;)

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Re: FXgenuis robot



Best ECN, FXCM active trader, raw datafeed, with 0.35 to max 0.5 pips commission depends on monthly valum, on Metatrader 4 platform by special request. but minimum deposite 25 K usd and minimum lot size 1 lot.


lower requirement of ecn, MBTrading.com, minimum deposite 400 USD, 0.01 lot base, they start to accept live beta account since june 2009, but you have to write to them on special request.


lowest requirement of ECN, broco investor, no requirement for minimum deposite, minimum lot base 0.1 lot.

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  rdlrn19 said:




Thanks for your post, but I don't think this is the right copy.


It is so different since the original website shows the properties that we can change.


Please make sure again if possible.


Best of luck.

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Re: FXgenuis robot




The problem is that this EA one of the most expensive EAs, and it is really risky to buy it for some reasons.


First, if the EA turned out not to make as much profit as mentioned in the website, then it is a waste. However, if it turned to be a real deal, then there is nothing to loss.


Second, if someone buys this EA, it would be kind of impossible to share it if it is very profitable.


I hope it is not going to be the same as ISEA EA that made a lot of effort to the waste.


Best of luck.

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Re: FXgenuis robot


  zoom2009 said:
Please share


Great ea



I have logged into all his accounts,

looked over everything and have slaved one account to one of mine and it does trade and does it very fast not to mention I made a few pips in the experiment.


Ea is not a smart ea just faster than you and me.


Not to be secretive here but there is no way I am going to post here how it is done. Smart to say the least but as soon as the rest of the world knows his secret then we are opening he door or rather closing the door to what really makes me feel foolish for never seeing it myself.

If I can not program this myself then surely I will find the funds to get it.

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  Pheniox said:
Please share





I have logged into all his accounts,

looked over everything and have slaved one account to one of mine and it does trade and does it very fast not to mention I made a few pips in the experiment.


Ea is not a smart ea just faster than you and me.


Not to be secretive here but there is no way I am going to post here how it is done. Smart to say the least but as soon as the rest of the world knows his secret then we are opening he door or rather closing the door to what really makes me feel foolish for never seeing it myself.

If I can not program this myself then surely I will find the funds to get it.






only problem it will NOT work on ecn as the price movements are way to quick, and see those dodgy market maker brokers used, they are only demo accounts, live, they will shut your scalper account down no questions asked.


looks nice in demo land only, why do you think he is selling it if it make that money live?

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  Pheniox said:

I have logged into all his accounts,

looked over everything and have slaved one account to one of mine and it does trade and does it very fast not to mention I made a few pips in the experiment.


I'm assuming that it's just an aggressive scalper with tiny TP that doesn't miss (and if it does, then the losses are minimal)

I know that in theory, if you make a lot of trades with low TP and have decent signals that get these trades going in the right direction, with the correct exit signals early enough in case of counter trend - you can effectively grail a small amount of money relatively quickly.


How did you slave the account to one of yours? I don't understand this bit.

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  Rio said:

I'm assuming that it's just an aggressive scalper with tiny TP that doesn't miss (and if it does, then the losses are minimal)

I know that in theory, if you make a lot of trades with low TP and have decent signals that get these trades going in the right direction, with the correct exit signals early enough in case of counter trend - you can effectively grail a small amount of money relatively quickly.


How did you slave the account to one of yours? I don't understand this bit.



On his site... he lists all the account numbers, passwords, and IP addresses... you just open your MT and login using the account information he provided... sometimes its very slow loading though!

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Re: FXgenuis robot


Well, now it seems a little more obvious, and it is how I thought it was. It's an aggressive scalper.


The broker has 1 pip spreads on the EURUSD and GBPUSD for starters. SL is 6 pips, and the take profit is left open, but the actual TP seems fairly flexible from 1 pip to about 6 (possibly a TP and SL of 5, but taking spread into account). The EA sits on the M1 time frame (judging from the webpage)


It takes either two or three trades at a time... BUT it is not indiscriminate about it. I just can't tell what the entry and exit strategy is.....yet... but whatever it is, it's deadly accurate. The SL RARELY gets hit (must just exist in case the platform goes down, similar to the TP being left open... in case you come back to find that while your platform was down, the pair moved 100 pips in your favour!), and the TP and SL is actually dynamic. When it does lose, it either breaks even or takes 1 pip loss.


It does open and close trades very quickly however. Trades are over in 30 seconds, and if they are not - they get closed automatically it seems. I assume that after the initila 30 seconds it attempts to either break even or take a 1 pip loss. There is the rare occurence of the trade actually hitting SL within 1 minute's time however.


The real the intelligence behind it.... it that it is just FASTER than any human could be when trading the M1!

I just can't spot WHY it chooses certain entry points and exit points yet.... but knowing this is key to the whole gameplan. It must anticipate small moves with a high degree of accuracy, and monitor the trade dynamically in the small space of time that it trades.... and this is incredibly accurate. It is then just either 1 or 2 pips, but sometimes a lot.


I'm certain that the EA is simple and maybe one or two indicators are directing it - but the author says that he doesn't use indicators.....

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Re: FXgenuis robot


First I check out the real account, so I download the terminal metatrader here



login with investor account and pass

account ID: 210120001

investor password: 655bvp



Then I see first the EA had its honeymoon, and after one month and half, on the 3009-03-10, the broker noticed this EA and account, and it start to get slippage and loss very heavily. The the account owner decided to close account.


This is normally what happen with market maker. The trader is lucky if he is able to withdraw money. Mostly he is like to get just initial funds and the broker claim what the trader did is not within the trade contract.


If he is able to make profits on ATCbrokers.com or Broco investor ECN account, then the EA is usable. otherwise, it is not usefule.

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  finimej said:
it is using buy stop and sell stop, mostly look like this is very similar to the Holy grail ISEA type.

Remember how the ISEA is wind down? This EA will have the same fade.


There is no doubt about that, the first time I saw the website and I look into the result to detail i discovered that the EA has thesame operation mode like ISEA and as a result of that no reasonable broker will allow this EA to operate succesfully on their broker, well my advice for anybody running this EA is to be withdrawing as fast as possible.

Happy pipspy

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Re: FXgenuis robot


  finimej said:
it is using buy stop and sell stop, mostly look like this is very similar to the Holy grail ISEA type.

Remember how the ISEA is wind down? This EA will have the same fade.



The maker gave a BIG clue away in his webpage documentation. If it is not using indicators, I think it must be using simple price action of a number of pips to generate momentum into starting up a trade.


Here's the hint from the documentation:-

The safety margin can have values from 0 up, even 10 or more, but in normal conditions 3 to 5 would be considered very high. Over than almost no trades can be open, maybe only during Economic news release time


So in effect it must detect the movement of pips and react to it in an incredibly quick fashion. (otherwise how else can it detect a news trade?)... and the best way to do this is with a buy/sell stop.


I now guess that it trails back a number of candles and detects when the high-low has gone quiet, leading to a potential breakout opportunity, and sets up a buy and sell stop on either side. Should either the sell or buy stop get cleared on the breakout, the other stop gets erased, and the EA closes the breakout trade very quickly within 30 seconds.


Yep. That easy methinks.

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