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Posts posted by mynameisandhy

  1. Weakened Oil Market Data Release Approaching Baker Hughes


    Friday, June 12th, 2015


    The exchange value of the dollar turned lower after US economic data was not able to give a boost to strengthen oil prices. Crude oil is denominated in US Dollar will typically get a boost in the strengthening of the exchange rate decline in the Greenback. Dollar exchange rate lower would make crude cheaper for holders of other currencies.


    Crude oil markets worried about a potential flood of global crude oil supplies were already abundant. Saudi Arabia to discuss will provide additional supplies of crude oil with its Indian consumers and this means that exporters of the Middle East will add a record production in the month of May to reach 10.3 million barrels per day. Replenishment of inventory in the market has reached a saturation point may depress the price of crude oil is now only 45% of the highest price achieved a year ago.


    Investors are increasingly nervous about approaching the release of the data the US drilling activity of the company Baker Hughes. Data weekly number of active rigs in the US is expected to provide clues amount of crude inventories further. Now the number of active rigs in the US are in the lows level since August 2016 and up to the last week the number of active rigs declined for 26 consecutive weeks.


    Until at 22:42 pm, the price of crude oil was at $ 59.91 a barrel approaching daily lows $ 59.71, with daily highs $ 60.60

  2. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    Euro Zone Industrial Production Sectors Rise Only Thin

    Friday, June 12th, 2015


    The level of industrial production in the euro zone rose only slightly in April, an indication that the weakening euro is still not give rise significantly boost for exporters and an indication that the euro zone economic recovery is still slow. The EU statistics agency on Friday said that the level of production by factories, mines and utilities rose 0.1% than in March, and rose as much as 0.8% compared to the same month last year. The performance indicated that the depreciation of the euro since May 2014 are still not change the fate of the exporters, which dominated much of the manufacturing sector.


    Data released this week showed pelamahan euro does not seem to encourage economic growth in the first quarter, as the level of imports grew much faster than the export sector. Euro zone economy grew at a rate fixed at 0.4% in the first quarter of this year, and the survey indicates that the rate of growth has been slow in the second quarter. Last week, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said the number of lost momentum in recent months as the level of demand for exports from the euro zone proved weaker than expected central bank.

  3. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    McCafferty Signaled BOE rate hike is Nigh

    Friday, June 12th, 2015


    Economic data in the coming months will play an important role in determining when the Bank of England will start to raise interest rates, according to members of the Monetary Policy Committee, Ian McCafferty in a speech released on Friday. McCafferty said the time for the central bank to start raising interest rates from a record low of 0.5% is already approaching. He said that the timing of the first rate hike will depend very much by the time the signal is on economic data in the coming months.


    Ian McCafferty, one of nine policy board members BOE Monetary Policy Committee, said that the low level of UK inflation is now unlikely to survive. Consumer inflation rate fell as much as 0.1% until April this year, the first annual decline in more than 50 years. McCafferty said the impact of the factors that suppress inflation, including a decrease in oil and food prices as well as the strengthening of the pound, is likely to fade until next year. Recent projections from the BOE showed the annual inflation rate will rise to around 1.7% by the end of next year, only slightly below the BOE target of 2%. McCafferty said that at this time we are now approaching the time at which monetary policy should begin its journey back to normal.

  4. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    Changed Data calculation, UK GDP Revised Up

    Friday, June 12th, 2015


    British economic growth was stronger than previously estimated in the last year and and early 2015, the British statistical office menrut as announced revision of how to measure the construction sector. Gross domestic product will grow by 3.1% in 2014, up from previous results at 2.8%, according to the revision that was announced Friday by the Office for National Statistics. The ONS said that it has changed the way the calculation of price changes on the sector konstrksi and methods for seasonal adjustments to the data.


    Output of the construction sector in the first quarter of this year was revised to show a decline of 0.2%, a drop lower than previously reported at 1.1% for the first quarter. In April, the construction sector output fell as much as 0.8% from March, when printing an increase of 1.4%. Compared with last year, the construction sector output rose 1.5%, slowing from a rise of 5.0% in March.

  5. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    Germany Braces For Greek Default

    Friday, June 12th, 2015


    Austerity Greece rejected the proposal creditor Germany is now beginning to consider the chances of a Greek bankruptcy, based on the news that Germans Bild newspaper citing sources close to the German government. Advisers of Prime Minister Germans now discuss the steps that need to be done in the face of a Greek bankruptcy, including capital controls the Greek banking clients and trimming debt. German PM Angela Merkel even under pressure from the Christian Democratic party to refuse to provide further aid to the Greek.


    Greece's international creditors patience dwindling. Media Bild also reported talks leaders of Germany, France, and Greece ended with Greece refused prospoal such as value added tax. Greece's stubbornness made President of European Council, Donald Tusk, asked the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras stopped maneuvering and give firmness is willing to accept the terms of the bailout. Tusk abandon its neutral position as an intermediary for the European Union and signaling the lenders will give an ultimatum in Athens. This can increase the chances of a Greek bankruptcy which may eventually make Athens out of the single currency bloc and potentially shake the stability of the Euro

  6. IEA: Global Oil Demand Will Increase in 2015


    Thursday, June 11, 2015


    Global oil demand for 2015 will be higher than previously forecast as economic growth, weather conditions colder winter in many major consuming countries and oil prices lower encourage consumption in the first half of this year, according to the International Energy Agency on Thursday ,


    In its monthly oil market report, the IEA estimates that global demand will increase by 1.4 million barrels per day to an average of 94 million barrels per day for this year. The figure of 300,000 barrels per day higher than last month's projection.


    But global demand, which increased by about 1.6 million barrels per day from a year earlier in the first half of 2015, it is predicted will only grow by 1.2 million barrels per day in the 2nd half of this year. IEA also claims that demand growth may not have been sufficiently offset the inventory continues to rise.

  7. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    Home Sales in China Up 5.1% In January to May 2015

    Thursday, June 11, 2015


    Home sales in China in the period of the last five months of this year rose by 5.1% at an annual rate, a reversal from the 2.2% decline recorded in the first four months due to the low cost of borrowing and loose mortgage requirements that trigger home buyers back into the market.


    According to a report from China's statistics bureau on Thursday showed that home sales in the period from January to May totaled 2:07 trillion yuan ($ 333 billion). For in the month of May alone, home sales rose 30% from a year ago, was shown in the calculation of The Wall Street Journal.


    Last month, the central bank benchmark interest uku trim for the third time in six months, helped trigger demand for demand in major cities of China. Central and local governments also launched measures more accommodating to boost home sales.


    In addition, the value of property investments rose 5.1% to 3:23 trillion yuan in the first five months of this year, down moderately from 6.0% growth in the first four-month period. Investment property includes land purchase and other investments of developers.

  8. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    Selling Shares of Royal Mail, the UK Government Raup 750 Million Pounds

    Thursday, June 11, 2015


    Britain has amassed worth 750 million pounds by selling half of his 30% stake in Royal Mail, said in a statement Thursday, adding that the government says there is no reason to keep stock on the postal service which is fully owned by the government until 2013 and then it was. Sale of shares in the first phase of the postal service operator 500-year-old two years ago drew criticism from opposition politicians and trade unions who say the company sold too cheaply after its shares surged as much as 87%. Sold in 2013 at a price of 330 pence in one of Britain's biggest privatization for decades, the government release 15% of its shares on Wednesday at a price of 500 pence.


    The stock sales pushed the share price of Royal Mail to open lower 3.8%, at the level of 497 pence on Thursday. Business Secretariat Sajid Javid said sales showed good value for taxpayers. Royal Mail has shown that he can survive in the private sector, and currently has the ability to access the funds needed to ensure the future of prolonged and can adapt to changes in the postal services market. The government has no more reason to maintain its stake in Royal Mail, he added.

  9. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    Bailout Negotiations Slow, ECB Throw 'The ball Heat' to Greece

    Thursday, June 11, 2015


    European Central Bank (ECB) pushed the Greek government to immediately sign a bailout deal proposed by the creditors. In an occasion today, the ECB's policy council member Jens Weidmann, asserted that the longer the resolution is not reached, the greater the risk faced by the Greek economy and its own citizens.


    As quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Weidmann said it has demonstrated its determination to help Greece improve government management through good financial governance. European countries have also been kind enough to raise funds to protect the country from bankruptcy. "But when the more urgent, and the risk is also growing every day," said Weidmann. His comments were in line with other central bank officials said in recent times.


    One of the ECB's top officials also cited the effects of the Greek crisis could have been handled better than the similar problems experienced by the previous states. But again, the situation could deteriorate if the parties are not seriously looking for a solution Athens crisis. "In the end the most disadvantaged is Greece and its citizens," said Weidmann.

  10. News and Review of European Economic Zone (France)


    Recent French CPI figures released Higher Compared to April data

    Thursday, June 11, 2015


    The French economy began to move faster in the second quarter of 2015. This is implied from the results of the data prices at the consumer level in May, the increase is greater than the period of April.


    French consumer prices accelerated thanks to rising food prices and service businesses in the tourism sector ahead of the summer. According to the statistics institute Insee, the consumer price index in May rose 0.2% compared to the previous month calculation period. April consumer prices rise only 0.1% per month. Meanwhile, if compared with May last year, the price increase reached 0.3%.


    HICP figures, resulting from the harmonization of consumer price changes per year, an increase of 0.3% compared to 2014. The percentage that was higher than the increase in HICP April that only 0.1%

  11. Crude Oil Markets Optimistic Before EIA Data


    Wednesday, June 10, 2015


    The crude oil market back optimistic after reports a sharp drop in US crude inventories and a positive response to the belief giant oil cartel would supply floods recede in some quarters. Furthermore, investors are awaiting confirmation of a decrease in crude oil inventories in the US from a government agency, the Energy Information Administration (EIA).


    Association of the largest oil and natural gas the US, the American Petroleum Institute (API) reported a decline in US crude inventories by 6.7 million barrels to 473.1 million barrels last week. This number is much larger than analyst expectations for a 1.72 million barrel reduction. Investors are now preparing for the official data from the EIA which is also expected to report a drop of oil to then be able to give further impetus to the strengthening crude oil prices.


    Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) publishes its monthly report on Wednesday (10/6). OPEC is optimistic demand will grow as lower global crude oil prices. OPEC also assess the country's production of non-OPEC countries only around one third of production growth in the past year as the impact of high operational costs are not balanced by lower selling prices.

  12. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (Japan)


    Sato BOJ warns QQE Side Effects

    Wednesday, June 10, 2015


    Bank policy board member Takehiro Sato of Japan on Wednesday warned about the reduced positive impacts and potential disadvantages of maintaining a massive stimulus program the central bank for too long, such as delaying the government's efforts to improve Japan's financial sector. Steady progress in restoring Japan's fiscal health is crucial to the success of quantitative and qualitative easing (QQE) of the BOJ, including the withdrawal of its asset purchase program in large numbers smoothly, said Sato. He also said that when market participants have been worried about Japan's fiscal discipline, to control long-term interest rates will become increasingly difficult for the BOJ.


    Carry the largest public debt in the industrialized world and defer sales tax increase last year, the government will design the fiscal plan this month to reach its ambitious targets to bring the primary budget into surplus through fiscal year 2020. Sato acknowledges that the bond purchase program by the BOJ to have an impact on the fiscal plan da government warned of the potential loss of QQE, among others, the bond market liquidity drain. He said that the BOJ may be facing difficulties to buy government bonds in line with the current rate of financial institutions running out of bonds to be sold to the central bank

  13. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    Raise NIESR GDP Estimate rate UK

    Wednesday, June 10, 2015


    UK economic growth accelerated in the period of 3 months until May, recovering from weakness in the first quarter, according to projections at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research on Wednesday. NIESR estimated gross domestic product in the three months to May rose by 0.6% from the previous three months, the fastest growth rate since January and rose by 0.5% in the three months to April. Such estimates in accordance with the recovery of economic growth in the second quarter of this year, according to NIESR.


    The UK economy grew only by 0.3% in the first quarter of 2015, down sharply from 2014 when the printing annual growth rate of 2.8%, the highest level in eight years and the fastest pace among developed countries. NIESR expects the UK economy to grow by 2.5% this year, slightly above the long term average. Data earlier today showed UK industrial output print higher than expected rise in April as rising oil and gas production.

  14. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany)


    Yield Bond Germany Touch Level 1%

    Wednesday, June 10, 2015


    German bond yields touched the 1% level for the first time since September on Wednesday as rising long-term inflation expectations, although the movement up and down past the fixed-income market makes the stock market remained flat. Greek debt drama has also become the focus of investors, with a planned meeting between the leaders of Germany, France and Greece on Wednesday, will undoubtedly produce an agreement after European Union officials said the reform proposals of Athens are still insufficient in order for the lender to disburse aid and prevent a default.


    Fluctuations in the bond market has made investors anxious in the current European Central Bank is trying to revive the economy and the euro zone as market expectations that the Federal Reserve will take a different path and raise interest rates before the end of this year. The dollar index fell this week, hitting a 3-week low, with analysts saying that terjado debate at the G7 meeting related to the pace of the strengthening of the dollar as the US prepares to put an end to monetary easing. Trader mengatakaan investors have trimmed their positions amid volatility and said the selloff in the bond market will continue.

  15. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    Oil and gas sector Increasing of British Industry Output

    Wednesday, June 10, 2015


    UK industrial output was much higher than expected in April due to the increase in oil and gas production, but pressured by a weakening manufacturing sector in the field of pharmacy, according to government data on Wednesday. Industrial output grew by 0.4%, above the average forecast of economists for a gain of 0.1%, and following an increase of 0.6% in March, according to the Office for National Statistics. The increase will reinforce expectations that the pace of the UK economy will grow faster in the second quarter. However, the output for the manufacturing sector fell as much as 0.4%, depressed by a decrease of 6% in the pharmaceutical sector, which is a correction to the sharp rise in the sector in March.


    Business surveys and data recently showed the pace of economic recovery will be accelerated in the second quarter after the slowdown at the beginning of the year. Data released on Tuesday showed Britain's trade deficit mennyempit more than expected in April, adding to expectations of a rapid rate of growth in the second quarter. ONS revised upwards its estimate of industrial output in the first quarter to 0.2% from 0.1%. However, the ONS said this did not have a significant impact on the estimate of GDP for the second quarter. Oil and gas extraction naiks ebanyak 8.7% in April, the highest rate of increase since February 2014, as the re-operation of the installation in the North Sea.

  16. China Reduce Imports, Oil Weakens


    Tuesday, June 9th, 2015


    WTI crude oil fell about 2% on Monday weighed a drop in demand from China, and concerns about OPEC's decision maintains the amount of production may extend the period of excess supply of oil. Nevertheless, the weakening dollar is able to limit the decline.


    China which is the largest oil importer in the world, reduced by a quarter the number of imports in May from April. OPEC on Friday said it will maintain production of 30 million barrels per day. In fact, the members of OPEC oil production exceeds demand, thereby increasing the excess global oil supplies.


    Meanwhile Morgan Stanley noted, focused attention on how quickly Iran into the oil market when the trade embargo lifted if the Tehran government is able to fulfill an agreement with the West on the nuclear issue.


    WTI crude oil trading on Monday closed at $ 58.26 per barrel, with daily highs and lows $ 59.13 $ 57.86

  17. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    China Wants Veto in AIIB

    Tuesday, June 9th, 2015


    China's move to form a savings and loan institutions Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) welcomed by other countries. Seeing the positive response, the Chinese government wants to further establish itself as the founder AIIB with veto power.


    According to the Wall Street Journal today, China will make the structure of the board of directors in AIIB so very simple. The aim is to give veto option for government in making decisions that are considered large. The mechanism, China will have the largest stake in AIIB and their representatives have the right to veto in key policies.


    In accordance with the guidelines agreed by 57 countries last month founders, board of directors AIIB will oversee the operations of the institution without being paid, or different from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. Headquarters will be based in Beijing with English as an official language in any communication. AIIB more flexible open filing of a development project to anyone, not like the ADB, which only gives kotrak projects to member states.

  18. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    British trade deficit narrows in April

    Tuesday, June 9th, 2015


    UK trade deficit narrowed more than expected in April, indicating that the trade sector will probably not hamper the pace of growth in the second quarter, according to data on Tuesday. Office for National Statistics said Britain's trade deficit narrowed to 1.202 billion pounds in April from a revised rose to 3,093 billion pounds in March, the lowest level since March 2014. The trade deficit narrowed to 8,561 goods himself billion pounds of 10 705 billion pounds, which is also the the lowest level since March last year, compared with economists' estimates for a drop menajdi 9.9 billion pounds. UK trade deficit reduces the growth rate of the first quarter of this year amounted to 0.9%, contributing to the expansion rate of gross domestic product as a whole is only 0.3%.


    Tuesday's data was revised down from the first quarter trade deficit of as much as 219 million pounds, while the trade deficit for the third and fourth quarters of 2014 respectively were revised up almost as much as 1 billion pounds. British exporters faced pressure from weak demand from the euro zone, the UK export destination, and the sterling rallied toward its strongest level in trade basis since August 2008. But Tuesday's data gave hope for recovery, with export volume in April alone rose as much as 4.8 %, the sharpest rise since September 2014. The UK trade sector volatile data for a monthly rate, and the ONS said that in the three months to April, export levels flat after growing by 0.3% in the first quarter, while the level of imports rose 2.1%, the same as in the three months to March.

  19. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Greece)


    Greece Optimistic Reached Agreement, Crop Reluctant Retirement

    Tuesday, June 9th, 2015


    Greece may reach an agreement with its international creditors if they stop asking that include trimming pensions, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in an interview with Italian daily Corriere della Sera on Tuesday. Shows a quieter tone of Athens in recent days, he said the two sides can compromise on the key points agreement, including the amount of the primary budget surplus. But he did not show the signal will accept requests creditors to cut pensions or other social expenditures, repeated comments in recent days.


    Tsipras said that he thinks Greece is very close to an agreement on the budget surplus promer for several years, but it only takes a positive attitude towards alternative proposals for pension cuts and the imposition of recessionary policies. Comments were released as the creditors of Greece, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Central Bank officials, warned that time is running out. Tsipras will meet with Merkel and French President Francois Hollande on Wednesday to try to break the deadlock that has raised concerns that Greece may be forced to exit from the eurozone, with consequences that are still unknown to the euro and the global economy.

  20. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    Housing Market Encouraging growth in UK Retail Sales

    Tuesday, June 9th, 2015


    UK retail sales recorded an increase in May, helped by a recovery in the property market, according to a survey released Tuesday. British Retail Consortium report showed the total value of retail sales increased 1.1% after slumping 1.3% in April, when the annual sales hit by Easter shopping time earlier.


    Details BRC report also showed the strongest increase in furniture sales since July last year, reflecting the growth in the UK housing market. While sales of clothing and footwear recorded the biggest drop since September, as the impact of cold weather in the previous month. While food sales reported to be stable after continued to weaken in the last 6 months.


    However, the British consumer spending is predicted to continue to rise in the inflation rate in the range of 0% and the slow recovery of the wages of a period of prolonged weakness

  21. Flooded Negative Sentiment, Oil More Cheap Appreciated


    Monday, June 8, 2015


    Crude oil prices tracked lower on the trading session on Monday. Almost no positive sentiment that supports the movement of the price of 'black gold' over the past few sessions.


    Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as expected did not cut the amount of production in a meeting last Friday. This makes investors have no reason to enter the crude oil into its investment portfolio. The situation got no support price movement after the data import Chinese energy released at low levels. That is, there is no strong indication that the second largest consumer of the world's major oil and gas supply memburuhkan amid slowing economic climate is going through.


    Predicted even more affordable price in the next few weeks because there is a strong signal the achievement of a peace agreement between Iran and the United States about the lifting of the embargo. If the western sanctions actually withdrawn on 31 June, the supply of Iranian oil will return to flood the world energy market so that the number of global supply increases dramatically. Though some major consuming countries do not need a supply of oil in bulk. While the United States is already quite comfortable with shale oil deposits of its gas. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light, sweet crude oil for July delivery was observed at the price of $ 58.56 per barrel, down around $ 0.57 compared to prices in the Globex electronic session.

  22. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    Decline in the value of China's exports in May, Import Value Also Down

    Monday, June 8, 2015


    The value of China's exports fell for the third consecutive month and imports declined for the seventh month, underlining the weakness of external demand and slowing domestic environment.


    Total shipments abroad fell by 2.8% from a year ago in the value of the yuan, reported by the customs in Beijing on Monday. These results are compared with the median estimate for a decline of 4% in a Bloomberg survey of analysts. The value of imports fell by 18.1%, leaving a trade surplus of 366.8 billion yuan ($ 59.1 billion).


    Slowing trade coincided with a decline in investment given the risks to the growth target of Prime Minister Li Keqiang to a target of about 7%. In response, officials have loosened monetary policy and manipulate the swap debt for local governments so that they can still finance infrastructure projects.


    Analysts from one broker in Hong Kong, said before the data was released that support the policy continued to increase during the last month. We expect the authorities will maintain pelonggarannya attitude, with infrastructure and monetary easing at the forefront of their policy efforts.

  23. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (Japan)


    Japan's economy Growing Faster Than Initial Estimate in Q1

    Monday, June 8, 2015


    Japan's economy grew at a faster rate than the initial estimate in the first quarter, the strong rise in business investment and an increase in inventory.


    Japan's gross domestic growth expanded at an annual rate of 3.9%, greater than the initial forecast for a reading of 2.4%, according to revised data from the Cabinet Office. The median estimate of 26 economists surveyed by Bloomberg for a reading of 2.8% increase.


    One economist at NLI Research Insutitute said that the Japanese economy is currently in a recovery path. Bank of Japan should be relieved by this report, because it sinyalkan that they do not need to do more.


    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushed Japan Inc. to cultivate greater than hoard their cash and make money into the economy which is facing a shrinking population and an increase in the amount of debt. Investments remained below 2008 levels, consumer spending is still burdened by a sales tax increase last year and the high inventory risk injuring quarter growth now.

  24. News and Review of European Economic Zone (France)


    Bank of France: Economy Will Grow With More Speed Slow in Q2

    Monday, June 8, 2015


    French economy will continue to show growth in the 2nd quarter, albeit at a slower pace than earlier this year, according to a survey conducted by the Bank of France on Monday.


    2nd largest economy in the Euro bloc is expected to expand 0.3% in the April-June quarter, after surging 0.6% in the first 3 months period of this year, according to the central bank of France referring to the latest business sentiment index.


    For the month of May, reported the French business sentiment index edged up to 99 from 98 in the previous month. In the services sector, the index level of 95 survived in the last month. While the construction sector index rose to 93 from 92 in April.

  25. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany)


    Two Important Data Indicate Economic Supremacy German

    Monday, June 8, 2015


    Two German state of economic data released on Monday positive (08/06). In addition to reporting the results of a slick industrial production, trade balance posture of Europe's largest economy is also getting better.


    German industrial production report exceeded forecasts in April and the trade surplus hit a record high in the same month. Industrial production figures, adjusted for inflation and seasonal factors, increased 0.9% compared to the figure in March 2015 (data Destatis). Increase pass percentage increase expressed by the analysts in the market which amounted to 0.5%.


    While the trade surplus (adjusted) figure rocketed to 22.3 billion euros ($ 24.74 billion) in April, thanks to the increase in the volume of exports to foreign countries. It is the largest number since the data was first released in 1991 ago. The pace of exports jumped 1.9% compared to March and imports actually declined 1.3%. The second report is an important economic indicator for measuring the performance of the industrial sector and the stability of the German import-export.

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