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Posts posted by mynameisandhy

  1. News and European Economic Review (Switzerland)


    Swiss Franc Moves Sideways ahead of EU Summit

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011


    Swiss Franc traded flat against the euro and U.S. dollar weakened slightly compared as investors await EU summit results are combined by the governor as saying SNB Swiss Franc currency is still in the path attenuation.


    SNB governor Philipp Hildebrand said that while the franc is relatively strong but will gradually weaken.


    Another negative catalyst for the Swiss Franc are the expectations that European policy makers in the near future will work out a strategy to bring the euro zone out of the crisis has reduced the appeal of safe-haven franc.

  2. News and Economic Review Europe (UK)


    Pressed Sterling U.S. Dollar Ahead Consumption Sector Data Release

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011


    In trading GBP / USD European session this evening (25-10) Pound Sterling turned lower against dollar tracked the U.S. and in the range of 1.6001.


    As rival the U.S. dollar, pound sterling currency forex investors become less desirable in line with the expectations of an increase in U.S. economic performance.


    The latest information about the CB Consumer Confidence indicators which is scheduled to be released by The Conference Board Inc.. expected to show an increase in the consumption sector performance.


    CB Consumer Confidence Indicator expected to show improved performance and the estimated value rose to 46.1 from 45.4 the previous period. It is sustained early pro USD by investors in forex trading.


    Analyst Research Vibiz of Vibiz Consulting suggests that the Sterling on the currency pair GBP / USD is expected to still be strengthened further, particularly until the data was announced.

  3. News and Economic Review Europe (Italy)


    Coalition partners worry about the Italian Government

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011


    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, is now facing pressure from the European Union which requires Rome to continue the economic reforms at the time of his coalition partners worry about the sustainability of government. EU leaders, led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Berlusconi has demanded to lay out a credible plan to keep the sustainability of economic growth and trimming debt at a meeting Oct. 26.


    However, Italy last cabinet meeting held tough after Berlusconi's coalition partner in the Northern League party refused to raise the retirement age to 67 years. Chairman Northern League, Umberto Bossi, express disagreement can roll the current government and speed up the ongoing elections. "The Italians now face the risk," said Bossi. "The situation is difficult, very dangerous. This is a dramatic moment."


    Meanwhile, the euro weakened on the New York session. EUR / USD is now trading 1.3900, 1.3960 daily stay away from high-level

  4. Barclays Still Confident With Gold


    Monday, October 24, 2011


    Gold prices rose in the London session, supported by the European debt crisis and fears of U.S. monetary policy that will prop demand for gold as an asset protector of wealth. European leaders have decided to not involve the ECB bailout funds for the jack capacity and lay out a plan to help banks. Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, state asset purchase program on a large scale may be needed for exciting the U.S. economy.


    "The interest of investors towards gold has stabilized and physical demand to appear at a lower price level," said Suki Cooper, analyst at Barclays Capital. "We forecast the gold price can still be supported by seasonal demand. We are still positive with gold considering the macro-economic factors are still supportive."


    "The market follow European developments. So far not much meaningful conversation and the market needs to see Europe take action," said David Lennox, an analyst interviewed by Reuters. "I think gold prices will continue to rise." Gold had printed a record $ 1,921 in early September as investors tried to diversify asset holdings and hedging on the threat of inflation.

  5. News and Economic Review Asia (Japan)


    Hopes for debt settlement to lift the Nikkei closing

    Monday, October 24, 2011


    Nikkei stock index rose nearly 2 percent on the session Monday, ignore the strengthening of the yen and the disruption of production due to flood Thailand, after the weekend annunciator progress on the settlement plan debt crisis of Europe.


    EU leaders look even close to the settlement plan debt crisis diwilayahnya, even approaching ksepekatan to recapitulate the banking and use the rescue fund territory.


    The Nikkei ended up 1.9 percent at 8,843.98 level, earned more than twice the 0.8 percent decline in the last week. The broader Topix index rose 1.5 percent to as low as 755.44. Nikkei translucent pergerakn level of resistance at the average in five days, which is currently observed at the 8.744 level. However, short covering stocks hit a bottom of a multi-year in the month is able to lift the benchmark.


    TDK Corp. shares rose 8.3 percent to a level of 2.967, after being dropped to the bottom level in more than 20 years at the beginning of this month on concerns over European debt situation.


    But stocks are in trouble with management Olympus Corp.. levekl down to its lowest in 13 and a half years in just one point. Olympus shares tumbled 10.7 percent ended in 1.099 yen after plummeted by 18 percent to a level of 1.012 yen, its lowest level since March 1998.


    Bridgestone shares rose 4.1 percent to 1.764 yen after the tire manufacturer stated goal to boost operating profit to 10 percent of sales in 2016 up to 2017 from 5.8 percent in 2010/11 in the production of five years.

  6. News and Economic Review Europe (UK)


    England determined to join the eurozone meeting

    Monday, October 24, 2011


    British willingness to participate in the European Union meeting on 26 October triggered a strong reaction from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


    British Prime Minister David Cameron revealed that the meeting should be held two days was not only dihadari 17 euro countries alone, but involves all 27 countries that have dikesatuan Europe.


    Sarkozy sarcastically said that if England want to get involved then it should join the euro zone, based on information sources in Brussels yesterday.


    In a press conference, Mr Cameron said that we all must respect the wishes of some countries who do not want to join the euro zone. He also added that the debt crisis that hit the euro zone requires that all countries in the region to conduct fiscal and economic integration but certainly not at the expense of the British national interest.


    Sarkozy reportedly very angry with British Finance Minister Cameron and George Osborne for having criticized the way the euro zone respond to crises and to teach them how to respond. In the end agreement was reached, the European Union's 27 heads of state invited to attend the meeting on 26 October.


    Cameron also said it would attend the meeting of euro zone ahead of the conference. He said the occasion will be used to finalize decisions related to bank recapitalization and discuss a comprehensive package to create the future of the euro is stronger and safer.


    However, a spokesman for both parties chose silence when asked for confirmation about it.


    EU President Herman Van Rompuy pledged to seek ways to soften the differences between euro countries with countries that are not incorporated therein.

  7. News and European Economic Review (Switzerland)


    Swiss Franc Negative Sentiment Stock Market Urged

    Monday, October 24, 2011


    After a gap opened up in early trading today (24-10) the major stock indexes moved lower tracked Switzerland.


    SWISS MARKET INDEX scrolling value showed a decrease of approximately -0.06% from opening price.


    Analyst Research Vibiz of Vibiz Consulting suggests that the Swiss franc against the U.S. dollar weakened approximately - 26 pips, or about - 0.30% from opening price at the trading in the spot market today.


    Movement of the pair at the time the news was revealed indicate a movement to weaken the Swiss franc around - 59 pips from the range of the strongest on this day.

  8. News and Review of European Economic


    Euro Slipping; Waiting European Meeting Results

    Monday, October 24, 2011


    The euro slipped from a high-level six-week high against the dollar due to the uncertainty of the euro-zone agreement to overcome the debt crisis prompted investors to reduce batch bullish. The euro could rally in early Asian session after Europe bank recapitalization plan agreed. France and Germany are also rumored to be agreed on a plan that could use EFSF to stop transmission of the debt crisis. However, there are still differences in the amount of haircut will mainly be borne by the holders of Greek bonds.


    "The market is expecting more than the previous European meetings, but seems to be a natural disappointment," said Dean Popplewell, a strategic interviewed by Reuters. Traders also saw the failure of EUR / USD reach 1:40 as the cause of the fall of the euro. Analysts saw the delay publication of a comprehensive plan to solve the crisis could weaken the euro.


    "I will not take long euro positions now. There is a risk given the decline in the market had hoped for a comprehensive solution to the problem of European debt," Richard turu Falkenhall, strategic SEB. However, analysts predicted the euro would not be a significant natural attenuation to complete the European meeting on October 26. Traders see the bids in the range of $ 1.3780 to $ 1.3810 can be reduced damping. Psychological level of $ 1.4000 would be resiten.

  9. Crude Oil Up, Move closer to $ 87


    Friday, October 21, 2011


    Crude oil for trading this afternoon (21/10) recorded an increase. Oil little by little to rise after yesterday had been hit into the range of 85 dollars per barrel after earlier touching the level of 88 dollars per barrel. This is driving up oil today is sentiment death of Libyan leader, Moammar Gaddafi who gives good prospects for the country.


    In addition, the current rise in oil movement is also supported by the continued impact of the surge in U.S. manufacturing index data of 8.7 points on last month on speculation that drives increased energy demand in the U.S..


    Crude oil futures for December rose 77 cents to 86.84 dollars per barrel. Meanwhile, Brent crude rose 4 cents to 109.8 dollars per barrel.


    According to the analysis of the Division of Research in Vibiz Vibiz Consulting, estimated crude oil price movements are still likely to move positively with the support level of 85.92 dollars per barrel, and resistant level of 86.46 dollars per barrel.

  10. News and Economic Review Asia (Japan)


    Watch for signals from Europe, the Nikkei closed down slightly

    Friday, October 21, 2011


    The Nikkei index closed lower on Friday session, bringing it into weekly decline of 0.8 percent, after investors look forward indication of the plan detailing the efforts of the leaders of European settlement of the debt crisis.


    Germany and France issued a statement which said in a statement Thursday that European leaders will discuss global solutions to the crisis on Sunday but no decision will be taken before the second meeting on Wednesday next week.


    The Nikkei slipped 3:26 or 0:04 per cent points to a level of 8,675.60. The broader Topix index fell 0.2 percent to a level of 744.21, and down 0.6 percent this week.


    Olympus Corp. shares ended down 6.8 percent at the level of 1.231 yen, its lowest close since December 1999.


    Mitsubishi Motors shares rose 1 percent to 100 yen after the Nikkei business daily reported profits automaker is likely to increase in this year about 28 billion yen in the period from April to September, tear down previous estimates of 18 billion yen.

  11. News and Economic Review Europe (UK)


    Fiscal Sector Improved Indication of England Show

    Friday, October 21, 2011


    Pound sterling currency to trade GBP / USD pair this evening (21-10) rallied and tracked the pair traded in the range of 1.5767.


    Pound rebounds along with the presence of strong positive signal on the British economy, where it is shown by an increase in performance on the fiscal sector in the country.


    Indicators of Public Sector Net Borrowing tumbled into 11.4B where previously expected to drop to 12.0B 13.2B from the previous value. It was responded positively by investors in forex trading.


    Analyst Research Vibiz of Vibiz Consulting suggests that the pound sterling currency on the currency pair GBP / USD is expected to still be strong and move in positive territory.

  12. News and Review of European Economic


    German Ifo Business Climate Down, Euro Yen Urged

    Friday, October 21, 2011


    Euro currency pair to trade EUR / JPY this afternoon (21-10) observed weakening and the pair traded in the range of 105.37.


    The euro weakened along with the presence of a negative indication on the German economy, where it is shown by the reduced performance of the business sector in the country.


    German Ifo Business Climate Indicator fell to 106.4 reported previously expected to fall to 106.3 from 107.4 the previous value. This negative response by investors to trade forex.


    Analyst Research Vibiz of Vibiz Consulting suggests that the Euro on the currency pair EUR / JPY is expected to weaken further still.

  13. News and Economic Review Europe (UK)


    GBPUSD: Rebound, Test Range Resistance at 1.5805

    Friday, October 21, 2011


    GBPUSD managed to rebound and reach the target of the previous analysis on the trading session yesterday. Currently GBPUSD looks to test the range of 1.5805 resistance area where the outbreak of the resistance level is to open opportunities for further strengthening towards 1.5846 area. But on the contrary, both technically today looks a bearish pressure to the area of ​​support the range of 1.5763 to 1.5719 if the resistance is able to survive. This projection is also in line with the movement of CCI and Stochastic Also currently tend to move down.

  14. Slipping Oil Up to $ 108 / Barrel


    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    Oil prices edged down linked data showing a surprise drop in crude stocks and products in the United States. Brent crude oil is the range of $ 108 per barrel


    Barclays Capital, who estimated 2012 oil prices reached $ 115. But because demand has moderated, good supply of OPEC and non-OPEC has fallen more rapidly, so that a substantial withdrawal of inventory throughout the year.


    ICE Brent for December LCOc1 be in the range of $ 108 per barrel while U.S. crude fell 0.4% to $ 85.80.


    "Investors do not want to take a position until there is a clear sign of a resolution of debt crisis," said Tetsu Emori, fund manager at Astmax Co. Ltd. in Tokyo.

  15. News and Economic Review Asia (Japan)


    Nikkei: Back corrected, Test Support in the range 8.685 to 8.621

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    Nikkei Index return corrected and achieve our targets in the previous analysis. Nikkei seen testing the current area of ​​support dikisaran 8685 support level where the outbreak is an opportunity to further correction area 8621. But beware of rebound opportunities to the area 8749 to 8820 if the support were maintained. Projections are then amplified conditions enumerated by the CCI and Stochastic are in oversold area.

  16. News and Review of European Economic


    European Market Return Fading Optimism

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    European stock markets moved lower on waning session Thursday as investor optimism following the talks deadlock between Germany and France hope will reduce the production of a robust solution to resolve the debt crisis in the euro zone EU summit this weekend.


    Eurostoxx 50 Index slipped about 1.45%, while the German DAX and French CAC each have lost 0.53% and 0.85%. In the UK, the FTSE index dropped 0.6% in the first 2 hours of trading.


    Investors look back to avoid risky assets in trading Thursday due to waning optimism over the settlement of the debt problems of the region, following the agreement has not yet related to the handling of Greece continues to defer payment of debt bailout package for the country was on the verge of bankruptcy. If this occurs, the default Greece potentially bring dire consequences for the European banking sector in particular, and also to the global economic recovery.


    In addition, the Federal Reserve's grim projections in the Beige Book yesterday also add a reason for investors to increasingly concerned about weakening economic growth.

  17. News and Economic Review Europe (UK)


    GBP / USD Weakens As Debt Plan split Europe

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    The pound fell against the dollar as signs of discord emerged among the leaders of the euro area on a plan to end the debt crisis.


    Sterling weakened against all but three of the 16 major counterparts tracked by Bloomberg as the FTSE 100 index declined 1 percent and the Stoxx Europe 600 Index fell 0.9 percent. Down even after a report showed retail sales, including fuel, unexpectedly rose the sharpest in five months in September. Gilts rose as investors sought safety from the British government debt.


    The pound fell 0.4 percent to $ 1.5709 at 09:40 am in London, and slipped 0.5 percent to? 120.56. Weakened 0.2 percent to 87.42 pence per euro.

  18. News and Review of European Economic


    Greek Rescue Package Phase Two Threatened Pending

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    European Commission and the IMF is quite contrary to the Greek, both are still looking for consensus in order to give Greece the next bailout loans to avoid default Athens.


    As a result of these disagreements, there is still potential for further delays for the second stage of the Greek rescue package. On the positive side, the Troika report released today or tomorrow kemugnkinan can bridge differences of opinion from both institutions. Greek parliament expected to approve the budget cuts and tax programs as a prerequisite given aid package worth 8 billion euros.


    Besides the Greek government has stated that they still have sufficient funds until mid-November.

  19. Spain rating cut, Asia Oil Weakness


    Wednesday, October 19, 2011


    World oil weakened in Asian trade on trading Wednesday (19/10) are depressed because Moody's cut the ratings of Spain.


    U.S. crude oil, light seweet fell 25 cents to U.S. $ 88.09 per barrel through electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). While Brent crude fell 15 cents to U.S. $ 111 per barrel, as quoted from yahoofinance.com.


    Moody's Investors Service cut its ratings soverighn Spain. The reason the level of debt in the banking and corporate sectors is very high. This encourages these countries vulnerable to liquidity crises.


    The market was also waiting for data U.S. commercial crude oil stocks are expected rise in the second week. In the previous week sto U.S. domestic crude oil fell 3.1 million barrels.

  20. News and Economic Review Asia (Hong Kong)


    Hong Kong stocks rose until noon

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011


    Hong Kong recorded an increase in a relatively quiet morning trading, boosted by the strengthening of the shares plummeted yesterday, but the increase can be monitored through a bearish indicator.


    Hang Seng Index climbed 1:25 percent at the closing level of 18,302.83 on midday trading, down from its opening at 18.400, which is also the lowest gap which opened yesterday when the index tumbled more than 4 percent.


    Shanghai Composite Index crept up 12:06 percent to as low as 2,385.03, supported by strengthening the financial and energy stocks fell after rising in morning trading.


    Chinese steel producer Citic Pacific Ltd. rose 3.4 percent in Hong Kong. The new shares are listed on the Hang Seng Index, Citic Pacific is also among the top stocks rose yesterday stelah puncaki drop list.


    Bucked the trend in Hong Kong, shares of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co. Ltd. which fell 5.5 percent after a report for the first nine months of 2011 have the notion that thought. Decrease in shares listed in Hong Kong today has nearly half of the increase in October.

  21. News and Economic Review Europe (Greece)


    ECB: Greece Will not Bankrupt Or Leave EU

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011


    Vienna - Greece will not go bankrupt or have to leave the EU because of financial problems.


    This was conveyed by members of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank Ewald Nowotny told a news site the province told Reuters. "I do not think Greece will go bankrupt or that it will leave the European Union. Treaty of the European Union needs to be changed for this," he was quoted as saying in remarks published on Wednesday.


    Nowotny also said the euro is really intact and that it is important to distinguish between individual problems and the euro zone currencies of those countries.

  22. News and Economic Review Europe (UK)


    MPC England Bless The expansion of QE

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011


    Plan of the Bank of England (BoE) to raise funds in the asset purchase program does not meet the constraints. Monetary Policy Commission (MPC) of the Central Bank approved the expansion of the discourse was unanimous.


    The addition of funds for the purchase of assets or quantitative easing amounts to 75 billion pounds. Thus, the total capacity of the BoE funds to 275 billion pounds. MPC unanimously supported the decision a fixed interest rate at 0.5% and purchases of assets by 9 votes versus 0. Several members of the committee to see which programs are important because the risk of slowing increasing. But the fund's capacity can be adjusted later to reflect on the latest developments in the EU and world financial markets.


    "Some members saw a substantially greater risk, so we need a new monetary stimulus," according to the Minutes. Authority to be flexible in determining the amount of quantitative easing liquidity, considering everything should be tailored to the global situation.

  23. News and Economic Review Europe (Greece)


    Beginning, Greek National Strike

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011


    The main Greek trade unions to keep its promise to mobilize the masses in large numbers on Wednesday (19/10). Large-scale demonstrations to make public facilities in the capital Athens is inactive until at least the next 48 hours.


    Starting from schools, government offices and banks do not operate ahead of the parliamentary voting on budget cuts in government programs. The protest today claimed as a 'demonstration peak' of a whole series of resistance in recent months.


    A strike customs will make food and fuel supplies disrupted. While hospitals employ only emergency that are not too many. The gas station closed until the mass action is really over. The demonstration was also supported by air traffic controllers, but its participation is only for 12 hours until Wednesday afternoon. Neglected because sea transport ferry and port workers took part to the city center. Upper-middle-class workers, such as lawyers, do not miss participating in trade union protests.


    The government must exert itself to a temporary order to collect thousands of tons of waste in the capital. Given the pile of garbage was piled in various places due to demonstrations and strikes the officer concerned. It certainly can trigger health problems in Athens. But the government still had to think hard to find a new disposal area for final disposal sites Ano Liosia mass blockade.


    Reflecting on the facts that occurred in the field, Prime Minister George Papandreou requested the party elite to reduce social tensions. "I ask for your support, the whole party," he said yesterday. Papandreou's Socialist Party alone has 154 representatives in the 300-seat parliament. Thus, the proposal cuts only a matter of time for passed.

  24. China Oil Outlook charge


    Tuesday, October 18, 2011


    Oil prices weakened in the London session due to the economic slowdown in China and France are anxieties suramkan credit rating outlook for energy demand. China, the world's second largest energy consumer, reported economic growth of 9.1% for third quarter 2011; lower than the predicted 9.3% and 9.5% the previous publications. This is the lowest economic growth in the last two years as Beijing Tighten monetary policy and weak export demand.


    Problem-euro zone also back into focus after German Finance Minister yesterday will not express any final solution for settlement of the euro-zone debt crisis at the upcoming October 23 meeting. Sentiment also deteriorated after Moody's warned the French can be given a negative outlook for its AAA rating if the cost for to save the banking and other euro-zone members impose on government finances too.


    "The deteriorating sentiment-euro zone and China's economic slowdown provide reasons for investors to do profit-taking after the recent oil rally," said Ben Taylor, senior CMC Markets. Reuters technical analyst, Wang Tao, predicted oil prices would experience a decrease in the short term after successfully achieved a high level 88 yesterday.

  25. News and Economic Review Asia (Korea)


    Closed Kospi down 1.4%; Cyclical Stocks Lead Losses

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011


    Kospi ended down 1.4% at 1838.90 as foreign funds sell amid fading optimism that European policy makers have approached the resolution to the debt crisis in the region, analysts said.


    Tips direct support on an average five-day movement around 1834, then the key signature 1800. However, according to market analysts are not likely to fall sharply due to local retail investors and asset management companies tend to buy on the weakness of the stock.


    Cyclical stocks such as shipbuilders and steel companies led the decline with Hyundai Steel down 4.6% at KRW86, 300 and Dongkuk Steel Mill, down 5.5% at KRW22, 550, while Daewoo Shipbuilding fell 3% to KRW25, 600.


    Technology stocks outperformed the broader market, get some support from weaker KRW; Samsung Electronics ended down 0.8% at KRW883, 000, while LG Electronics was up 1.3% to KRW72, 900. Among stocks that rose, SK Innovation ended up 1.6% at KRW162, 000.

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