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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. Hi traders guys, with your help I've solved at last my problem. Now is ok !


    I'm using CQG free data-feed and is working well. In additional I would like testing also Rithmic (demo) provider. After filled up the right user and password the system give me this alert "Pls check your account connection parameters and internet connection". Is there any solution to solve this issue. TIA.

  2. From my side not working.


    1)Installed 7xx22.msi 2) Installed Emulator. 3) Replace NTConfig xml file


    I have used a CQG Amp demo account and the result is "Login failed: the FCM you are trying to connect to is not authorized to use NT with CQG"


    Without emulator (no multibroker) is working well. Any help ? Thanks in advance.


    In additional ...in the #482 post the emulator in sendspace link is V5.03 not V5.06

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