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Posts posted by leon1

  1. Hi redbull, long time no see. How have you been?


    Buy a fast nvidia graphics card or two and use a password recovery tool that supports cuda, like this one http://www.crark.net/. It will be many times faster than a program that only uses the cpu. You are out of luck if password is longer than 5-6 letters even with cuda.


    For those interested in my files, don't bother trying. I always use atleast 15 letters for my passwords and sometimes I even put a fake file in archive.

  2. so this is how trolling works these days:


    1) Leech off indo for 1 year without sharing anything

    2) Get angry because other forums don't allow leeching

    3) Spew out nonsense and lies about the other forums

    4) Accuse people correcting you of being abusive and harrassing

    5) Spew out even more nonsense and lies, then declare topic closed so that nobody would correct you


    This stuff is golden :D

  3. As Leon said earlier half of ewef member are on TZ now since our is open forum all of real GZs on TZ should be member here most of ewef member should also be member here.


    You are probably right about that.


    In this case why cant all above people help people here at least with whatever is very valuable things ?


    Nobody will share anything there if it will leak. Thanks to previous leaks a lot of good stuff doesn't get shared in ewef anymore. Great job indo.


    How about you stop being such a cheapass and join since you seem so interested in what they have.


    Do you think TZ is dumb enough not to trace me and ban me there specially me fighting lone battle !


    I think it has more to do with your lack of access.

  4. Ewef does take into account people who share their trading ideas. But, guess what? It is not a popular option and I havent seen anyone reveal any exceptionally good ideas.


    Nobody from open source movement takes a microsoft program and releases it as open source. They write their own code, so the comparison fails.


    Moderator please stop deleting my messages. It doesn't even make any sense since anyone can still read them from the quoted text.

  5. Ewef wouldn't be the biggest trading warez forum if it was scamming people. There are very few complainers considering the thousands of members that ewef has. Of course, it is never possible to keep everyone happy and some will end up here spreading lies about me and ewef. I hope nobody takes these complainers seriously since anyone banned from ewef got so for a good reason (scammer, troll etc).


    I don't think many files from indo make it to ewef since anyone can join and download directly from here. There is no incentive to share items from other forums on ewef since those do not count towards getting or keeping download rights.

  6. Sorry this is what I get from the 4shared link.Now it is gone.But I did retrieve some great files located there Maber on Markets, Kane Jim complete books set and others.It is the latest I see in EWEF and it is greatly guarded.But I will reveal it here.

    After all this year Indo is the best.They are not like EWEF.They cheat people of their software,video,course wares.They let them in temporary and many are then kick out.So this is a great steal.Long Live Indo.


    Hello Mr. Troll,


    Exactly at what part of the process is this cheating and stealing occuring? If an ewef member gets his download rights removed, then he would still have everything he downloaded from there. Perhaps the admins of ewef now have the ability to delete files from a member's hard drive?!? Members lose their download rights only if they are inactive for more than 2 months or behave badly. Maybe some very twisted mind could consider this stealing.


    BTW, the admins of ewef are not deleting any of the links. Only the members who uploaded them can delete so the admins couldn't do it even if they wanted to. The reason why some of the links don't work is because they haven't had any downloads for a long time and got deleted.

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