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Posts posted by leon1

  1. Any in particular that you would recommend ?


    I would say read everything that you can get your hands on, also about the topics in general, not just on how to use them in finance. You want to become good at what you do, not just mediocre. Start learning by experimenting with Neuroshell and then move on to harder and better things from there. Neuroshell is really easy to use, so there is something very wrong with you if you cannot figure out how to use it. Intermarket Trading Strategies by Katsanos has a chapter on how to do a system in Neuroshell.


    Also, it takes a lot of practice to become good. I spend many hours every week throwing random stuff at nn to see what works and what doesn't.

  2. people here want to spend their time to crack rar passwords just so they can get out of paying andrey a few hundred usd?!? really now!?!??!?! even worse, if cost was shared then it would be only a few dollars per person!


    And all this while some members post equity curves that point northeast and are as smooth as a baby's behind!! Myfxbook must be really easy to game. That is the only explanation for this

  3. Here is the collection of Andrey.


    Did you really think that Leon shared this? No I sent him a trojan with a keylogger and got his passwords.




    Kindest Regards my brothers, God bless every one of you. May forums like ewef and speculationm@sters disappear and all things be shared without expecting anything in return.

  4. I have gone through your posts and got the impression that there is something wrong with you man! You are talking about leeching from other sources from the net; may I ask you that how many things you have purchased with a licence to distribute/share at any forum?

    Please GROW MAN.


    Quite a lot actually. Much of it has been shared here on indo. By others, of course, without permission and without giving due credit.

  5. How about saying the names of the members to back up your claims? The reality is quite different from your bullshit. The truth is that anyone can get download rights if they get two nominations from active members. This means that there are not even 2 members who think it is unfair that your friends don't have download rights.


    Nobody bothers to do much moderation in ewef so members can be ill behaved for a long time before they get censored or banned. All mods are traders so they are busy making money instead of checking up on members.


    The rules for getting download rights in ewef are clear but few people bother to get them. That's not the existing members' fault now is it? There ewef members are from all over the world, so they most likely don't even know each other. Since they are not exactly friends, what possible motivation would they have to rarely allow new members in?

  6. @hermanhess


    Not everyone is welcome here. At least I am not. For instance, now you are painting me as some kind of leecher without anything to back that up. In fact, I rarely download anything from here. Even if I did, there would be nothing morally wrong with that. I have indirectly contributed a lot to this forum since material that I have shared in ewef has leaked here.


    Usually I just write here when people are talking sh*t about ewef or me. If me correcting them makes them offended they should have kept their mouth shut in the first place. Apparently, some indo mods are ewef members and know that it is not a scam site, yet they don't care if lies about ewef are spread here. How come you don't ever do anything about those guys? I guess any expectation of respecting others only applies to me.


    You are right that you do not abuse ewef forum members on ewef. Instead you do it here by allowing ewef leak threads. Nice of you to allow them since now a lot of people don't share their better items there and just do it in private.


    Don't say that I have been allowed to speak freely. My messages have been censored on a couple of occasions. Not even once in those cases have I done anything against forum rules. Some mod probably just thought it best to delete anything that doesn't make indo look so good.

  7. Start_Profit, we have a ZERO TOLERANCE for Profiteering here, run your business somewhere else where you have to spend money to advertise, not off the backs of volunteer members who share here, we are tightening up the grip on people like you who abuse this forum.


    Totally uncalled for.


    Why are you attacking this guy while others are free to run their scams and sell their warez here?


    Perhaps the russian warez sellers are sponsoring indo-investasi these days...

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