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Posts posted by freddy

  1. As demonstrated by Stormy and Jay, not only is a martingale, but it's fake, the two lines (in blue) should be negative! lol





    entry-time Type Lots Symbol entry price exit-time exit price Pips profit

    2011.05.05 10:37 buy 0,10 EURUSD 1,48931 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45456 -348 -347,50

    2011.05.05 13:01 buy 0,10 EURUSD 1,48302 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45456 -285 -284,60

    2011.05.05 15:32 buy 0,66 EURUSD 1,47304 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45456 -185 -1219,68

    2011.05.05 17:08 buy 1,66 EURUSD 1,46711 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45456 -126 2083,30

    2011.05.05 17:54 buy 4,24 EURUSD 1,46193 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45456 -74 -3124,88

    2011.05.05 19:46 buy 11,55 EURUSD 1,45668 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45456 -21 2448,60

    2011.05.05 22:12 buy 30,47 EURUSD 1,45156 2011.05.06 00:23 1,45451 30 8988,65


    the statements (and the equity curve)






    In his videos he shows manual trading, no EA.

    So I think there will be yet again a bunch of upsales until you get the chance to buy the EA


    A chance? , Are you sure? ;)

  2. To answer your post and your PM:

    I want nothing!

    I just mean that I agree with you, when something is shared and valuable, you need to pay the author for his work.


    There is nothing else than Joseph is trying to say, but you seem to believe he just asks for refunds.

    If you read carefully, he answered to Copy, and you will notice: He said the same thing, but with a little more diplomacy!

    No need for calling names like "STINGY a** JERK", I don't think I have been insulting you.

    If you cannot read properly English, then I am sorry

  3. I know JosephR can defend itself, but I think, dear Alansim that the phrase "full" of post # 13 is:



    "Well, if everyone who makes money with the system, also gets a refund, there wont be much of an incentive for the author to produce the update, is there? This is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg!!

    C0py, while I appreciate your spirit of sharing, I personally prefer to reward those who do honest work and make me money! Morality aside, I consider it as good investment.




    That means something else.

    And now you think both the same!

    Happy ending!

  4. Hi dear II members


    Do you know any EA that could manage open orders as described next:


    On the first order, it places a Take Profit of X pips and a Stop Loss of X pips.


    if multiple orders of same currency in same direction;

    it calculates the average entry price and modify Take Profit , adding the same X pips to this average price.


    For instance:


    BUY 0.1 lot at 1.4300 (with a TP of 70 pips and a SL 50 pips)


    then BUY 0.2 lot at 1.4280



    first order would be: 0.1lot at 1.4300 TP 1.4370 SL 1.4250


    then 0.2 lots at 1.4280


    Average price= (1.4300 + (1.4280*2))/3= 1.42867


    TP for both orders should then be 1.43567


    If that does not already exist, any coders could make that happen? :-?



  5. If you want to have lunch with Warren, hurry up!

    Only three more days to make your reservations.

    The luncheon will take place in New York, with 7 of your best friends.

    It is unclear who will pay the restaurant, but do not forget your card, you never know if everything is included!

    Have fun!


    You will notice that they are only two pals, for the moment to bid (O *** r & S*** r), but they fought well, and if they are friends, by pure chance, they can go together!


    One question: what will be the R/R ? ;))



  6. freddy,

    how did you manage to get all of the rules ?

    I clicked on the text elements which are visible on my chart and dragged them to the left but most of those which your screenshot shows are not visible and thus I cannot click and drag them.

    There must be a trick to get them visible.

    SEFC, what is the trick ?


    What you can do also:

    Right click on chart and choose Object list

    select all the objects named "Label" where the descriptions are what you want to move, then click Edit then in the tab "Parameters change the value of X-distance to an appropriate value that fits with your screen!


    A bit of work but it works!







    Fx4_ever was faster! (same advise!) :)


    Or I could just suggest that you print the rules from the image I posted! ;)

  7. retireme,

    thank you very much for the share.

    Does the template show different on your platform ?

    What can I do ?

    On mine ( Mt4 , tried on 5digit and 4 digit brokers ) it cuts off the text .




    First, I want to thank the dreamteam!

    Thank you Retireme, SEFC and MickeyMouse, nice contribution.



    You can click on each item and drag them like any text on charts.

    But here are the rules:




  8. if anyone can share this system


    I am here to inform you about our new Trading Room.

    We Traded from Monday to Thursday for 4 days on just 2 pairs,

    EUR/USD and EUR/JPY, taking just one trade on each pair daily.





    The setting up process takes only 15 to 20 minutes and after that

    you may go to sleep again. When you wake up, the New Day

    will Greet You with 60 Pips of Profit.


    Check it out here:




    Wishing You All, Abundance of Wealth & Riches.


    Dr. Zain Agha








    Dear all,


    It is so self explanatory that I don't know why you would pay over $300, just a simple breakout system!





  9. http://mytradewiki.com, This Account Has Been Suspended. what happende to web site?


    probably some issue with the webhost



    Try to guess:


    3 assumptions::-$


    1) Mr Hu Chan (Aro) has released its fabulous extraordinary platform that trades faster than his shadow, knowing the future price with a lead of 20 seconds even before the broker does know her own and give them from interbank market galctique!

    And he will keep it for himself alone, and some aficionados!


    2) A big wind blew hilarity and destroyed all that vast hoax, much time lost, but a few giggles.


    3) The server is under maintenance and we can continue to have a good time to read this poetry divination.


    I leave you the choice!:-?


    Have a good WE.




    P. S.

    These words are those of myself. :">

    They are not there to offend anyone.

    Nor to moralize.


    As it is often said:


    "All forms of trading carry a high level of risk so you should only speculate with

    money you can afford to lose. You can lose more than your initial deposit and stake.

    Please ensure your chosen method matches your investment objectives, and

    familiarize yourself with the risks involved and if necessary seek independent advice."

  10. [/b]Actually I have made a couple of bucks playing with Forex and am taking my wifey on a month long tour of Europe, probably in the fall when it is cooler and most of the ugly Americans (including our fearless leader) have returned home. Plan on London and Paris of course and maybe we could have a toddy.


    Hey IQ, it is good that you plan to come to our old world!

    You and your wife are welcome in Paris, just PM me when you think you're ready (as Freddie said, I am often in Paris, but sometimes I travel!) and we can meet together, and Freddie is also welcome of course.


    All the best

  11. That is most kind of you IQ.


    M'sieur Freddy is a Frenchman living in Paris. I am not sure that he moves about much. These French people tend to stay in France so that they can cause the English lots of problems by having strikes at the channel ports and so forth. Best not let him see this, keep it to yourself please.


    On the other hand, I am an Englishman who lives in Bulgaria for the moment, moves to UK for a visit to friends and family, then off to Penang in Malasia to wait out the European winter. Not rich as you may think, we live on my State Pension but the cost of living in Malaysia and in Bulgaria is a lot less than UK.





    I did not know I had such an influence on the course of your life!

    sorry you see me!

    With my supernatural powers, I will try to unblock ports and stations so that my dear friend, you can come visit me in Paris.

    Leave me a few months to fix this mess!



  12. here you go. pls thank




    Where is the manual?


    fOr€x m@st€r m€thOd will only be availabe june 1st.


    What you kinkly shared is LineTr@der which is already freely available on its website. (BTW, You also have a Cdle Recognition Indi.)


    As for the "how to use" (manual), if you take the time to watch the main video, it's all explained!

  13. To remain an open forum, and friendly


    In recent weeks, the tone on our forum II has changed.

    We used to talk frankly, sometimes you could read some jokes on some of the theories of trading, (this also happened to me on the trading according to the position of the planets (astrology and forex!))

    But each time, it was with courtesy and respect for everyone.

    When members disagreed, they exchanged ideas and different approaches, but do not throw insults at each post.


    We can all attempts to denigrate business scams, we can ask any questions (hoping to get an answer!) but remain civilized.

    Do not fall into these forums without interest when the only arguments are endless combat, where insults and vulgarity are the law!


    Thank you


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