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Everything posted by xtype

  1. Spider........by Ferrari.
  2. More clickin...this time without the chickin.....X
  3. HAPPY 2010 ALL... May peace be with you and your family http://llerrahmusic.com/viewcard.php?code=598362
  4. ...as I awoke from 13 days of slumber, a strange feeling came from deep within "I'm hungry as hell" I thought. So I jump into my Jag, went to my local Subway. While there I got into a conversation with a dude named Jared, and he told me that...
  5. tree Hula, CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to stop smoking, welcome to clean air and a healthier life, and thank you for helping clean the air for me.....XTYPE
  6. Did my clickin, several times. I like the Santa lady, she favors my ex-girl friends mother (without the beard).......X
  7. ...I realized that I was having a dream with in a dream, so I thought that I should try to awake myself but I found myself being awaken from the dream by me. Then....
  8. Mary I clicked the the little wooden boy in your post above, But I couldn't understand what he was saying, I also clicked the others. I'll do this every time I come into the forum.....X.
  9. ...an elephant was crashing its way down the non-fiction aisle, being chased by a monkey with a rolled up batman comic book, but the strange thing was.....
  10. income opportunitys.......X
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