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Everything posted by xtype

  1. Golf digest ..........X
  2. Tomato.............................................X.
  3. Hay can I play? Looking for an X. My car Xtype Jaguar.....Or.Xerox............PEACE........X
  4. Hello Richson; How u doin? I see you live close to me, I too live in the US of good ol A, but I make my home in cowboy land, the Dallas Cowboys that is. Glad your here, a good place to visit 'cause we have really fine people, and lots of cold beer..........PEACE......XTYPE.
  5. Some valuable information on how to avoid Swine flu from one of my colleagues who took her son to Urgent Care last night where he was diagnosed with H1N1 flu. Although he had his seasonal flu shot, as we all did, obviously you are not protected from the swine flu. She learned some valuable tips I thought you might like to pass on to family and friends as NO ONE WANTS THIS ILLNESS. He is so sick. If you gargle with Listerine or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and salt water 3x daily, you can cut any virus you can be carrying in half. It cannot survive in these conditions in the throat. This is a respiratory disease, you want it out of your nasal and throat passages. You can only contact it nasal or orally, remember this. Secondly, which I never thought of, he said take a Q-tip dipped in alcohol or peroxide and gently swab the inside of your nose twice daily. This kills the virus in the nasal passages and helps prevent it from traveling further into the respiratory tract. Two very simple things can keep you from getting this illness. Washing your hands is essential of course, as well as do not touch your face with your hands. Parents, pass this info on to your child. Most importantly flush all kleenex. Do not leave them lying in wastebaskets. I am not on a septic system so I flush the Qtips as well or put the old ones in a zip lock baggie. Spray Lysol on your door handles. Every one touches them and virus breed. Also, Lysol your cell phones and home phones, anything that comes in contact with your face. These are the instructions from the ER doctors at present.
  6. Thanks for the all the welcomes that I have received. There is certainly a lot going on at this forum. I hope it will improve my business decisions which have been going badly lately. 4 of the programs that I jouned have gone bad recently. Regards, Vic Hay Vic; talk about bad investing, I can locate a scammer in a hurry, but only after he's running down the road with my money. My latest one is 12 daily inv. I joined Aug. 24 and I think they started their scam 2 days later. I had $150.00 in this one. But I did get out 1 day before Best inv. went bad, thank you Lord! But truthfully I do ok in the hyips. I invesigate the sites I want to spend in by going into a lot of hyip monitors and reading what people are saying. and looking for other (red flags), offering new interest rates after the program has been around awhile, emails not being answered, etc. I normally manage 7 to 10 programs at any giving time, and about 25% will scam. I've made alot more than I've lost. Now I'm going to check out (THE GAME) to see what this is about. Good day to you all .....PEACE... XTYPE...
  7. Hello Vic glad you joined CIF you'll like it here, I'm kinna new here myself, I don't post much (I'm a little shy) but I do pass thru here every couple days to check things out, you do need to watch a few of these people here they seem to be a little (NUTTY). Any way good to know you. Pretoria. HAY: I think you live near me, I live about 60 miles (78 kms) north of Dallas Texas, stop on by we'll bust up a 6 pack....PEACE ... XTYPE ...
  8. Hay, js of 9 planet, I've been to u'r blog site (couple times) I like it, but it think u'r nuttier than squirrel poop. (a good thing). I'm looking for other employment myself, something besides hyip, I've made money but the A--H--- scrammers have made more. Need to find a rich sugar mama. I work for a company out of Dallas Tx. that refurbises hotels around the U.S. I travel all the time, it was fun for the first couple years but after missing family (everythings). I'm sic of it. My house sits empty 80% of the time, forget any kind of relationship. what's my point hell if I know, jus rambling. I have a good idea, everyone out there send me $10.000 each and I will quit work,(and whinning)...PEACE to all XTYPE.
  9. well, I.m a figure of my own imagination, young, long blond hair, piercing blue eyes, exceptionally good looking, intelligent, OH! THESE VOICES IN MY HEAD yuh who said that? Sorry I sometimes slip. Where's my meds.? Any way time ta go make some money. xtype PEACE.
  10. As I said before, "seems like as soon as I spend in a hyip program they turn scam" lastest one TUSTY FUND. I thought I was investigating these sites well enough to make a somewhat intelligent investment. What can I say, I won"t be the next Dick Tracy. Where is everybody? Hula I keep coming here so I can see you, ur purty! (no disrespect)
  11. Of course, I'm new here, found you'r site by looking for new HYIP investments. Started HYIP's last year this month, 1st inv. was the P2P program, lost a lot, now I'm learning a lot but still loosing some. Hope maybe the community can help me lose less. seems like I have a nack for picking programs that as soon as I spend, the next day they scam. Anyway hello from the beautiful banks of Lake Texoma. XTYPE
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