Some valuable information on how to avoid Swine flu from one of my colleagues who took her son to Urgent Care last night where he was diagnosed with H1N1 flu. Although he had his seasonal flu shot, as we all did, obviously you are not protected from the swine flu.
She learned some valuable tips I thought you might like to pass on to family and friends as NO ONE WANTS THIS ILLNESS. He is so sick.
If you gargle with Listerine or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and salt water 3x daily, you can cut any virus you can be carrying in half. It cannot survive in these conditions in the throat. This is a respiratory disease, you want it out of your nasal and throat passages. You can only contact it nasal or orally, remember this.
Secondly, which I never thought of, he said take a Q-tip dipped in alcohol or peroxide and gently swab the inside of your nose twice daily. This kills the virus in the nasal passages and helps prevent it from traveling further into the respiratory tract. Two very simple things can keep you from getting this illness.
Washing your hands is essential of course, as well as do not touch your face with your hands. Parents, pass this info on to your child.
Most importantly flush all kleenex. Do not leave them lying in wastebaskets. I am not on a septic system so I flush the Qtips as well or put the old ones in a zip lock baggie.
Spray Lysol on your door handles. Every one touches them and virus breed. Also, Lysol your cell phones and home phones, anything that comes in contact with your face.
These are the instructions from the ER doctors at present.