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Everything posted by skylady

  1. Youmilex has been running for a long time, and I've always been paid when I c/o... Once in awhile if I sign in more than one time - it takes a couple more to make it do through... Send them a Support Ticket { under: Contacts}... Tell them you have a deposit in your account, show the deposit... Give them your email address and account ID #... Explain you are not able to log in and ask for help... They should get back to you reasonably soon... skylady ;)
  2. As far as I'm aware Liberty Reserve payment processor, has a section to transfer funds to other Liberty Reserve members, from your balance to their balance... ...and that's the only transfers that can be made there... There are a few PP's that allow you to transfer funds to other payment processors, but not LR... I hope this helps answer the problem you are having... ;)
  3. Almost the New Year !!! Mary pretty much said it all ...and I totally agree... Would like to also mention the spouses of Alina and Austin... THANK YOU Dear Spouses We appreciate all you do to help with our CIF... Our members are the best there are in cyberspace, we love ya too !!! Of course my fellow MOD's are second to none... ;)
  4. I did a search on them... 12DailyClub is nowhere to be found MegaLido is in closed section Tradelite is in closed section skylady
  5. Here I is ... lol Probably Mary ??? ;)
  6. How 'bout that !!! Here I am :D Come on Rick...
  7. Thank you jslingsby :D We do our best here at CIF to give you, our members, as much solid and helpful information as we possibly can... " Surf on 2009 is going to be a great year for diversification" I agree, it's time for a change and I too believe it's coming... Thanks again, skylady ;)
  8. Industry news By CIFBlog on December 24, 2008 Hi there everyone! Well the holidays have been magical so far for me, a hectic time but one of my favorites nonetheless. This will probably be the only article that I do until after Christmas as I will be spending time with my family and I ... Continued » CIF Blog ;)
  9. GOOD !!! That's what we want... ;)
  10. Sheep This is: Word Association, Post a word associating with the above one...
  11. Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas to each of our members, mods and admins !!! ;)
  12. Zoo... Well some BIG parks have them... ;)
  13. Well we are sure happy to have you here with us soliko08 !!! WELCOME to CIF :D ;)
  14. Interview with the admin of Revenue Investment By CIFBlog on December 20, 2008 Hi there everyone! The holidays are upon us! Can you smell the cookies baking in the oven? How about the smell of pine from the Christmas tree? This has traditionally been my absolute favorite time of the year and for good reason, good food... Continued » CIF Blog ;)
  15. skylady


    My cats and dog always got alone too... ;)
  16. ...and a Great BIG WELCOME to you Grace !!! Glad to have you with us :D ;)
  17. skylady


    Beautiful, just beautiful !!! ;)
  18. Unless you're pretty fast with puzzles, Shape Inlay, will drive you nuts... But......... there's lots of other games on that site to go to... { down at the bottom of the page...} ;)
  19. skylady


    Good pics... funny too !!! ;)
  20. It will be very interesting to hear what the Admin has to say in an Interview... Could be a long term program... ;)
  21. Thank you Darcy, members, all members need this type of info., to keep themselves in perspective... Your words are abundantly needed by all of us... ;) Yup we sure do, thank you Yippee :D
  22. Revenue Investment Review By CIFBlog on December 17, 2008 Hello everyone! Today’s review is about a very new program but one that looks like it may have some good potential. RevenueInvestment is only a few days old but if the threads on the various forums are an indication I think we may have ... Continued » CIF Blog ;)
  23. Would like to talk a little on the "PLAY SAFE" Phrase: Know that the internet is a chancy place to spend your money, no matter who you are or where you are... The GAMES are the MOST risky... Only spend what you can afford to lose, as that is what will happen too many times... "PLAY SAFE" Get your initial investment/upgrade back as soon as possible and spend your PROFITS ONLY... One helpful way of hedging against a loss, is to CHECK IT OUT FIRST... * In MONITORS: see what the Monitors are saying about the program you are interested in trying... CIF Blog and there are other goods ones... * In FORUMS: check out what others who are IN THE PROGRAM, are saying... * If you have access to a Researcher, use him/her and get a pretty accurate idea on what the chances of the program are... CIF has a Researcher and I'm sure others do too... js of 9PlanetsReview section in CIF... That's one of the tools Monitors use to keep a quite accurate listing of Paying versus Not Paying or Slow Paying sites... Just a few ideas to reinforce what you already know or to enlighten, for the newbies... New members, knowledgeable players, are the future of our games... I truly believe this... ...and it's up to the 'Old Timers' to help them learn a constructive, helpful and courteous way to handle different and/or difficult situations... Hopefully one of you that is good with the words and knows how to use them can help out with a section of *Learning, how to post without rancor ... and *Learning how to post encouragingly ... {something on that order} *knowing what to do, how to say the helpful words and not say the harmful words, *why it's important to POST, *when to inspire with hope and not cheering... ...and ofcourse much more...enough from me for now If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito... skylady ;)
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