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Posts posted by john1992

  1. Hi guys


    I have tried to run the latest version (6.6.7) using the AA jar found here and is showing an error. Any ideas of what i may do wrong?




    If not using the AA file but updating hosts file it say that respnse from server is malformed.


    Using the 6.5.12 version was ok, so i tried to update to latest but it did not work anymore.


    You are getting this error Bcoz the main class of MotiveWave.jar (which is used in AA.jar) file is different than v6.6.7.


    Try this hxxps://file.io/9HHKepG5c5hi


    Hi John1992

    Thanks for your help. However your previous AA.jar file for v6.6.3 works fine for the latest MW.

    BTW, the link you provided was not able to download. All the download links at the site I clicked on just pop up adverts.

    ; )



    Actually, very few free web hosts work in my county, & those which works have lots of adverts. Can't help it..


    I know that you posted here (and I thank you), but my question was intended to be "does it really work or does it seem to work and then, suddenly, the program crashes since the two versions 6.2.14 and 6.5.12 have different jar files in them so maybe the AA.jar doesn't fully integrate with a version for which it was not devised?"


    It will work without crash as I edited v6.5.12 version only. For this release I have created AA.jar file by my own.


    I seem to understand that you worked on the first version that was posted here (6.2.14)

    Do you think your AA.jar "solution" works also for 6.5.12?

    Do you think that was necessary to redirect to cr@cker server to make it work, and do you think that the turnaround found here ( and some server) is a valid solution?


    @Minion I have already posted v6.5.12 in this thread. There is possibility that if I get to know the server file used by the original cracker then I might simulate the same with localhost.

  5. thanks @mofnet does someone know what does this AA file do just curious as this file is not there in original Motivwave install?


    Hi, I have spend lots of time on reversing the application & the best crack version was released by tonyweb, it was v4 later on I had uploaded one unstable version was working for around 20min (v5.4), though later on I had fixed it.


    But on v6, MV stopped reverser by checking its file with MD5 hash. So, you can't change anything in Motivewave.jar file


    So the logic of this version crack is - Instead we made a new file named AA.jar with the activation file required & tweaking the settings to forcefully activate it without checking all official the valid value.


    Note : I'm not a cracker or reverse engineer, I put some logic & edited some byte code in some java class file.

  6. Hi all, I'm sharing the updated MW v6.5.12 with little tweak of the crack of v6.2.4, thanks to @option trader who has shared the crack version.


    Note: Application will be useful till the time original crack server will work, let me know if anyone has the knowledge to emulate the server then may be we can fix it permanently. 🤞


    Cheers & enjoy the share... 😎






    what do you mean by that ? maybe i could help ! on every request it should get back that ? Need more info !


    The cracker used a emulator server just like the actual activation server used by the software & he routed the traffic from original server to his emulator server by editing hosts file. I have captured the traffic, if anyone interested to take a deep dive into it. Here is the link.



  8. Hi guys,


    Has anyone ever tried alpha vantage (https://www.alphavantage.co) RT datafeed in any charting application (AB, NT, MW, SC, MC etc.). If anyone has tried & have any solution for datafeed to the charting application. Please share the solution. This would be really helpful for many people.


    Thank you.


    Guys are there anyone who has done some research on Alpha Vantage, please post your thought.

  9. john u have got solution for (hxxp://st*cksdev*loper.com/autotrader/)


    Applying a simple logic only allow to use the interface but RTD/Backfill is not working. Maybe one Java programmer may help to bypass it.


    Download the following class file "hxxps://www.sendspace.com/file/u805xp" & replace it inside the *.war file in the follwing path - (open the war file with 7zip)




    *make sure to delete the existing ROOT folder of the same path.

  10. Hi John1992,




    Sorry, somehow I missed noticing your other requirement.




    for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )




    for (i = BarCount; i >=0; i--)


    Hope this helps.


    Thank you for the reply. Though the code shows verious error now. Here is the code look like now


    fh = fopen( "c://AmiBackup//"+Name()+".csv", "w");

    if( fh )


    //fputs( "Ticker,Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume", fh );

    y = Year();

    m = Month();

    d = Day();

    //r = Hour();

    //e = Minute();

    //n = Second();

    //for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )

    for( i = BarCount; i >= 0; i-- )


    //fputs( Name() + "," , fh );

    {ds = StrFormat("%02.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f,",

    y[ i ], m[ i ], d[ i ] );

    fputs( ds, fh );


    //ts = StrFormat("%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f,",

    //r[ i ],e[ i ],n[ i ] );

    //fputs( ts, fh );


    qs = StrFormat("%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.0f


    O[ i ],H[ i ],L[ i ],C[ i ],V[ i ] );

    fputs( qs, fh );



    fclose( fh );



    Buy = 0;


    I'm getting various error.

  11. Thank you @insaneike


    Yes it help but still the data order is from old to new. Though I need from new date to old date.









    As you can see 25th Jan 2019 should be on top, I need this setting.


    But current setting is 2005 is on top.

  12. Hi guys. I need a little help from you guys. I was trying to backup Amibroker database in CSV files & find a code which works like a charm. But I want a small change in my output file. Current format is -











    & I want to change it to -









    (* not required the header & quote in every line)


    Can anyone please help me to guide how to do it!!!


    Here is the code I used.


    fh = fopen( "c://AmiBackup//"+Name()+".csv", "w");

    if( fh )


    fputs( "Ticker,Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume

    ", fh );

    y = Year();

    m = Month();

    d = Day();

    //r = Hour();

    //e = Minute();

    //n = Second();

    for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )


    fputs( Name() + "," , fh );

    ds = StrFormat("%02.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f,",

    y[ i ], m[ i ], d[ i ] );

    fputs( ds, fh );


    //ts = StrFormat("%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f,",

    //r[ i ],e[ i ],n[ i ] );

    //fputs( ts, fh );


    qs = StrFormat("%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.0f


    O[ i ],H[ i ],L[ i ],C[ i ],V[ i ] );

    fputs( qs, fh );



    fclose( fh );



    Buy = 0;

  13. I had used a web-based application named AutoTrader(hxxp://st*cksdev*loper.com/autotrader/) for amibroker & Zerodha Kite. This specific application is actually connected Kite web socket with Amibroker. But it was only for trial. I tried to reset the trial but not able to. Though figure out that the application actually determine the first install date & based on that the trial version is detected, so there is no web based verification. As the application is based on java & I don't know the language so its difficult for me to breakthrough.
  14. If you don't mind can you share the exact point on which you need more information. My python script is super nested. Pasting the short snippet for your reference.


    import win32com.client
    import pythoncom
    class charting(object):
       def __init__(self, import_q, num_threads=1, db=None, auto_import=False):
           self.import_q = import_q
           self.num_threads = num_threads
           self.db = db
           self.auto_import = auto_import
           self.t_list = []
       def enqueue(self, f):
           if self.auto_import:
       def import_i(self, f):
       def import_h(self, f):
       def do_save(self):
    class charting_ab(charting):
       def __init__(self, import_q, num_threads=1, db=None, auto_import=False):
           super(charting_ab, self).__init__(import_q, num_threads, db, auto_import)
           for cnt in xrange(0, self.num_threads):
        t = threading.Thread(target=self.entry, args=(self.import_q, self.db, self.auto_import))
        t.daemon = True
       def entry(self, import_q, db, auto_import):
           ab_obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("Broker.Application")
           if db is not None:
       	while (True):
       	    f = import_q.get()
               print "Importing: " + os.path.basename(f)
               ab_obj.Import(0, f.replace('\\', r'\\'), "aqi.format")
       def import_i(self):
           if self.auto_import:
               while not self.import_q.empty():
                   f = self.import_q.get()
                   print "Importing " + f.replace('\\', r'`\\')
                   self.ab_obj.Import(0, f.replace('\\', r'\\'), "aqi.format")
       def do_save(self):
           if self.auto_import:


    Please note this is not the entire code but surely contains part which you would like to use to interact with amibroker.


    Hope this helps.


    I really appreciate your efforts to make the python program. As I'm not a programer so, I don't know what to do with the code. I use a simple DDE connection for the data feeding in my Amibroker from Zerodha Kite. But has many limitation thats why I'm looking for some alternatives. But don't get anything. Anyway hope your code might help some people in this forum.


    Thank you

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