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Timothy Sykes - PennyStocking

Guest mata00

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Guest mata00


Timothy Sykes - Penny Stock Trading Strategies | 1.8 GB

Think Penny Stocks are too risky to touch? Wait until you hear how I turned $12,415 into $2 million all within a few years (UPDATE: As of June 2009, I’m up 360% in the last 18 months making me the top raked trader out of 25,000+ on Covestor…and my PennyStocking DVD students account for nearly 1/4 of the top 100!) a by trading thousands upon thousands of these tiny companies without using any leverage. And I’m not even that good of a trader–I’ve always been too greedy and undisciplined for my own good. Imagine knowing exactly what to do, but never having the patience to wait for all the right variables to align. It’s maddening–I’ve made millions, but I’ve also left many millions more on the table.


It was almost inevitable that constant lack of discipline would catch up to me as I lost 1/3 of my assets on one stock that stubbornly held onto for 2 years. Wait, I’m publicly admitting to a huge loss? Yes, that’s right, as you’ll soon discover, I hold nothing back. I’m tired of all the BullShip marketing programs out there that have given Penny Stocks such a bad reputation. I bring up these losses to show you that I’ve experienced both the ups AND downs of Penny Stocks and that’s why I believe I’m uniquely qualified to show you ALL the risks and rewards associated with this market. Don’t trade or invest in another Penny Stock until you watch this DVD, I can help you avoid the many pitfalls I’ve encountered over the past decade of my trading career.


I won’t lie to you, Penny Stocks are risky. But, everything in the stock market is risky–no matter what scumbags brokers say–and if you’re looking for a little risk that could yield huge rewards, read on…


No other instructional DVD is so raw and honest because few people have the guts to bare it all. No other Wall Streeter is willing to detail all their greatest successes and failures to help people learn and that’s sad. Thanks to the success of my TV show and the many, many spiteful comments written about me, I can take it all because I really have nothing to hide.


I hope to usher in a new age in the finance world, one that is filled with total transparency and learning. Big dreams, but I think it’s possible. While my losses have been very painful, they’ve also taught me more about Penny Stocks than my gains ever did. If I had made this DVD before I had suffered any losses, it wouldn’t be very helpful–it would probly be dangerous for you. Only now, through my firsthand experiences, do I truly understand that the key to success is controlling your losses to prevent ANY chance of ever having to take a large loss. Sounds pretty obvious, right? Trust me, it’s not as easy in real life. But, for all my mistakes, and there have been many, I’m still worth over $500,000 so I can still trade my beloved Penny Stocks and that’s what counts. and considering 90-95% of all trader lose, I’m doing alright.

So, why am I basically giving away all my trading secrets?


There are several reasons:

1. I’m tired of professional traders preying on amateurs

I’m switching sides and showing you amateurs how to fight back! In time, the professionals will surely change their tactics, but I’ll also be blogging regularly so I’ll be right there to tell you about it when they do.


2. I’m tired of everyone ripping on Penny Stocks

I’m going to prove to everyone how great Penny Stocks really are. This is a simple marketplace filled with simple people aka once you know what to look for, the competition is pretty light. After all, the vast majority of people in this niche are pure suckers, so if you can learn even a little bit, you have an edge. That’s why I believe Penny Stocks offer much better odds than casinos–and other market niches–and, contrary to popular belief, luck has very little to do with it.


3. I’m tired of people not understanding short selling

I made my first million in the stock market by buying Penny Stocks as they broke out to new highs, but my second million was all from short selling. For those of you who don’t know what short selling is, it’s when you bet that stock prices will fall. That’s right, you can profit from companies failing and fail many of them do every day. Once you learn how to short sell with ease, you won’t be forced to be bullish all the time. Imagine being able to profit in all market conditions. Stocks go up and they go down, people need to understand they can profit either way. Let me open your eyes to all the possibilities.


4. I’m tired of people saying my wealth is due to the stock market bubble and luck

I’m going to show you that the Penny Stock patterns that created my fortune still prosper, taunting me because I haven’t made more from them. These patterns are waiting to be taken advantage of by people who are better traders than me.


5. I’m tired of trying to learn trading discipline

For nearly a decade, I’ve been trying to become a better trader, but now I’m done. I’m simply too excitable and undisciplined–two of the worst qualities for a trader to have. The good news is I can guide you to be better than me–like Archie Manning guiding his sons to the Super Bowl!


6. I’m tired of all these ‘expert’ stock pickers who are full of BullShip!

Picking random stocks based on random variables over random time periods is the surest way not to get rich. People need to understand this because they have been brainwashed by the media and ‘experts’ who are full of BullShip! Instead of disclosing how many shares an ‘expert’ or their family owns of something they recommend, how about making them disclose their ENTIRE personal track record. I’m not talking salary and fees, I mean dollars and cents earned through their own personal trading and investing. There’s no way to be sure, but I’m guessing the vast majority have pathetic track records.


7. I’m tired of society looking down on financial speculators

There are so many investment strategies out there that people should be able to learn and employ whatever works best for them. Currently, value investing is very popular, mainly because it has so many vocal proponents. Due to absurd industry regulations, few speculative investment strategies have ever been detailed for public consumption. I don’t claim my investment strategy will be right for everyone, as many people who can’t afford to risk any money shouldn’t dream of touching Penny Stocks, but it’s time for people to be given the chance to learn about these alternative investment strategies and take on some additional risk if they want to. This is still freedom of speech in America, right? Now, there is freedom of finance!


8. I’m tired of the lack of my strategy’s lack of scalability

Sure, I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars per year several times which have added up to millions within a few years, but Penny Stocks have limitations. No matter how good a trader you are, you cannot make more than a few million dollars per year in this market. That still leaves plenty of room for opportunity, but understand that this market’s unique qualities mean there is ceiling to how much you can make. This is why 99% of hedge funds and all other large financial institutions ignore this market. That’s great! Those people are extremely smart and they manage billions of dollars; thankfully their absence creates opportunity for people like you and me.


9. I’m tired of not being able to talk about what I’ve devoted my life to

Since I am now officially out of the investment business, I’m free to talk, teach, and debate the stock market and my theories with one and all. Who knows if I’m 100% right about everything, all my trading theories are based on trial and error, but since I’ve never been able to talk freely about what I do, my learning has been stunted. No more! Now we are free to learn together and once you see where I’m coming from and what I’ve seen, oh what a conversation we will have!


10. I can’t wait until somebody uses my strategies and makes millions

I created a $15,000 scholarship in my name at Tulane University and it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have a feeling that will pale in comparison to giving somebody the gift of teaching people to be able to become millionaires on their own. It might take a few years, but it will happen.


There will always be new opportunities to profit from, but you must learn from people like me who have years of experience to see how best to take advantage of them. I have spent nearly a decade of my life playing Penny Stocks daily, both from the long and short side, so my experiences and the battle-tested lessons I’m offering you will help you learn how to profit from Penny Stocks. Understand this: there are no guaranteed profits, only better chances for success.


This 6-hour-DVD-set, for better or worse, details my ALL my most valuable experiences and lessons learned. I hope to prove that Penny Stocks are nothing to be afraid of, if you know what pitfalls to avoid. The good news is that since most people aren’t willing to see what it takes to turn thousands into millions, there is great opportunity here. Step up to the plate and give it a try, I truly believe I can teach people to trade Penny Stocks and be more successful than me.





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