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[REQ] Wave59 Pro

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These are the available data sources in Wave59 Pro 3.6. If you want to analyze forex data, you might consider getting a demo account with Forex.com.




hi all

if anyone have data feed solution from mt4 to wave 59 than please share

unfortunately no response with luckycoin

Edited by Bill Bundle
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actually i have wave 2:17 pro(but with hardware lock) , only esignal data feed & yahoo support my exchange, currentely running with esignal but it is too costly so searching mt4 solution as @luckycoin said above


but after massage by @luckycoin he disappered

even i have done PM but no response

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Earik Beann who is the programmer and publisher of Wave59 has limited the data sources to only paid sources. He even charges for Yahoo data. It appears that all future versions of Wave59 will require some sort of paid data feed subscription. As if he doesn't make enough money selling it at $7500 USD. You can reach him at [email protected], if you have any questions.
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Earik Beann who is the programmer and publisher of Wave59 has limited the data sources to only paid sources. He even charges for Yahoo data. It appears that all future versions of Wave59 will require some sort of paid data feed subscription. As if he doesn't make enough money selling it at $7500 USD. You can reach him at [email protected], if you have any questions.


actually there was no help about connecting mt4 data feed but @luckycoin mention about it, earlier in 2006-08,there was a application that was able to connect

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There are a few educated versions posted in this discussion forum, but no one has said whether or not they actually using Wave59 with RT or EOD data. If you are reading this and use Wave59, please tell us what data source that you are using and if the educated versions are performing well in the program's many functions. Personally, I can't find out how to load data. In other programs, it's easy to figure out. I select the source, make a chart and request for data and it still doesn't load it.
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There are a few educated versions posted in this discussion forum, but no one has said whether or not they actually using Wave59 with RT or EOD data. If you are reading this and use Wave59, please tell us what data source that you are using and if the educated versions are performing well in the program's many functions. Personally, I can't find out how to load data. In other programs, it's easy to figure out. I select the source, make a chart and request for data and it still doesn't load it.


i have 2.10 & 2.17 both edu but with hardware lock, but they are running well on both rt via esignal & eod via yahoo, i m searching mt4 because esignal have too costly

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i have 2.10 & 2.17 both edu but with hardware lock, but they are running well on both rt via esignal & eod via yahoo, i m searching mt4 because esignal have too costly


But Bill Bundle has Wave59 Pro 3.6. Is this the latest one? Pro 3.6, I meant.

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Don't the version numbers increase with each release, 2.10, 2.26, 3.06 then 3.6? Can you make a screen shot of the available data sources and post it for us to see, if your version is the most recent? Has an educated version of the most recent Wave59 been posted in this forum?


Also I'm wondering is if this is a recent version of Wave59 and does it come with a license, because the Wave59 website sells it for $7,500 USD?



no sir version 3.06 came before 2.10 , i was original buyer of wave 59 for some month, ver 3.06 only came in our world , currently 2.26 version is the latest
Edited by Bill Bundle
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Don't the version numbers increase with each release, 2.10, 2.26, 3.06 then 3.6? Can you make a screen shot of the available data sources and post it for us to see, if your version is the most recent? Has an educated version of the most recent Wave59 been posted in this forum?


Also I'm wondering is if this is a recent version of Wave59 and does it come with a license, because the Wave59 website sells it for $7,500 USD?




sir i will post the screenshot of versions but it will take some time as i m out of my town


by the way how much wave 59 is superior than other software

is wave59 have an edge above timing solution or neuroshell trader

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Good question. Wave59 comes highly recommended, but it costs about 2.5 times as much as TimingSolution. I don't know anyone who has both and can give us a comparison. Let me know if you find out first. I never hear of Neuroshell Trader software.


sir i will post the screenshot of versions but it will take some time as i m out of my town


by the way how much wave 59 is superior than other software

is wave59 have an edge above timing solution or neuroshell trader

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Good question. Wave59 comes highly recommended, but it costs about 2.5 times as much as TimingSolution. I don't know anyone who has both and can give us a comparison. Let me know if you find out first. I never hear of Neuroshell Trader software.


i can arrange timing solution with the help of brother shenong but i don't know how to trade/analyze with TS

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Don't the version numbers increase with each release, 2.10, 2.26, 3.06 then 3.6? Can you make a screen shot of the available data sources and post it for us to see, if your version is the most recent? Has an educated version of the most recent Wave59 been posted in this forum?


Also I'm wondering is if this is a recent version of Wave59 and does it come with a license, because the Wave59 website sells it for $7,500 USD?




There are two versions of Wave59's.


1. Wave59 RT with various editions, WAVE59 RT 2.9, Wave59 RT 3.1, on and on - This one was around $2K's

2. Wave59 Pro with 2 editions Wave59 Pro 2.10 and Wave59 Pro 2.17 (this one is the latest of the Pro edition). This one is the killer $7500! Yikes.


I can tell you one thing about Wave59 that is different from TimingSolution, is that Wave59 has lots of wicked indicators that TimingSolution does not. Although, both have astro materials. Wave59, if you added Lars Thienen's cycles as part of the package, it also gives you a nice forecastibility based on cycles as explained in www.whentotrade.com. I used to lease Wave59 RT 2.9. I stopped when Earik came up with Wave59 Pro and jacked up the price to almost $10K. BS. On top of that it crashed a lot using it with eSignal.


TimingSolution, on the other hand, is mostly gearing toward Astro and natural cycles. No other special indicators. I use it every day as part of my trading.


This chart was from Wave59 RT that I used to use.



and this chart is from TimingSolution, I recently created.


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Excellent comments and explanations. Thnx a lot.


Apart of the different approaches of each program, the PRICE of the stuff is just AMAZINGLY Overpriced for W59...E. BEANN sounds ( to me at least ) as a very GREEDY guy, when you compare with Timing Solution cost ( and the complexity of the TS program )....


And even more, Beann doesn't even fix quickly all the known problems of his 'baby', which is a shame, for me.




S :)

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