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TimingSolution Adv. + Terra Incognita Jan 2012 ( + Cracking Explained - WORKING )


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  candyman said:


for those still having problems making this work


VERY GRATEFUL, Bro ! Will test that tomorrow......I remember there is a TAB with some specific Astro functions, but one must type another code to activate them ....Anyway, GREAT to get yet the process to FIX the CORE of the prog OK, since it is a huge stuff to deal with...Very complex...


S :)

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  wcicom said:
Thanks Candyman.....working !!!


By the way, bro :) , could you check the TAB i told about (in the TOP horizontal menu, of course ) , proposing ASTRO Functions only enabled AFTER typing a CODE ( money , money, and always money in this kind of software..)....


Thnx if you can see, and maybe told us / me what you have seen.... :)

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  forexonly said:

For those that are able to make it work, which one are you installing; the original 2012 (with or without the upgrade installed) or 2016 with the ts key adv alone or with ts upgrade included. I did try different combinations and still no go.





May i suggest you install a Win 7 - 64 on a primary partition, somewhere, and RETRY installation....


The vast majority of crackers work on Win7 -32/64 , sometimes on 8.1, Exceptionally on Win 10....The Win 10 is "known" for being clumsy,slow, not good,and full of spying stuff....


Just my opinion, nothing more....I listen, see, hear the voices, posts of crackers everywhere....since years....


They consider the WORST Microsoft OS were / are :






Win 8 ( partially fixed in 8.1, but far from really good )


WIN 10 ( WORST of the WORST )



My 0.00000000000002 cents, dude :D

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More EXPLANATIONS about the crack...I have got it !


Got it REGISTERED after 1.5 hours spent on it.....


The Suspense moment is AFTER doing the First register ( in fact, i have slowed the Reading Video Speed to 0.10 in VLC, to be able to "fOLLOW" the Mouse movements....)


The Video is 1:19 Minute long....


So, try to follow the Video Timing BELOW :


BEFORE the CRACKING process, you MUST INSTALL in sequence :


1 . ts_setup_key_adv.exe ( setup file of Timing Solution Advanced )

2 . ts_upgrade_a_ti.exe ( setup file of Terra Incognita )


************************************************** ******************


CRACKING process



1. you launch OllyDBG


2. You OPEN the file TSA.EXE


3. Click F9 to RUN it ( into OllyDBG, of course )....


4. You get a window displayed, asking about what you want to do, because some code section is compressed / encrypted / embedded....


5. Click "NO"


6. Around time 00:10 / 00:11 seconds ), the REGISTRATION Panel is displayed....You DO NOTHING with it ( See later )






7. ( Video time 00:23 ) You click F2 ( set a breakpoint ) , and paste the code : 00669D76









8. ( Video time 00:31 ) Now, look at the displayed screeenshot - PHASE 1








you have the following breakpoint, 00669D76 TOP LEFT, in normal black on white...






9. Look at the displayed screeenshot - PHASE 2








and click on the number 50 , just beside the 00669D76 breakpoint...Now, normally, the breakpoint is 00669D76 black on RED background...





10. Click now the F9 or the Big BLUE horizontal arrow ( TOP Menu ) to CONTINUE TSAdvanced...








11. Around 00:36 , you get again the REGISTRATION panel displayed, just fill it, click REGISTER, and at 00:49 / 00:50 ( Video Time), you get the Right REG Code for your Username and Harware Number, displayed on the following screenshot ( see the Right TOP line with " ASCII 10, "QJMJJJI......" - It is Your Code ! :






then, just follow the video which is very obvious...




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Terra Incognita is installed, but not ENABLED.....So are some Addons into Timing Sol.


hi Bro Candyman or any other Cracker Bro


Well, just look at the following screenshots, taken on MY 'puter after Installation / Crack of TSA/TI :





The TI ( Terra Incognita ) icon is GREY - Not enabled....BUT installed.





This Activation Panel is reachable from the TOP menu, icon TOOLS ---> Addons






Thnx for any HELP :D

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you ready to crack again?


the tsa.exe is just a launcher for the "child" EXE files.

if you see there is a ts_nna.exe

and a ts_nna_ti.exe


it is a simple patch to make the child exe run from clicking on them. and patching the TI EXE files will workall 4 files can be patched exactly the same way

a kindergarten kid can do it. i will make a quick tut

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  candyman said:
you ready to crack again?


the tsa.exe is just a launcher for the "child" EXE files.

if you see there is a ts_nna.exe

and a ts_nna_ti.exe


it is a simple patch to make the child exe run from clicking on them. and patching the TI EXE files will workall 4 files can be patched exactly the same way

a kindergarten kid can do it. i will make a quick tut


LoL and CHEERS for Your lightning-fast Help :)


Will try that tomorrow.

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  candyman said:
you ready to crack again?


it is a simple patch to make the child exe run from clicking on them. and patching the TI EXE files will workall 4 files can be patched exactly the same way

a kindergarten kid can do it. i will make a quick tut



DONE in a breeze !!!, Honestly, the Dev( respect for his programming talent ) seems very RELAX about the Protection....Good for us and You ( cracker )....I guess it's probably one of the EAsiest cracks you have ever done !


Ah...I remember : the Addons to Activate.....Could make a good RE Small test for us...Thnx SO MUCH Bro, you really COOL and efficient :D


Beetween Themida / VM and that, an ABYSS , Dude, a mega HUGE Himalaya Mountain !


JW would laugh, i guess !

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