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Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...


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Another great example - thanks for sharing.

In my opinion- and following what i have read- the bigger the market ( more participants ) the better and more accurate fibs are.

trading the ES is much easier than the cl, stops are smaller and you can follow what is going on.

True- the moves are smaller but who cares- if you want bigger gains just use more contracts.

Watching the ES is like an open book for me, every little move even a few ticks move has a reason behind it and if you spend enough time on the screen you learn how to identify WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT- because that is the most important issue here- if you dont know what to expect then how can you trade ? agai- you cannot be at the mercy of a bunch of indicators that signal too late.


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You should be able to know what your position should be EVERY SINGLE TICK.

Try it- just take your chart go bacvk few days where you cannot remember what the market did - go to the open and then scroll 1 tick or 1 bar at the time with no indicators - so you cannot see whats on the right side.

you should be able to "know or Guess" what is coming next.

If you cannot do that then go back to the drawing table and spend few more month just doing what i just told you.

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I only use the built-in NT7 fib tools.


I've tried using indicators that automatically draw fib lines, but:

1. They usually draw them in the wrong places.

2. They crowd your screen with too many lines and its hard to see what's really going on.


I have several fib templates (just different number settings) which I can quickly switch between when measuring different points.


Hi zBear and Traderbeauty,


How are you identifying particular swing for the ABC pattern i.e. how are you deciding which swing will work and which one will not. Are there any particular rules are you following?





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there are no special rules- just use common sense.

whenever there is a fib extension i calculate the retracement and also have an ab=cd - look at the picture under- you can see the the abcd is within 1 tick from the 78 which gives it much more power but it does not mean anything.

the market will do whatever it wants to do and you should wait for a confirmation on the scalper before shorting.

this is live so lets see what will happen.

we should have a short either at 31.25 or 32.75


btw- in my experience- the fibs are 10 times more reliable than the abcd ( for es ) but i still draw them.





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so here it is - LIVE to your home theater lol

so lets see what happened here.

as you remember- i predicted that the most expected place for the market to go back to short was the 61.8 or the 78 fib- but the market has its own plans- it reversed from the 50 fib but then it changed its mind- went down only 61.8 and reversed up- when you see that then obviously you DO NOT short at 61.8 or 78 fib- its futile- now we have a new story and new game.



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The thing is that all of this action happening after market hours.

Not relevant to intraday traders with small accounts.

To trade over night the margin is too large.


The goal is (atleast mine) to be able to grow a small account from

intraday trading.

Lets say 100-200$ per day and grow it comfortably over time and than to increase sizes

slowly which will enable me rake in a nice sum every single day without risking too much.


To achive such a thing a reasonable plan is needed.


I do believe that with this method when it mastered and understood

the goal can be realized.


We all still have a long jurney to overcome.

Edited by mastertrader7
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I hope that you are following what i am showing you.

this is how i trade live during the day.

the game is changing- you cannot decide to short no matter what happens.

right now because we have a higher low - if you notice- it reached the 2,6 fib extension- so now if it comes down we should buy and go long at the 38 fib

there are no indicators involved and this is the only way that you will be able to win constantly.

i cannot show you examples during the day because i am trading live so do yourself a favor and learn what i am showing you and try to understand it.



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now- just so you understand that its not so simple- i am showing you now the higher time frame 8-2 renko where you can see that the bigger leg is showing that we are right now at the 78 fib. so if this was during the day and i get a confirmation i would have shorted here ( with confirmation) with a min target the 38 fib but we might see a much bigger move- so again - here it is LIVE.



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here you can see the short is starting on the renko 1 so it depends how aggressive you are you could enter now with a few ticks stop or wait for a better confirmation

remember- you will rarely see this live in the happening

this is real trading- no indicators and no waiting.



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Here we are in a most likely in a downtrend.

The last move up did not past the last major top (See red horizontal arrow).

Leg down had a retrace to 78.6% minus 1tick.

There is a triple leg correction with each leg almost equal to each other. (I've noticed most triple equal leg corrections will retrace back to 78.6%)

dVPOC is at same location. A trending leg will mostly likely retest dVPOC and continue down.

Retrace 78.6% = Triple leg correction = dVPOC Most likely will reverse and continue down here.

Target is 127.2%

It took out 127.2%



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and here is the next step we have almost 2 points of profit from the moment i made the call to go short- basically we can have a stop at break even and just leave it.

we are almost at the first target .

you see- the trick is to call the move BEFORE IT HAPPENS. this is not playback - this is live as its happening, hope you guys can appreciate it.

ok- its 11:30 pm, enough tv,

will see you in the am and then we can check the live results.





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so here it is - LIVE to your home theater lol

so lets see what happened here.

as you remember- i predicted that the most expected place for the market to go back to short was the 61.8 or the 78 fib- but the market has its own plans- it reversed from the 50 fib but then it changed its mind- went down only 61.8 and reversed up- when you see that then obviously you DO NOT short at 61.8 or 78 fib- its futile- now we have a new story and new game.








Is the reasoning you are shorting 78.6% is you believe the trend is now down because the RJ8-2 down leg went past the white arrow line?


I am seeing the ES in a range between red and green extremes.

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good morning everyone- the short ended at break even, no big deal specifically since i was not in this trade but it was a great example.

The fact that it was outside trading hours is meaningless.

Trading is trading, I cannot show you live examples during the day so that was a perfect one in a slow motion.

The reason why i would short that move or even try to short it was because 2.6 is a very far extension- thats when the market is overbough combine that with the big 78 fib gives you a nice reason to short.


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got some time now-

need to teach you what is the trend, what does that mean- market moves, how does the market moves ?

we are going to look into that using a magnifying glass- meaning we will watch the renko 1 tick which is basically the smallest time frame possible- its like looking into atoms.

before you even try to trade you have to understand how the market is working- its much simpler than you think- its just a constant fight between the buyers and the sellers. you need to always be able to identify who the winner is the join that side. its not as easy as you think.

i want you to look at the chart bellow.

market started to drop and there are shorts coming up. but everywhere on every tick there are also some buyers that think they will catch the exact bottom. once that temporary bottom breaks then they hold their positions and pray for the market to go back so they can get out at breakeven.

so look at the first top arrow- by then more and more shorts join the move , some buyers tried to get it up but it was impossible and once it got to where most of the volume - or volume node was located- you have a lot of traders that either get out of their longs at be or new successful sellers that know how to trade and join the trend. so the volume on arrow 1 is located within those 3 ticks and you can safely short right there.

look at the second arrow- same story- market went up - where to ? right into the volume concentration- so all those poor buyers are struggling to exit and sell their positions which helps the sellers who are already short. look at arrow 3 and 4 - same exact situation.

even that last move up at the bottom- no arrow- look how far up did it go ? right into the volume node.

now- naturally you will all go and look for the 55 or more indicators and programs that will find, identify and locate all the volume nodes from today back to the 19th century- but who needs that ? just use your eye , look at the chart , dont be afraid and you can see these nodes so clear it just screams at you.

same of course goes to longs.

but this is how market works, now- the moment that there are more buyers going up thant the sellers- then the direction changes- at least for now.

its not simple - but i just gave you the view right into the heart of the market- its like lego where the entire big picture is built of small matter and you have the tools to identify everything live.



p.s- do yourself a favor and go back few days, scroll the chart tick by tick and try to see if you can tell what the market is going to do in the next tick- do not use any indicators- no need.



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here i want to show you how similar much larger time frames sre to the renko 1.

the chart bellow is showing you an 8-2 renko- as you can see - the market dropped almost 40 points and guess where did it bounce ? right where the volume concentration was-

i actually exited shorts and went long right at 2415 ( will post a broker LIVE report for those trades so you see that i dont bs you ).



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hope you believe me that these trades are live- if not then i can capture the entire page- its just a pain in the butt to cross out the other info like account numbers etc.

so i went long at 15 and 20.75 - market now is at 30.75 so i let you decide what i am going to do lol.


take care and i really hope that this is helping you at least some.

p.s- 15 was the exact bottom of the market ( 14.75 to be exact ) and yet i go long right there when everything was red and everybody was shorting...



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Here we are in a most likely in a downtrend.

The last move up did not past the last major top (See red horizontal arrow).

Leg down had a retrace to 78.6% minus 1tick.

There is a triple leg correction with each leg almost equal to each other. (I've noticed most triple equal leg corrections will retrace back to 78.6%)

dVPOC is at same location. A trending leg will mostly likely retest dVPOC and continue down.

Retrace 78.6% = Triple leg correction = dVPOC Most likely will reverse and continue down here.

Target is 127.2%

It took out 127.2%




Thank you @zbear for sharing, especially since i trade CL too. Keep sharing.


Many thanks Jane :)

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hope you believe me that these trades are live- if not then i can capture the entire page- its just a pain in the butt to cross out the other info like account numbers etc.

so i went long at 15 and 20.75 - market now is at 30.75 so i let you decide what i am going to do lol.


take care and i really hope that this is helping you at least some.

p.s- 15 was the exact bottom of the market ( 14.75 to be exact ) and yet i go long right there when everything was red and everybody was shorting...




While it is nice of you to post, not really necessary to post this broker trade details. You are going all the way to support members here, and am sure all of us here have grown to trust you over time :)


Thanks again Jane :)

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Here is the reason why I am posting the Broker's Live results here.

When I look at any possible website that advertise a method, software or entire package - they all show you HISTORICAL EVENT- for example- they chose an area with a huge trend which obviously will be a success even for a ****** moving average.

The will not show you LIVE or real results. They will show you videos but almost always these are REPLAY or Sim accounts that they can cut and paste or just try few times and show only the winners.


For me it was very important to show you the trades EITHER AHEAD OF TIME OR DURING THE TRADE LIVE. True- that was during the night time but trade is a trade and it was going in a slow motion and you could all check and look at it LIVE on your computers.

The real results are important so you can see that I am not just bs you but I actually trade with this method. This is the only way that I can convince you to throw away all your beautiful and very expensive indicators and start to look at the chart- leg by leg.

The market is TELLING YOU what it wants to do, it does not go up or down in a straight line so you can always see the pattern or the legs.

As they say : "Show me the money "- that is exactly what i do- i am showing you the money.

Now- if you think that all my trades are winners you have a huge mistake- but I almost always get out of a bad trade a breakeven.


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