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Some bad news from NinjaTrader. Mandatory update


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Mandatory Update for All NinjaTrader Users


NinjaTrader is required to change a SSL certificate that is used in validating your license resulting in a mandatory software update. All users must update to version 7.0.1000.31 prior to Saturday, February 27th. Failure to do so will result in disruption of service.


Please follow the steps below to proceed with the update in advance of Saturday, February 27th. All workspaces, NinjaScript files, and other user settings will be maintained.


NinjaTrader 7 Update Instructions


Close NinjaTrader 7 if it is currently running. If you attempt to update before closing NinjaTrader, a complete uninstall/reinstall will be required.

Download NinjaTrader 7.0.1000.31

Step through the install process & complete to resume using NinjaTrader.






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i did the update and it did not influence any of my current indicators or workspaces or anything- so not sure why these are bad new ?

but thanks for the info


NT v.22+emu will stop to work after Feb 27. The new update has no influence on the educated indicators and strategies. They just are going to change the license server and certificate. All NT installations without usage of emu are safe.

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Btw, if Ninja is connecting to emu to verify the license, and not to their server, why it wont work? Or is there another connection needed as well to Ninja servers?



NT v.22+emu will stop to work after Feb 27. The new update has no influence on the educated indicators and strategies. They just are going to change the license server and certificate. All NT installations without usage of emu are safe.
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Btw, if Ninja is connecting to emu to verify the license, and not to their server, why it wont work? Or is there another connection needed as well to Ninja servers?


Emu tracks all the internet transmission related to the licensing process between NT and vendor servers. Simplifying, the emu has written in the code a fixed strings and url addresses to track and procedures to block the connections in the case of detection of them. It simply answers to the NT instead of license server.


As I already wrote in the Ninja thread: The main issue is related to the new url of license server. To be honest, I'm not sure if other traps were also changed in the comparison of both releases (31 vs 22). The new certificate is not a problem - the same with adjusting the url matching strings...

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how hard would it be to work on a new emu?


Shortly - not a big deal, but keep in mind that part of NT must be also modified and here it's not so easy task to do. Of course it's possible.

To be understand properly - making only a new adjusted emu won't solve the current issue..


Again to be absolutely honest with you - the emu is not needed at all to broke NT and to work without it as a full release... But, I'm asking again - what for and for whom?


Andrey B. or his staff developed the "emu" to make a better control of his sale and to simplify the process of future upgrades. On the beginning (a few years ago) the emu was utilized also to unlock other NT stuff (indicators/strategies protected by checking VendorLicense() procedure).

That's an obvious truth.

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The bigger concern appears to be that they can shut down the use of NT7 in the future, whether you like it or not, to force an upgrade. It doesn't matter if it's 5 yrs from now. If the program still works with your broker and you don't want to change, you won't have a choice.


Well, that is what happened in sequence of upgrades and versions of mt3-mt4-mt5. But, fortunately evolution takes its own pass and all good ideas and solutions slowly migrate with time.

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Some use NT emu to save on Static dom TT fees which are .10 a trade. The emu give TT credits for this. This works on IB.


Are you saying that NT can be a full release for live trading without emu?

As I wrote in detail - of course YES.


btw. I can imagine it works for IB. To omit TT fees at other brokers wider range of modification must be done. And again - it's also possible and even more...

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As I wrote in detail - of course YES.


btw. I can imagine it works for IB. To omit TT fees at other brokers wider range of modification must be done. And again - it's also possible and even more...


always you have alot of good info for everyone, thank you, I didnt know NT can be without emu....


To do full release NT without emu, is that something I can find and read here in the forum?.... I have read most of the NT thread and do not see or remember any mention of NT without emu... Would be able to point in the right direction to find this information?

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always you have alot of good info for everyone, thank you, I didnt know NT can be without emu....


To do full release NT without emu, is that something I can find and read here in the forum?.... I have read most of the NT thread and do not see or remember any mention of NT without emu... Would be able to point in the right direction to find this information?


I don't think so, that you could find this information in any public threads. Not everything is available in public... Keep in mind, we're not talking about a garden hobby...

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I don't think so, that you could find this information in any public threads. Not everything is available in public... Keep in mind, we're not talking about a garden hobby...


Ok,, I appreciate the info....dont want to bother you with anymore on the subject... I hate to ask but am sure I speak for alot of people when I say that we would all appreciate any information on how to make NT into full release without any emu. ...Of course this is only if you want to..... am sure we would all understand if you dont.... You are always here to help many and its appreciated....


Many thanks

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As I'm trading on real within NT, one issue is the DOM.

You can't use the static DOM if you have the unlocked version on your real account.

Note: If you select the Dynamic DOM, the price line within the DOM is all the time jumping and not letting you do the changes properly, also no chart trading is available.

With the EMU, i get all of these features and it's a must if you do real trading!


Admis, please let us know what can be done to fix or over come this issue.


Best Regards,

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As I'm trading on real within NT, one issue is the DOM.

You can't use the static DOM if you have the unlocked version on your real account.

Note: If you select the Dynamic DOM, the price line within the DOM is all the time jumping and not letting you do the changes properly, also no chart trading is available.

With the EMU, i get all of these features and it's a must if you do real trading!


Admis, please let us know what can be done to fix or over come this issue.


Best Regards,


As I think, you (and most of you) are not able to do that by yourself, because of lack of reversing skills. There are no simple hints which can be repeated by everybody. khnco asked me whether it's possible and I just answered on his question, but I'm not going to share in public this solution because of obvious reasons. For instance, to finish the opportunity to use and work with NT in the future releases.

I've invested too much time and effort for the last few years to get the knowledge about NT and now to simply lose it all...


Read the lbf4223's post (above on this page).

"The bigger concern appears to be that they can shut down the use of NT7 in the future, whether you like it or not, to force an upgrade."

I agree with him at all.

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Whether we have a real or not-real copy of NT, I think we'll all benefit from a not-real copy. I remember the time when NT was free with just an order entry dom and I was still trading with tradestation or another by-product Multicharts with the same Easylanguage script and using its dom. Welcome to the wonderful world of financial programming and like it says it was an easy languaage to write your own custom indicators and systems to backtest. I'm just a self taught programmer probably still in the infant stage.

Then came along NT with its charting capabilities and improved dom and chart trader where it makes it easy to place orders on the chart itself. And a script based on C++.. well it wasn't easy at first but with this wonderful forum and Admis and a few other dedicated programmers to help and traders like Tradebeauty and several others to inspire us and to give us hope that trading for a living or to make ends meet is 'very' possible.

Then NT (its a wonderful trading platform) came with its own brokerage(by taking over Mirus I think) and I remember Admis (always indebted to you) help in reccommending another brokerage before this. There was a cut off date and I hurriedly open an account and now you can't run NT if you join after this date and if you look at the site for purchasing NT it states multi-broker but only lists a few.

Now there's a compulsory upgrade on probably the last version of NT7 and in time another compulsory upgrade to NT8? Don't you see where its going. All our myriad of NT7 indicators, strategies would be useless unless there's an easy way to convert them. And NT8 could probably have safeguards that you can't install non-licensed indicators, systems that this forum is so fond off for testing and other purposes and in time buy the real version(if it works)from our profits made. Or we could all position trade (just price and maybe some volume action) like tradebeauty with deep pockets (no stop losses) and balls of steel. Wish we could write an emulator for tradebeauty's mindset.

One can only trade live at any one time with different computers with NT (the same brokerage also only allows only one login).

With a second copy one could hedge your position with another broker in case of some power outage and crashes in NT when you have a trade going or to use other complementary NT7 indicators and systems without using up all the processing power of the first computer.

We are actually promoting business with NT (its chart trader and brokerage) not only with one of its lowest brokerage fees ( in time I'll probably open an account with them) but this forum is showing what an awesome platform it is used for trading. But we are playing to its tune and if we can keep alive this forum and the still workable and maybe profitable NT7 indicators , systems then I think a version of NT7 that can be used for live trading should be preserved (why break it when its working fine!).

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