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  kram said:
Admis, maybe you don't realise it but actually this indi is coded by FatTails (aka Harry) and sold by GZT.


I have a lot of respect for Harry and I don't like to see you breaking his code. Please respect him as he's a very good programmer who has helped others and shared stuff publicly.

Howdy kram--Hope allis good with U--Seems a little funny when members here all of a sudden seem to get scruples?? U make comment defending and supporting a specific set of indis that got educated by the GRACIOUSNESS and TIME of members yet I did not see this defense in all of UR comments and requests from past post of Urs---Just curious--


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  kram said:
Admis, maybe you don't realise it but actually this indi is coded by FatTails (aka Harry) and sold by GZT.


I have a lot of respect for Harry and I don't like to see you breaking his code. Please respect him as he's a very good programmer who has helped others and shared stuff publicly.


Each & every good indicators are coded by good programmers only. It's Admis's generosity helping us providing an opportunity to use Indis beyond trial period in order to read and understand if that indi is really helpful for one's trading style, so that later on, one can better decide to go for it. I request you, please do not bound Admis or someone other who are helping us. There are lots of applications programmed by great programmers and most of them have been educated and are easily available. Even then users are purchasing it.

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  kram said:
Admis, maybe you don't realise it but actually this indi is coded by FatTails (aka Harry) and sold by GZT.


I have a lot of respect for Harry and I don't like to see you breaking his code. Please respect him as he's a very good programmer who has helped others and shared stuff publicly.




I see you are a programmer and able to code ninja strategies yourself and were beeing active in BMT paid section.

Based on your values of "helping others and sharing stuff publicly", what are you here for exactly, for so many years? The thread above is interesting, very much the same. Since you asked for a BMT username you shurely have no problems to share yours. What are the consequences for yourself here, regarding your ideals and values? [-O<


So you had the chance to download it and try it yourself? Might be very worth to look into it, since you detected flaws and not working strategies/indicators/concepts in other discusion threads very easily and told us so. Must be a good one, i am very happy for you.


Harry might have gotten an hourly/project based fee from the vendor. Based on his knowledge and programming skills i have no doubt, that he himself must finally be one of the few that might be successful consistantly. That therefore allows him to have a bigger heart than the average guy easily, won't think that he has lots of financial stress.

Edited by k33
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  kram said:
I found that, being an Elite member of BMT, I could post my indicators that I spend many hours developing and get constructive feedback on them from like-minded members.

Seeing them shared on forums such as this is very disheartening. It shows no respect for hard-working developers like me.

Yatamanka, can you please tell me your BMT username?


It looks like, he asked username of BMT so as to complain MIKE to block that username.

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Everyone please stop with the crying a river for fattails. I asked Kris who works with fattails if I could buy the zerolag and the Bloodhound template and told me NO. That I would have to buy the zerolag and make my own bloodhound template, and not use his bloodhound setup. Since I did not want to buy the whole vwap indicator set for $900. I told him that I could use anavwap since the indicator values are the same as his retail paid for stuff. I would not need all his setup if they use 2day prior stuff, just the current vwap codes or input, I told him I would like to buy his 195 package, again he told me NO, I could only buy the full package to get the template. Like I said I would alter the ana to work, with the BH, I just wanted what his inputs that generated the signal for backtesting. I have never had a vendor do that before....so back to playing with cracks. 90% of these vendors get those ideas from BMT anyway and repackage the code so its usable for retail and 90% of the people still cannot make money, since 90% of the vendors make money selling indicators and fake trading. Really its a nice racket, ask Kris and fattails.


Edit Note: Admis, please do not take this as a slight against you, I respect and value your work and your wishes in what you do here.

Edited by tradernate
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  mtpf said:
My logic is simple like a dust,if their system is so powerful why the hell they sell it at XXX and not earning out of it?

System sellers and analysts on money channels are alike,they talk a lot,end result is..............subscription only!


GM traders,


in my opinion this indicator is very useful, anyway i dont think you can get a lot of money with a simply indicator!!:((

Our main resource is alway our brain, you need to feel the market and try to interpret it with your indicator.

Anyway all indicators with core volume are the best in my opinion.


PS_ another time thank you so much Admis!!!


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  traderforlife said:
in the gz webinar launching the new indicator they promised the special price of 995 for volumezones would be the lowest price ever offered. 2 weeks later and they are offering it at 40% off the 1295 full price.

lots of suckers paid 995.


well, i think gz did not make a lie. It's indeed the best offer at that time. It's far better than someone offers you a limited-seat BF special which turns out to be a routine one.

afterall, since gz is now "found" to have the strongest protection in the industry. It should expect itself to sell more copies. Then lowering the price to gain market share is a natural approach. i think soon every vendor will adopt this "most strongest" protection and wishfully, all of them can really innovate and drop their price... have a great weekend to everyone!

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