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please decompile and Edu this useful Trade Manager

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You have no idea what the point of such a website (
) is ?

I will tell you. This is the conviction of all honest members here:


If a product has no trial period (and often no money-back-guarantee) , we all believe it is ok to educate the product, so everybody can test it for free.

If such a product is worth the money, we will buy it from the vendor and not use the cracked version.


Do you understand this ?


The Admin cannot prevent criminals from coming here and stealing educated products and selling them . There are such shops where you can buy cracked products for a fraction of the original price.

The shop-owners are criminals who belong behind bars.


Now figure out to which category you belong.

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Do yall know the definition of hypocrite? Look in the mirror.

[h=3]Hypocrite - Merriam-Webster Online (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrite)[/h]www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrite

a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs ...

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No, you are completely wrong.


The Admin doesn´t respond to vendors who demand that their products are put on the Blacklist which is their right because copyright violations are criminal acts and the Admins can go behind bars because of it.

In the past they responded and they knew why, but something strange happened to this forum which I cannot explain.

It is without leadership. I am sure you have no clue about it.


A well known Mod of this forum is a good friend of mine since years.

He doesn´t answer my PMs nor my e-mails.

He has exactly the same attitude I have and it is the attitude of all members here who have a character and ethics.


You are talking only nonsense because of your perverted mind.

Criminals cannot think properly anymore, their minds are not working like they should.

They attempt to justify their criminal acts and their low life character and they are blinded by their sins.


You can see this fact in all comments in this thread written by criminals including yours.

The criminals should refrain from staying in this forum, not the good members.


But I understand that Mafia like criminals don´t like to hear the truth. They want to have their peace of mind amongst

themselves, thus they try to throw out all honest people.

That is the reason why this world is such a bad shape.


Another criminal here justified the stealing of the work of good programmers by the poverty in so many countries of the world.

If you analyze why there are such poor countries, you will discover that criminals are in power in such countries.

Corrupt "elites" are ruling such countries and you can find billionnaires in India while there are hundreds of millions of poor people only a few steps from starving.


Evilness is destroying the people everywhere in the world and people like you are evil too and are the cause of such circumstances. You are not better than the corrupt elite leaders in India or elsewhere, the only difference is that you have no money, but your attitude is not better than theirs.


You should leave this forum together with your low life and criminal minded "friends" because you destroy the good spirit everywhere you appear.

Shame on you hypocrites and liars and thieves.

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