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Will pay $2500 for a week of training

Guest zextra

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Guest zextra


I am looking for someone to mentor and teach me how to trade profitably.

I am willing to pay someone $2500 in cash for a week of training.

I know your time is valuable and want to compensate accordingly, but at the same time I need someone real.


Who I am looking for:

1. You trade for a living and are profitable

2. You can set aside a week (Mon - Fri) for teaching me how to trade profitably.


Who Am I?

1. I am a 30 yr old software engineer working in Silicon valley

2. I am looking to make income off of trading to have more free time, travel, and help my family


The Plan:

1. I live in the US (mountain view ca) and am willing to fly to wherever you live, and I'll get my own hotel

2. During the day we meet for a few hours of instruction (6 to 8 hours, depending how quickly we can go through the material and get me set up)

3. I need to know which broker to use and which software to use so that I can prepare and fund my account before making the trip

4. I want to get my accounts and software set up so that we can begin making profitable trades in my account during the trip.


At the end of the trip, I want to be able to trade profitably and successfully on my own.


Please message me if you are interested and we can meet on skype.




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Guest FloridaTrader

Hi Mike


Just some advice, before you commit to taking a trip to meet with the forex trader (instructor), you should set up a forex account 1-2 weeks in advance to you can have it completely set up and ready to go. Opening a brokers account can take time in doing so.


Also, keep in mind that the most active (and profitable) trading markets is the London which means that it opens up around midnight your current time and that is the best time to learn how to trade profitably.


One more thing, you didn't state what your forex experience actually is. Please don't be offended by my stating this, but if you don't have any forex experience, please take time and go to www.babypips.com and take their course which is great for beginners.


I hope this helps and welcome to this great forum.

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Guest zextra

Hi FloridaTrader,

Thanks for the tips, and as I am a new forex trader I will take a look at the babypips site.

I am unable to reply to your PM as I don't have enough posts yet, so I will have to reply here.


The url that you included has stars in them like *****, so I can't see it. I think that's why when anybody posts links they replace .com with xxx or a's with @'s. If you can please resend I would appreciate it.

Do you do trading as a living yourself?

Is there a broker you can recommend? I have scoured through many and its hard to filter out the good ones, so word of mouth would be good.



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Guest FloridaTrader

I sent you a pm Mike.


I'm going to throw a question in your direction which will help determine what kind of trader you need to assist you. Do you plan on trading while you work, limited to trading during the times you are not working or both. The reason why I ask is that this determines what time frame you choose to trade. Some traders like to trade a few hours a day and then we have traders that trade all day and night (like I do). You need to match up your trading time availabilities with an instructor that does the same.


I think you will have a better idea of what your options are after you complete the babypips.com training and then choose a person that can assist you. Also, keep in mind that traders have a wide variety of trading platforms that you can choose from.


Advice, ignore the temptations to search the web for trading systems and this includes Ebay which is a scavengers haven for junk. Chat with several traders and get a feel for them and their trading systems before committing to meeting up with them.


Try to find Forex Trading for Dummies - a crashcourse collection of the most profitable Forex Trading ideas, strategies and tricks. Great for novices as it is full of illustrations, examples and professional tips without the use of jargon. Also check our ebook and movie tutorial sections for great learning materials.


Hope this helps!

Edited by FloridaTrader
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Guest zextra

Right now I have a day job (9 - 5 usually). My goal would be to get started trading while having my job at the same time. If the trading were to be successful then I would quit my day job and have trading become my full time job. So for now I would prefer to trade for a few hours a day. At work I do have some free time and would be able to do some trading at work, but my employer has a network proxy that makes it all the more difficult. So short answer I would say is I would start with a few hours a day/night. My ultimate goal is not to become a millionaire but to be able to make a decent living off of trading (100K+ a year would be great).


I am starting the babypips course now and will continue to learn. I will also get the book Forex Trading for Dummies, thanks for the suggestion. Although I think it is now called Currency Trading for Dummies? As that is what amazon shows.


If there were some recommendations on platforms, would you say MT4 is good? Or perhaps something else. Being new to this I'm not sure what to choose.



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Guest FloridaTrader

Hey Mike,


There is an ebook Forex Trading for Dummies which I have on my external hard drive. Currency Trading for Dummies 2nd Edition is excellent but beware since there are two versions. One has forex.com in the top corner of the book which is a cheap advertising book that has around 70 pages and is a waste of time. Purchase the Currency Trading for Dummies 2nd Edition that has 342 pages.


I use MT4 and NinjaTrader platforms. MT4 is great for learning too. As far as trading at work, some brokers have feed that you can receive through certain cell phones. Do as I do, and I only check charts once every 4 hours which gives you a lot of freedom.




Hope this is helpful information.

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Save yourself a lot of time and headaches and just go to forex4noobs.com and put your name on the list to do the advanced course. Once you learn the basics on your own (brokers, platforms and how to use them) as well as find the thread here on forex4noobs to get videos from... And go through Nick's blog videos, you should have a good understanding of how to trade and the course will make sure you get refined and stay on path.


Then an important thing to do is DON'T GO TO OTHER FORUMS. Other forums are only there to take you off the proven paths and to make you lose money. This forum is different and you can stay here but always remember that most forums are a load of rubbish. (no offence to the nice individuals I have met along the way, they are are all cool but the forums in general make the learning process difficult)


Save your money or don't bother paying anyone to train you. Sure, take the course but you need to learn price action and that you learn mostly by watching charts.

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If you are looking for mentoring from the professional profitable trader and broker, advise for software, etc., take a look here:




You need your own experience, but you can learn quicker with the guide of a professional guy. The mentoring cost is very reasonable - $1,200 for an UNLIMITED number of sessions.

You can look at his free materials in order to be sure that his trading method and the way of explanations are suit to you.

Edited by AnnB
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Guest zextra
Has anyone had mentoring with Mejad Mohsen, also known as MJ and MJ2008 from worldwide invest forum? Anyone care to share their experiences. I was reading some people weren't happy with the indicators he was selling.
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Hey Mike,


There are some basics in forex world. People who are really making money on forex will not teach you. There are many reasons why, I don't want to write a huge article here, if you want you will find evidence to this in different sources.


People in this thread can argue with me but before that answer a few questions

1. Are you full-time trader?

2. Did you know someone who after coaching started immediately making money (real people)


For TS I recommend "invest in trader" and share profits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like your approach and I’m willing to help


I’ve been doing this for 11 years now. And forex is all I do. To make a long story short trading is personal. even if I spoon feed you my methods they might not be suitable for you.

Nothing will ever replace experience and personal growth.

I don’t need your money. I’m willing to tutor you on Skype . Cab be nice

You’ll owe me dinner

I use TradeStation for data my broker is FXCM

If you want, look me up on Skype : Ofer Spivak- FOREX

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Hi Mike,


I am studying trading for two years now.

It takes a long time. I can tell you what I have been looking at.

My skype is: mingkooschina if you are interested.




Thanks everyone for the posts. Unfortunately I cannot reply to PM's yet as I do not have enough posts yet. I will try to get there soon.
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It sounds like a daring plan but it's unlikely to succeed in the time-frame you're aiming for. Even if you find a good trader who is profitable... his style/method may not be a good fit for you.

My first mentor was Phil Newton. I followed him in his live room for 6 months and became profitable. The problem I found though was me, as I didn't have the patience for longer term trading and balls for big stops. Instead I developed scalping methods that worked better for my tolerance to risk.

Whatever way you end up going, you have to make it your own. You have to have confidence in your method and have traded long enough to develop a feel for the market and it's rhythms. It takes a long time.

There are plenty of trade mentors/ rooms selling courses out there for 2.5k. At best they are an introduction. I've been through a lot of them and none I liked enough to want to change what I do and know to work.

Before you hand over any money... ask for a trial to see if you like their approach.

Trying to work around your day job I'd suggest you look to trade the London open and even Asian session has good volatility these days. I traded while at work for 6 years... no idea how I never got fired... but it is difficult as there are many obstacles... not to mention fire alarms and pesky peers.

If you trade the London session and start with a scalping approach you'll see plenty of action and gain experience quicker.

As a basic system to get going, you could do a lot worse than the DTS hawk. It will keep you on the right side of the market more than not. Also they offer free mentor/room for life.

Software - NinjaTrader and IQ feed for data.

I would not use real money at first even if the mentor is profitable. You may pick the 1 week of the year he has a drawdown. You need to build good habits and confidence first before your emotions take over in live trading. Test it for a 100 trades and see it working before risking anything.

Edited by keifer
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  • 4 weeks later...

You are right TraderGuy2000


I think we all need time... 10 000 hours screentime ... and some simpel basic ideas for the market "maybe some brainpower if you did not get any coach"


It will be better if you start your study it in the middel school -for exampel every day ....220 tradingdays * 10years * 5hours Daily-Screentime = ~10 000 hours....


>10 000 hours and you will understand what is all about ;)


Read and watch anything you can .... do not waste your time :)>-

Edited by antetalon
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Mike


Just some advice, before you commit to taking a trip to meet with the forex trader (instructor), you should set up a forex account 1-2 weeks in advance to you can have it completely set up and ready to go. Opening a brokers account can take time in doing so.


Also, keep in mind that the most active (and profitable) trading markets is the London which means that it opens up around midnight your current time and that is the best time to learn how to trade profitably.


One more thing, you didn't state what your forex experience actually is. Please don't be offended by my stating this, but if you don't have any forex experience, please take time and go to www.babypips.com and take their course which is great for beginners.


I hope this helps and welcome to this great forum.


Good advise guys...

He should master the babypips.com first...

If not, it's not enough to teach him and more make confusing him....

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest FloridaTrader
Don't wast your money, buy some books and study by yourself!

Another scammer going by six different usernames on this forum. Here are the other names used by this person here on this forum: Sasts1950, Heyes1929, Ponde, Thintwit1954, Migge1990.


Read the thread: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/22844-4xp-Scam-Alert-Use-Caution?p=290542#post290542


Go away scammer, 4xp is a bad broker with many complaints.

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  • 2 months later...

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