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(req) ultimate binary income

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So many crazy binary holy schmoly on market now! Do you think Wall Street, Private US Reserve and Vatican cannot read? Do you think that you can take so easily money from them with binary options? Then you are pampers trader. The software shows you trend up one minute and trend down when you put money down! Be aware of scammers who are showing you false money accounts, expensive cars, gorgeous houses and holiday resorts on their advertisements! Imagine, if everybody would make easy money on binary options Wall Street, condom US Reserve and financial corporations like Donald Trump would go bankruptcy! Do they allow it? You can bet on it they will kill you before they allow it!

Give me a break!


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If you are addict to binary options than Google TraderXP or TradeRush for 60 second binary options brokerage. There is a help on platform how many Call and how many Put trades. E.g. Call 57% and Put 43% you go with the crowd - the Call. Good for kindergarten traders. If you lose go martingale. Maximum trade $100 but you can go around. E.g. you need to bet $150 then you bet $100 and immediately bet second bet $50 during the 1 minute interval. You can bet almost every 60 second. $170/hour?

Cheers Hermes

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