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Metastock 11


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  Neowave said:

Tested, working and with no viruses that I know of.Pretty old stuff too.

Does anyone know what data providers or online brokers are accepted by MetaStock? Can this link to Google or Yahoo RT data? Is for Esignal only?

Edited by Bill Bundle
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  Bill Bundle said:
Does anyone know what data providers or online brokers are accepted by MetaStock? Can this link to Google or Yahoo RT data? Is for Esignal only?


This Metastock work with Reuters and eSignal. Also you can see a pluggin, in Hypertrader.it, is for download EOD data from Yahoo Finance; or also, MLDownloader soft (in this forum) for download EOD data (from Yahoo and Google).


And, is possible connect MT4 to Metastock: MT4 > Metaserver > Metastock, but the problem is import the historical data into Metastock, because first, you must connect Real Time, next convert historical data MT4 .csv files (1 min) to Metastock format, and next import data into Metastock, each time (is very long).

For me, Multicharts or Tradestation is better, because is not necessary convert the historical data, also, Multicharts for example work with 1 million of data (1 million of minutes) but Metastock work with only 65500 (Excel 2003). This is very important for backtesting.



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It works for me in Xp and windows 7 32 bit I

dont know if there are any issues with 64 bit



This program in my opinion is good for charting.

There are better options for testing mechanical

trading systems.



This one should be around here.

The disadvantage of this program is that doesnt fill missing data

if for instance your internet connection fails.





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For India NSE realtime, I HIGHLY recommend the following provider.


Fantastic service. All stocks covered in your metastock/AmiBroker. Rock solid feed. And to top it all...real cheap price.




The only reason I am plugging them is cuz I am their present customer and am giving this feedback to benefit others. MY own win ratio went from 70% to over 90% once I got a good data feed and this one is reliable.


Btw...if you still find the 3 month price expensive, then check out other providers in comparision.


Best of luck in your trades.



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  FFRT said:
RTQ V 1.5 is 14 day trial (Key or patch, if possible)


Any freeware just to pull yahoo intraday data....in ascii format...


I tried with this software (trial version), but is not better than MT4. With MT4, the advantage is that data are the same than his broker, with RTQ the real time data is different (obviously)

Also, I had other problem with introduce real time data into Metastock, I did not can. It does not mean for you not to can; attempt it.

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  hellboy said:
There are utilities like RTQ downloader, but u need have Yahoo subscription;(, if free data is delayed by 15 minutes, so any one can share realtime data puller from Google/Yahoo to Metastock/Amibroker?Thanks


Someone was nice enough to post an educated RTQ downloader.


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Has anyone got this Metastock 11 to work? Just to be on the save side, I installed it in its default folder and then ran it. I tried installing it with a data vendor and without a data vendor and I can't get it to work either way. Anyone have any ideas about this?
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  option trader said:
s,its working fine in my system(xp 3) with no data vendor way..(after installing this way u can open metastock by offline mode icon)

happy trading..


I'm not sure what to do about this, since I keep getting a server error message and then the program closes. I'm using Windows 7 (32 bit).

Server has not been set up with a selected real-time data vendor.

The Equis Data Server will terminate when this message is cleared.


My system meets the MetaStock requirements.

•Microsoft .Net Framework Version 2.0 or higher


•Microsoft C++ Runtime and ATL


•Microsoft Jet Database v4.0 SP6 and MDAC v2.8


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  option trader said:
s,its working fine in my system(xp 3) with no data vendor way..(after installing this way u can open metastock by offline mode icon)


Ok. It seem that if you do NOT have real time data provider you can't use regular shortcut from desktop. You have to start MetaStock using the shortcut from start menu "MetaStock Professional Offline Mode." This way you can read all daily and intraday data from your disk.

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s,thats correct way,u can see all data's like EOD ,RT TICK BY TICK...

IF U R trade in indian exchange just try http://www.aamaadmisoftware.com/subscription/

metastock format with compatible amibroker feed for all trading platform..

its cost wise cheaper and good quality of rt data with no delay and better than " MANSHIRT"...


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