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Market Makers Thread Aftermath

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Needed ,,,,,,,,,,,




Exceptional and Dedicated ADMINISTRATOR (s) to open an " Interactive Collaborating and Sharing Room " using technology they would be very failiar with ..


Problem I saw/experienced is that too many opinions and changes were more important than sharing and

working as a TEAM ...


@ modes of sharing .. mainly LIVE and special event for study/presentation of past charts ..:)




Good trading wishes

Edited by Marchello
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  ianf0ster said:
Please continue to the good discussion. Any file sharing link will cause this thread to be deleted immediately.


You don't want all the good learnings that have accumulated over more than a year to be deleted in an instance. Sure you can re-start the thread but you lost one year of posts. Sure you can save into pdf archives but one year of active discussions gone.


And thanks to whoever did that............................ that was really nice of them to get the thread removed. NOT...........

A whole bloody year of discussions gone....... Why could't the modarators just delete the posts that had the so called offending links.

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Well, if file sharing is now prohibited (illegal/not illegal), it means the whole INDO forums has to be removed and start new entirely, regardless if it is MMM or any other system. (Why only MMM is being treated differently here. INDO should banned whatever paid system being distributed without costs in any forums). They should also ban the members who actually share these files so that they go away from INDO and not put INDO under any legal implications and put a policemen in each forum to monitor... If these are carried out, then the removal of MMM threads is deemed fair to every members.
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What is the point of having a forum when it is not discussed effectively. Why blame non paid members when the one you should police and pursue is your own paid student who distribute illegally on his/her own terms.


The members in INDO has nothing to do with these legal implications and to get their thoughts and hard thought opinion for the past 1+ years being deleted just like that is very uncalled for.

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  ianf0ster said:
when you steal and not get caught, you continue to steal. i guess other threads did not have the attention of the owners, e.g. Sam Seiden and OTA not aware of the XLT videos being uploaded every week. so the illegal distribution continues.


Its funny when the word "steal" is being used. The distribution was done by one of the paid students, I guess the student stole the recording. But it seems that the accusation is to all non paid members that everybody in INDO forums are all pirates. So INDO should disable all file sharing.

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  ianf0ster said:
wrong. the one black sheep student did in fact leak out the videos to some "friends". who then pass to more friends and eventually to Indo. but it is wrong to keep uploading the illegal file-sharing links by members here despite knowing the owner's intention to delete the links.


discussions is allowed. personal lessons and good points are allowed. don't let another one whole year of precious posts be lost because of a few recalcitrant uploaders. the lost of one whole year of notes and contributions (including the passion and effort to make pictures and lessons) are too painful to happen again.


To make your job easier, you should tell the owners stop your online classes and just do live classes. Because these leakages will continue in any forum by now.


Wow you can dictate what is allowed and what is not allowed and this is not even an MMM forum.

Edited by xdin
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  ianf0ster said:
wrong. the one black sheep student did in fact leak out the videos to some "friends". who then pass to more friends and eventually to Indo. but it is wrong to keep uploading the illegal file-sharing links by members here despite knowing the owner's intention to delete the links.


discussions is allowed. personal lessons and good points are allowed. don't let another one whole year of precious posts be lost because of a few recalcitrant uploaders. the lost of one whole year of notes and contributions (including the passion and effort to make pictures and lessons) are too painful to happen again.


i particularly missed the lessons and contributions by Captain, Hart3000, jddavis, NUKEM, joekurr123 (sorry i forgot the id), etc. they were helpful and contributed passionately.


But, you call them CRIMINALS

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  ianf0ster said:
nope. you twisting facts again. Captain and Hart3000 never distribute illegal materials. they contribute useful opinions and posts. you know very well who are the recalcitrant uploaders.


Not twisting anything, you know for sure they didnt share any material that you consider illegal. You are saying one thing about criminals then say something else like compassionate, helpful. I find you are very misleading.

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  joeher133 said:
I propose that we focus on trading the "Money Maker" method and leave all that other unproductive stuff behind. Maybe we can keep going on this thread or create another one that we can use exclusively for insightful and productive exchanges about actual trading. Just my two cents. Good trading to all.


How are you going keep this thread going when there's already warning that after 1 year all comments will be deleted. Maybe we should use another forum.

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  ianf0ster said:
again you twisting my word. DISCUSSION is ok. just no distribution of illegal recordings. DISCUSSION is fine for 1, 2, 3, even 10 years.


we just lost one whole year of contributions. there is no rule to delete after 1 year. you know you twisting facts


Because of trying to protect your so called illegal recordings, all DISCUSSIONS were also deleted. Dont try and twist saying that 1,2,3 10 years. LOL

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You keep stating Im twisting facts. Get this.


1 year of discussions were deleted because of you trying to protect the so called illegal recordings.

This was a term conditioned by the owners and we as members were not part of it. When you did not get full proof security (the leakages) you start blaming others as criminals and penalised everybody having discussion about it.


And after all said and done you so called 'missed the compassionate' contributions.What a joke

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  ianf0ster said:
you think i can delete the entire one year of posts in two threads? i can't even delete my own post here. i'm not the one to delete the thread without warning.


You think IM ****** to think that you delete the stuff.


It is the consequences of the action taken by you and your group that forced INDO to delete the threads. All just because you do not have a good online security and now blaming the whole world as criminals.

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I have no issue with you. I just want to keep this productive. If you find anyone posting copyrighted material and choose to spend your time going after them that's your choice. It just seems that we keep derailing our focus from trading and into what is or isn't being distributed and at this point I have not seen anything being distributed for very many pages so it's like beating a dead horse and it seems to me that people are bothered by the fact that you keep dictating what is allowed and not allowed and this being a forum for the free exchange of ideas I can see why that upsets them, I for one don't care. I am trying to stay focused on the trading aspects and I hope that we can all find a way to contribute freely to the forum without distractions. So my suggestion is as I've said before is that if anyone has something productive to contribute to go ahead and do it and if someone posts something that you find objectionable take it with them instead of highjacking the whole forum. Evidence shows that the vast majority of people posting are trying to contribute usefull ideas so why should all of them be punished.


  ianf0ster said:
i know you won't reply to me. but as long as there is no illegal distribution of copyrighted proprietary course materials on file-sharing links, everything else is ok to proceed. DISCUSSIONS are allowed. very allowed.
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  xdin said:
How are you going keep this thread going when there's already warning that after 1 year all comments will be deleted. Maybe we should use another forum.


Please see my post # 2


Good trading wishes


PS.. I also realize that most of the problem is due TO ME .. I apologize to all .. II is about SHARING all .. so that proper

evaluations and reverse engineer efforts can be accomplished .. for the good of majority of members .. to become better traders .. MHO


But, to erase 2 complete long threads ..?


I could have been banned and thus the many members would not to have gone though this peril !

Edited by Marchello
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