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Since the market opened today and the tics started. I keep geting pop-up messages that says.




and it gives the account number of the the license for this version.


Does anyone else have this problem? How can I fix this.


The similar


Would need or even at the level of DLL to have any more no popup, and abolish it deactivate some indicator, but I know nothing in programming there.

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tried that still have the warning box showing and only 4 indicators showing on chart



You will have to delete the dll and the ea (Renk0ExpertAdvis0r.ex4) from the experts folder and libraries (for dll file). The warning will go away but another error occured:


FR-scanner: zero divide error. We need someone like expert to educate properly.

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The similar


Would need or even at the level of DLL to have any more no popup, and abolish it deactivate some indicator, but I know nothing in programming there.


Yes, indeed all the indicators need to import the dll file. If someone can educate it to use without dll file. We can use RenkoLivechartV3.2 to generate renko blocks and that system should work. This is just by IMO.

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This is what i did and most of the indicators are working without the account number message.

leave the dll file in the library section.

next open the decompile indicator u want.(scanner)

delete any reference to the dll file

#import "ForexRacer.dll"

int CalcData(int a0);

int CalcFunc(int a0);

save as scanner1.

now compile and see if any other errors appear

if so eliminate references to dll file such as *calcfunc(17)

compile and if okay u should be fine.

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limasi, you're right. i've decompiled and delete function (caldata+ calcfunc). all indicators run correctly. i am trading from this morning, and i' ve saw that this system seems stable in profit. next trades give me the proof about positive perfomance.



Hi giapel, appreciate you could share your educated version.



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While following the recommendations of liamsi, the majority of the indicators function individually and finished the popup.

The two only one which does not function, although it has there no more error, are “Fr-Scanner and Fr-Retracement” but have can happen some very well.

The point to enter are really relevant, and it is largely possible to benefit from it.

Still thank you liamsi

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The fr-scanner fixed get time zone error: http://minus.com/mQajJmZLA


Password: forexisbiz.com

Thanks jndgls for the fixed.



My GMT time still not correctly displayed and I got this following message on expert tab:

FR-Scanner EURUSD,M2: the second parameter for ObjectSetText function must be a string


It looks like it still need some minor fix

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