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(REQ) theTradingeye (betfair exchage system)

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The Trading Eye Review (http://www.moremoneyreview.com/the-trading-eye-review-8417.html)


July 19th, 2011 • Related (http://www.moremoneyreview.com/the-trading-eye-review-8417.html#) • Filed Under (http://www.moremoneyreview.com/the-trading-eye-review-8417.html#)

Product Name: The Trading Eye

Author: The Trading Eye Team

Company Name & Contact Details:



It’s Time To Approach Betfair From A Completely Different Angle. You Are About To Profit So Easily That It’s Going To Feel Illegal.

Price: £34.00 plus £6.80 Tax

Money Back Guarantee: 100% Money Back Guarantee Within 60 days.

What Do You Get?

- A fully downloadable 33 page manual in pdf format with full instructions as to the workings of the system. This is well written and makes excellent use of screenshots including betting screens relating to Betfair horse racing.

Where To Buy: www.thetradingeye.net

Brief Summary:

The Trading Eye System, as the name implies involves trading on the betting Exchanges. Those not familiar with this type of betting need not worry as a Betfair beginners guide is included by the author explaining everything from top to bottom.

What’s It All About?

It is a trading system which presents a unique opportunity to profit in a consistent and systematic way.

Trading is a process which can literally guarantee profits if we carry out the correct procedures at the correct times. This system and manual aims to grant all users the ability to learn such procedures and make profits.

One of the main differences in this system is that this system is more mechanical than other trading systems, and this will be clearly demonstrated once the user begins to be familiar with the instructions within this well presented package.

How Much Money Do I Need To Get Started?

The author advises a small bank of only £50.00 which will be ample to get started.

How Much Money Can I Make?

Nothing quoted but if the author’s claims are correct then this does look capable of producing profits.

How Much Time Will I Need To Make This Work?

There are thirty three pages of manual to work through with instructions and illustrations to absorb. Once this has been done to satisfaction, then all trading can begin immediately.

Will I Need Any Equipment To Do This?

This involves trading on the Betting Exchanges so a PC with Internet and Wireless connection will be required along with an open account with either Betfair or any similar exchange.

Value For Money?

At £40.80 this looks to be in line with similar systems currently on the market and for what it is capable of performing, it looks to be reasonably priced.

Quality Of Customer Service?

All emails and queries have been dealt with on a very swift basis. Very satisfied initially and also the system is covered with a sixty day guarantee.

Midpoint Report 16/08/2011

Imagine for one moment that you have found a system where you no longer live in fear of placing bets and you are so confident about the workings of this system, this keeps you returning over and over again to Betfair in order to secure further profit.

Well this is indeed the bold claim made by the Trading Eye team on behalf of their latest product to hit the market.

As the very name suggests this system involves trading on the Betting Exchanges and if you are not familiar with this type of trading, then this is probably not for you.

The author claims that he discovered something that ninety nine percent of people overlook whilst using these exchanges and to his knowledge he does not know of anyone using similar techniques.

The actual system is claimed to take only a matter of minutes to find the named selections and there are absolutely no form guides required whatsoever.

The manual comes in a thirty three page fully downloadable pdft format and it is very well written and presented.

The author makes excellent use of various screenshots including betting screens relating to the Betfair interface and his full and well covered instructions describe his unique approach to trading on the exchanges.

The cost of this system for those intending to purchase is fairly reasonable and for around forty pounds the manual and secrets of the system can be yours and should render a lifetime of service.

It is a trading system which presents a unique opportunity to profit in a consistent and systematic way.

One of the main differences in this system is that it is more mechanical than most other trading systems, and this will be clearly demonstrated once the user begins to be familiar with the instructions within this well presented package.

As far as working the actual system is concerned I found it took a little time to get used to the detailed instructions and just what to look for, but once the initial tangled web had left me, it became easier to navigate oneself through the maze of Betfair screens.

I also feel that the author’s claim of taking only two minutes per selection is a bit off the mark, as I found it did require a lot longer than that to arrive at any backing or laying decision.

The actual system ensures that with the correct back and lay scenario if the horse wins then we as system users win also whilst if the selection should lose we all end up all square as we started.

There is a suggestion that a hedge calculator could be used and a help link points us in that direction where although it costs us more to lay the selection, we end up as winners even if the horse loses.

So as the half way mark of this trial approached I had monitored a total of forty seven selections of which twelve of these were outright winners and the remaining thirty five were losers and gave us an all square position.

The strike rate was 25.53% and this gave us an overall profit of 53.58 points using £5.00 stakes, which in turn equated to 10.72 points as our profit margin.

The longest run without a winner was eight whilst the longest winning run was three and could be deemed satisfactory at this point in time.

Not an easy system to run, and there could be complications with great care and attention being required at all times.

I definitely think this has potential and I shall be eager to return to the second half of the trial hoping that the quest for further profit continues in a similar trend.


Number Of Selections = 47

Number Of Winners = 12

Number Of All Square = 35

Strike Rate = 25.53%

Longest All Square Run = 8

Longest Winning Run = 3

Overall Profit/Loss = £53.58 using £5.00 Stakes

Equates to a profit of = 10.72 points.

Here is the results of the test:



http://[email protected]/file/xs1_96kK/Copy_of_The_Trading_Eye_System.html

I will see if I can get hold of this system ;)

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