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Precision Forex Scalping

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Guest David1713006337
Put (Req) in title bar when making requests otherwise traders will assume you're sharing the system. Look how others post requests on this forum.
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I know of excellent scalpers who can achieve that sort of accuracy and keep risk/reward at approx. 1:1 or better, so it's certainly possible.


Seems as though this has been around since mid last year, so I expected to find a copy somewhere, though it's tricky to track down.


One of the techinques appears to be the classic of trading bounces from each side of a channel, though it would be interesting to see what the other two are all about.

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I have the entire course. I downloaded it before he locked down the site. I'm not sure it meets most peoples idea of scalping but that's for individuals to decide. It's 535Mb in total and I don't have the time to upload it right now (because I'm going out to get drunk) but I'll try and get it up over the next few days. :)
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"James de Wet" used to manage accounts through FXCM


My brother had an account that was manged by him


the account was $230,000 and in a few short months the


balance was $27,000


He was getting paid whether he made a loss or profit from the commissions

he was making good money while he was losing millions for other people


needless to say FXCM stopped using him for an account manager


I think there was some court action against him don`t know how it turned out

my brother did not get anything back.


whether James de Wet has learn`t anything since those days


it was around 2004 maybe 2005


"Those who can`t do Teach"


and really would you buy from someone who can`t do.

Edited by bluerider
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He lives in South Africa and the CFTC hit him with fines and restitution of over $1,000,000 in 2006 which he has never paid. Don't think he'll ever step into the U.S. again. It's interesting a guy who doesn't know how to trade is selling trading systems.



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Here you are. Sorry it took so long - Multipupload seemed to take an age to take each file part. Anyway, this file was split by WinZip so just download all parts to the same folder, open the .zip file and it will automatically see the .z01, z02 & z03 parts to reassemble them for extraction.


FS-PrecisionScalping.zip (47.7 MB)

FS-PrecisionScalping.z01 (150 MB)

FS-PrecisionScalping.z02 (150 MB)

FS-PrecisionScalping.z03 (150 MB)

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