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Mark Whoever is always sending e-mails. Here is the latest with a slide show but I cannot upload that yet.

This is his pal Ed who is the expert:


"Before I explain how we do it, let me first say that some people don't like to screen stocks - or indices, e-minis

or ETFs. And that's perfectly fine. The information in the manual about how to recognize and play the highest-odds

gap candidates can be used for the securities you would normally trade. You don't have to go looking for anything.


Just absorb the information and use it when the opportunities come along in what you normally trade.


When gaps appear in those securities and markets you normally trade - and gaps appear often - you''ll be able to quickly

size-up the gap and know if it's a high-odds play, or a dud.


And you'll know how to play it. And because of that, over the years you'll make money off prime gap set-ups that you would

have otherwise ignored, because you didn't understand them.


You'll have little-known gap-playing information you can use for the rest of your life that the vast majority of traders

will never have. I told Mark to shut down this offer when 1000 orders were hit, and at last count we were at 769.


First of all, where do you find these upgapping or down-gapping stocks and other markets? If you are using one of the mainstream trading platforms like realtick, tradestation, interactive brokers, e-signal, think or swim, etc. they should have a list of everything that's set to gap up or down.

If you're not sure, contact technical support and ask. Don't ask customer service because in many cases they don't have

an in-depth understanding of the trading platform's capabilities.


The trading platform I often use, think or swim, offers a pre-market list of securities that are gapping. But even

though they have that, I often use Briefing.com. They produce a list of what's gapping, and why. They charge a nominal

monthly fee and they offer a free trial. There are other sources listed in the manual.


So how does the screening process work? It takes longer to explain than to actually do it. But the first step is to determine if the market - the major indices - is going to open up or down. If the market is opening up, we only look at up-gapping stocks.


If it's opening down, we look only at down-gapping stocks (of course we play gaps in the indices themselves if the

gaps are "right"). We want the power of the overall market at our back - that's one of the built-in filters we use.

That filter alone eliminates a ton of stocks.


OK, so say you are only looking at up-gapping stocks because the market is set to open up (futures open different times).

You look over that list - there may be 30 to 50 or so stocks and some ETFs - and quickly disregard the ones with low volume, very low price, and very small gaps.


You are now down to a handful of candidates. Next I see what the news is that's causing the gap. We look for certain kinds of news. On my trading platform I have a 15 to 30 minute chart up. I use that to check price action of the security leading into the gap. I type in the stocks ticker symbol and go through them one by one. All it takes is a few seconds to tell if it's a "keeper" and if I want throw a smaller time frame trade chart up.


I normally end up with five or fewer trade charts up. Then when the market opens I watch them to see which ones are

performing best and take the trades as they set up.


As I said earlier, this goes quickly, once you get the routine established, just like anything else.


Which leads me to this: Don't feel you have to be in a rush to get this screening done. If you get a late start or get

interrupted, don't sweat it. Relax, because many of these gorilla gappers offer multiple entries, as explained in

detail in the manual.


In fact, one of my favorite entries is when, after gapping, price pulls back and then later on, after building up energy,

breaks through the high of the day and runs like a scalded rabbit! I probably should call it the "scalded rabbit breakout play"!


See the chart below for one example of what I'm talking about. This one broke out and ran some three hours after gappping up. Others won't take as long, and others will take longer.The point is, when you have several charts up, the opportunites

to take advantage of these strong gap plays doesn't just happen soon after the opening bell. Great opportunities can come along all morning and even into the afternoon. So even though gaps offer many opportunities to make a quick profit, they also offer many opportunities to trade all day.


I could show you example after example after example of this. And that's why I don't sweat it if for some reason I don't

get my filtering/screening done by the bell."




Thanks Ed for sharing that with everyone. Of course Ed goes into greater specifics in the manual, but that's the proces

in a nutshell. And like Ed said, many traders will just take this cutting-edge gap information and use it when the opportunities arise on the securities they normally trade, and not do any screening/filtering.


Either way, it's a win-win situation.


Hope that this helps

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