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My live test account it´s up and up and up....not so bad but it will be much better!!

Guest master9357

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why brag ?


s2s, I am glad to know and happy for you that your system is doing well. But for us reading/looking at your post, we don't get your point. Why do you want to post your results, good or bad, if you are not going to tell us what the system is? You say you are not sharing your system nor looking for any business or selling it, then, why are you even bother posting your account details? Am I missing something?


master forex in below post ask to show he profitable system




i show , yes it is true , i will not sharing my system nor looking for any business or selling it , if it is profitable why i should sell it ? ;)


i was not said my system is best and profitable system on the market , like all system's it has loss trad's but low !!!


freddy , this is not brag , i have not any Claim on forex , all system's are profitable , this trader's that loss money via their wrong Decides.


thanks , sory for bad writing:D

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Guest indoshare



Why the hell do you post here.. if you are so selfish.. this forum is for the selfless givers and sharers.. if you have no intention to share.. please do not show off you statements here.. wasting our time and forums bandwidth..



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Indoshare ,


1 - forums bandwidth is public and your are not owner of it . so i am not selfish , you are !!!


2- i am not wasting your time , you are wasting your time's by searching in systm's and experts , system's are profitable just for owner of theme not for other trader's . GO AND MAKE YOUR SYSTEM



Edited by s2s
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  • 5 months later...
This guy master92whocares is such a fraud. He is always ranting on about signals and services but I have yet to see him post any content from the 5 different forums that I share with him.....He is always puffing his own peter to the point that he becomes a megalomaniac. >:)>:) I have been toying with this poor portugese boy all weekend and he still doesn't get it....lol. Stay away from whatever he is offering.:-O:-O:-O
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This guy master92whocares is such a fraud. He is always ranting on about signals and services but I have yet to see him post any content from the 5 different forums that I share with him.....He is always puffing his own peter to the point that he becomes a megalomaniac. >:)>:) I have been toying with this poor portugese boy all weekend and he still doesn't get it....lol. Stay away from whatever he is offering.:-O:-O:-O


master9357 banned .thy

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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