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Indicator needs decompiling


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Here you go.. But I'm too lazy to upload the file. so just copy and paste below.



Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []

Website: http://purebeam.biz

E-mail : [email protected]


#property copyright "Copyright ?2010, Silvio Invernici"

#property link "http://www.trading-team.it"


#property indicator_chart_window


extern int X = 25;

extern int Y = 350;

int gi_84 = 1;

int gi_88 = 8;

string gs_arial_92 = "Arial";

extern bool Credits = TRUE;

string gsa_104[] = {"USD", "EUR", "GBP", "JPY", "CHF", "CAD", "NZD", "AUD"};

int gia_108[] = {16777215, 15570276, 13688896, 5275647, 13353215, 10025880, 13850042, 55295};


string gs_116 = "";

string gs_124;


int init() {

gs_124 = WindowExpertName();

return (0);



int deinit() {

for (int l_index_0 = 0; l_index_0 <= ArraySize(gsa_104) * 2; l_index_0++) {

ObjectDelete(gsa_104[l_index_0] + "_pos");

ObjectDelete(gsa_104[l_index_0] + "_nom");

ObjectDelete(gsa_104[l_index_0] + "_val");



return (0);



int start() {

int l_ind_counted_0 = IndicatorCounted();


return (0);



void displayMeter() {

double lda_0[8][2];

int lia_4[8][2];

int li_12;

lda_0[0][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[0]);

lda_0[1][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[1]);

lda_0[2][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[2]);

lda_0[3][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[3]);

lda_0[4][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[4]);

lda_0[5][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[5]);

lda_0[6][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[6]);

lda_0[7][0] = currency_strength(gsa_104[7]);

lda_0[0][1] = 0;

lda_0[1][1] = 1;

lda_0[2][1] = 2;

lda_0[3][1] = 3;

lda_0[4][1] = 4;

lda_0[5][1] = 5;

lda_0[6][1] = 6;

lda_0[7][1] = 7;

ArraySort(lda_0, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND);

int li_8 = WindowFind(gs_124);

int li_16 = Y;

for (int l_index_20 = 0; l_index_20 < 8; l_index_20++) {

li_12 = lda_0[l_index_20][1];

objectCreate(gsa_104[li_12] + "_pos", gi_84, X + 50, li_16, 0, (l_index_20 + 1) + ". ", gi_88, gs_arial_92, Silver);

objectCreate(gsa_104[li_12] + "_nom", gi_84, X + 30, li_16, 0, gsa_104[li_12], gi_88, gs_arial_92, gia_108[li_12]);

objectCreate(gsa_104[li_12] + "_val", gi_84, X, li_16, 0, DoubleToStr(lda_0[l_index_20][0], 2), gi_88, gs_arial_92, symcolor(lda_0[l_index_20][0]));

li_16 += 12;


if (Credits) objectCreate("credits", gi_84, X - 5, Y + 4, 90, "www.trading-team.it", gi_88, gs_arial_92, DimGray);



int symcolor(double ad_0) {

int li_ret_8;

if (ad_0 <= 2.0) li_ret_8 = 3937500;

if (ad_0 > 2.0) li_ret_8 = 16777215;

if (ad_0 >= 7.0) li_ret_8 = 65280;

return (li_ret_8);



double currency_strength(string as_0) {

int li_8;

string ls_12;

double ld_20;

double ld_28;

double ld_ret_36 = 0;

int l_count_44 = 0;

for (int l_index_48 = 0; l_index_48 < ArraySize(gsa_112); l_index_48++) {

li_8 = 0;

ls_12 = gsa_112[l_index_48];

if (as_0 == StringSubstr(ls_12, 0, 3) || as_0 == StringSubstr(ls_12, 3, 3)) {

ls_12 = ls_12 + gs_116;

ld_20 = (MarketInfo(ls_12, MODE_HIGH) - MarketInfo(ls_12, MODE_LOW)) * MarketInfo(ls_12, MODE_POINT);

if (ld_20 != 0.0) {

ld_28 = 100.0 * ((MarketInfo(ls_12, MODE_BID) - MarketInfo(ls_12, MODE_LOW)) / ld_20 * MarketInfo(ls_12, MODE_POINT));

if (ld_28 > 3.0) li_8 = 1;

if (ld_28 > 10.0) li_8 = 2;

if (ld_28 > 25.0) li_8 = 3;

if (ld_28 > 40.0) li_8 = 4;

if (ld_28 > 50.0) li_8 = 5;

if (ld_28 > 60.0) li_8 = 6;

if (ld_28 > 75.0) li_8 = 7;

if (ld_28 > 90.0) li_8 = 8;

if (ld_28 > 97.0) li_8 = 9;


if (as_0 == StringSubstr(ls_12, 3, 3)) li_8 = 9 - li_8;

ld_ret_36 += li_8;




ld_ret_36 /= l_count_44;

return (ld_ret_36);



void objectCreate(string a_name_0, int a_corner_8, int a_x_12, int a_y_16, int a_angle_20, string a_text_24 = "-", int a_fontsize_32 = 42, string a_fontname_36 = "Arial", color a_color_44 = -1) {

if (ObjectFind(a_name_0) != 0) {

ObjectCreate(a_name_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_8);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_44);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_12);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_16);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_ANGLE, a_angle_20);

ObjectSetText(a_name_0, a_text_24, a_fontsize_32, a_fontname_36, a_color_44);



ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_8);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_44);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_12);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_16);

ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_ANGLE, a_angle_20);

ObjectSetText(a_name_0, a_text_24, a_fontsize_32, a_fontname_36, a_color_44);


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  • 2 weeks later...
Can someone decompile this EA. Please.

http://[email protected]/file/tfItPj2s/RN_TAV2.html


It's the trade assintant for the rover north system.

Thanks in advance.




From our fellow member clon_tron


Here you are RAN_TAV2 educated version and RAN_TAV3





RAN_TAV2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?4bjumr1f73dwhf2


RAN_TAV3 - http://www.mediafire.com/?74z6cz3yijw15n6



Don't forget to thank clon_tron

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