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Power levels trading

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place this numbers on MT4 chart and test. And trade on a 5m 15 m chart, you will see better the pullback of the price on these lines. Use price action too, like pinbars, inside bars,

outsidebars, two matching hight or lows..... And another way is use a software like MARKETDELTA for us to see the actual VOLUME and the diference between BID and ASK on these particular lines. I will look for something like that, but for FREE. If i find i will place them here.

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  joeytrader said:
Hi guedesjunior25, thanks for sharing and explaining your discovery. I think I am beginning to see the logic behind this.


In understanding the actual numbers, because the number columns in the


webpage are not labeled, I can only infer from your spreadsheet of


and you prior explanation.


Can I make sure I am understanding correctly, that on your spread sheet, can I confirm with you that column A is the Call "Strike" price, and column H is the "Settle" price. And then I can use your calculation of "Call = Strike/1000 + Settle"?


Am I correct so far?


The only number I am still not clear is this:


May I also ask, which column (per your spreadsheet) is the "open interest" that "more than 1000 is better"? Is the "open interest" column I ? or column J ? on your spreadsheet.


Thanks in advance for your patience and explanation. This is very new subject for me to learn.




and the page is: http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/fx/g10/euro-fx_quotes_settlements_options.html

Edited by musketeer
img worth more
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This person has most of the items discussed here automated already and it is free. Goto this website h**p://tr@ding-evolution.com/?lang=en_us

Also, this person has a forum that discusses it on the above link. Just click on forum

or you can goto his thread on FF h**p://www.forexf@ctory.com/showthread.php?t=126216

Remember to replace the @ with a.


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  musketeer said:


and the page is: http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/fx/g10/euro-fx_quotes_settlements_options.html


Yes you can use this too. But for a easy calculation you need to place this on excel , copy from this site http://fxcoder.ru/services/cmesettle they have the same information, and more easy to place on excel.

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  stingrayzz said:
This person has most of the items discussed here automated already and it is free. Goto this website h**p://tr@ding-evolution.com/?lang=en_us

Also, this person has a forum that discusses it on the above link. Just click on forum

or you can goto his thread on FF h**p://www.forexf@ctory.com/showthread.php?t=126216

Remember to replace the @ with a.


I agree with you stingrayzz, and i use them too to compare with my calculation. BUT if they stop to give you this information, what you gonna do......

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  stingrayzz said:
I will do it myself then. Easy enough to do it as the user on FF has the entire process of how to do it in his site and FF thread.



I like someBody the creator of trading-evolution site, i follow his ideas awhile, for me he is one of the first one to discover this. But they dont talk about the calculation of he does.

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Thanks guedesjunior25 and musketeer for answering my previous question on understanding the numbers in the column. Much appreciated. I'll try to see if I can wrap my mind around this idea over the next few days. As I mention before, the logic does seem to make sense to me. If there is strong "open interest" at certain price level on the call and put option front, such price and reaction would also be reflected in the spot currency market, and hence the likely bounce or reaction on the respective prices on the forex spot market.
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  hitescape said:


Thank YOU for bringing this to my attention here. I have heard about using option prices, especially the binary options, in conjunction with SR but you showed me how to do it.

Hi hitescape, they are a very,very good S/R lines. In these chart you can see the large lines , they have a great OI.

See this...



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  stingrayzz said:
This person has most of the items discussed here automated already and it is free. Goto this website h**p://tr@ding-evolution.com/?lang=en_us

Also, this person has a forum that discusses it on the above link. Just click on forum

or you can goto his thread on FF h**p://www.forexf@ctory.com/showthread.php?t=126216

Remember to replace the @ with a.



Thanks but I can't get either of the "evolution" indicators from his site to work on my 5 digit metatrader 4.


I'll go take a look at the FF thread.

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  guedesjunior25 said:
Call levels of eurusd for monday



. . .



  guedesjunior25 said:
putt levels for monday




. . .



Hi guedesjunior25, thanks for your help. Following your instructions, I was able to reproduce the same numbers on my spreadsheet.


Am I also correct that, if we want to look at price levels with only the high "Open Interest for Day", then for Monday, we are left with mainly:



1.4552 (strike=1450, settle=0.0052, OI=2653)

1.4636 (strike=1460, settle=0.0036, OI=2558)


and for


1.3363 (strike=1340, settle=0.0037, OI=1069)

1.3685 (strike=1380, settle=0.0115, OI=1088)


(For these, I picked only those with Open Interest (OI) above 1000)


Also, if you don't mind my asking another unrelated question, in excel spreadsheet, how do you convert the "settle" price, which is currently using a "," instead of a "." (example 0,0038), into a number (like 0.0038)?


Because, the formula function (example: "=A69/1000+H69" from your spreadsheet example) does not recognize "0,0038" (with a comma), I need to type manually that number as "0.0038" (with a period), before my spreadsheet recognizes the formula. If there is any neat excel trick, I would like to learn.


Much thanks.

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Hi Joeytrader, I am good fan of excel - most useful MS application (for me :) )

Get in the focus the area that you need - say column.

Then hit Ctrl-F, or via menu "Edit" -> "Find" (depends on version of MS office...)


In the dialog go to tab named "Replace"

in "Find what" write the comma

in "Replace with" write the dot

or what you need...


ahh, of course you may change the regional settings to get the comma as decimal symbol

Edited by musketeer
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  hitescape said:


Thank YOU for bringing this to my attention here. I have heard about using option prices, especially the binary options, in conjunction with SR but you showed me how to do it.


I think it is just the tip of the iceberg... Binary options are traded in very very different way - chain of orders... and huge math...

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  Diesel 10 said:
Thanks but I can't get either of the "evolution" indicators from his site to work on my 5 digit metatrader 4.


I'll go take a look at the FF thread.


Diesel i use a 5 digit broker too and they are working for me, please try again, on the last page of the ff thread someone has explained how to set the them up.

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  musketeer said:
Hi Joeytrader, I am good fan of excel - most useful MS application (for me :) )

Get in the focus the area that you need - say column.

Then hit Ctrl-F, or via menu "Edit" -> "Find" (depends on version of MS office...)


In the dialog go to tab named "Replace"

in "Find what" write the comma

in "Replace with" write the dot

or what you need...


ahh, of course you may change the regional settings to get the comma as decimal symbol


Thanks musketeer, the excel technique works like a charm. Now I when I copy and paste the info into the excel spreadsheet, and the calculations are done automatically.


Will be interesting to track how price reacts on Monday around the prices that have been identified.

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