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Display Local Time?

Diesel 10

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How do I have Metatrader display Local Date/Time along the bottom axis? It currently displays GMT I believe.


Also, is there a way to lock the crosshairs so it doesn't revert back to the arrow every time? I want crosshairs as default.




I don't think you can set crosshairs as default, (at least, I don't know the trick!)

but if you have a mouse with a "roller" (in between the left and right click's buttons), just press this "roller" like a button and your crosshairs will appear. It is faster than getting it from the toolbar.

Hope it helps


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You can use the following MT4 indicator clock.mq4 to display different time zones including broker time.




Thanks, but I don't need it to show me the current times around the world... I wanted to see what time (in my local time) certain moves were made, for instance when a breakout happened or when the trend changed... it is unusual to me that metatrader doesn't have the option to specify local time.

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