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Warren Buffett Talk at University of Florida (video)

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just finished watching a talk given by Warren Buffett at the University of Florida. Watch the free video above for yourself to learn some of his thinking! I have written fragmented snippets of some of the things that he talked about below.

If you were graduating and were asked to pick someone from your class who will most likely succeed, what most of us will choose.

His thoughts on investing in Japan.

“Time is the friend of a wonderful business; but the enemy of a lousy business.”

His adversion of using leverage no matter how good the odds are.

“To risk something that is important to you for something this is not important to you is foolish. You only have to get rich once.”

His involvement in Long Term Capital Management.

“Work in a job that you love, and not something that will look good in your resume.”

He buys business that he can understand, with a moat around it and with honest and able management. If he’s unable to see them 10 years from now, he won’t buy it.

This point is worth pondering:

Everyone has a circle of competence when it comes to understanding businesses. It might be 20 stocks or 50 stocks out of the thousands of listed stocks. It is not how big your circle is, but how you stay inside the circle!

Activity versus inactivity.

What he will do if given a chance to live all over again.


Edited by trduraikamaraj
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CNBC.Warren.Buffett.Goes.Global-NewWorld (video)






Travel to China and South Korea with the world's third richest man,

one of the great investor's rare trips from his home in Omaha. On CNBC's

"Warren Buffett: The Billionaire Next Door Going Global," hosted by CNBC's Becky Quick,

hear how his Berkshire Hathaway is expanding internationally and what he's learned from

being in the Far East. See what its like to travel with the Oracle first-hand.


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Thanks for share, trduraikamaraj. I will start downloading when I get the chance.


I was lucky to hear Mr Buffett talk in a guest appearance at Stanford University back in the early 1990's (I was in a Financial Investment class, and my professor was a trading research pal of his). He was already quite famous back then (though not in the almost "God" like status he is now considered in the trading community, and he looked far younger back then than the photos above). And I still remember what a humble, humorous, and awesome man he was. Although I later went into a non-finance related career for many years, I know many of my former classmates did apply his investment principles quite successfully in either their actual jobs (many of them ended up in Wall Street), or in their own personal investment portfolios.


Although not directly related to forex (the only financial market I trade now), he is one of the few trading legends, dead or living, whom I admire.

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