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Superstructure Trading

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This is a price action methodology, using bar charts (O,H,L,C). It looks well thought through. It bases its trading methodology on a thrust move from fractal to fractal, a retracement, and the next move in the trend direction to another fractal. Trend direction is determined by higher highs and higher lows (up), and vice versa. Depth of latest retracement is an indicator of trend strength (e.g., shallow retrace = strong trend). Other tools are used to determine trend strength. Anyone know more details?


The company occasionally puts on free promotional webinars describing the system. You can see at the company website: hxxp://www.ptausa.com


Someone started a thread but with a misspelling as "Suprestructure" that does not appear on a search, thus this thread.

Edited by Steveg
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