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@ Han'ei System strategy @

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O My improvements are almost ready.

Spent 12 hours today programing ,getting this to work,that to work.

It should be ready to go on Friday for sure Monday.

Really forward to it, patheway. I don't want to sound cheeky but I do hope you manage by today so we'll have the chance to test it over the weekend. Not pressing, really grateful for your hard work. :)

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what about ditching the tdi? i know its good as a trend overview but i find it doesnt help in my trade entrys. i figure both waddars and non lag do its job for it.



I tend to agree with you. I found the lines are always in agreement if we are supposed to discard the warnings.

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Okay guys..not to say I told you so but we did have the NFP.

I am doing something different as planned.

Alright and Jimsmith please send me a PM with your e-mail

Outcast has already been alerted.

Elma if you are reading this please do the same..



Talk to you soon



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I guess i missed this Jim. A couple things here . On the UJ your entry I think could have been a little earlier maybe not. When you see a set-up like this and the yellow band if forming and you already have one Waddah bar you need to be ready to enter the very moment you see the second waddah bar touch the blue line you need to be in.

Sometimes it can be too fast to get in early. The second trade is linked in time to your first so not much to say there.

Now on the EU we need to look at our candles we have a very long candle. depending on when you got in the trade it could have been profitable. I would pass on a set up like this even if the Waddah said Ok too many warnings of a reverse long candle, then reverse hammer pn bars etc.

Not sure wht you wait so long for your last cell but it;s hard to read someones chart the graffics are nice. One thing for all of us just because the Waddah is a go doe not mean you should enter the trade. For example on the UJ I would had got init looks lke right on the yellow and out somewhere near the top but then quickly I would be in position to put a short in seeing all the signs of the reverse. I am working on getting better signals..



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while the system is great i dont think we can form specic enrtys and exits. a bit of intunition is needed.

yes i agree entering after the long EU candle wasnt smart, greed got me. i should know theres normally a retracment after these. although when i entered the following candle wasnt reverse hammer but solid bullish. exit, yes i knew it was going down but wanted to wait for an oppisite waddar to close (rules). the other two EU trades we just waiting for the waddars to form b4 getting in.


the yens': yes slightly too late but the indis wernt there yet and if i hadnt mover the sl down could have been good. the other 2 trades wer again waiting for proper entrys.


"every days a school day..."

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Hi Jim,


Nah it's far from great yet but I hope to get there someday. Your correct intuition, a bit of discretion, and the human eye are always needed.

Many times I have head if you can get the entry's and exit cut and dry then you can make a EA. It doesn't work.I don't think it ever worked. Making a EA that will continue making you money month after money is the holy grail. There is no such animal. Now people say there are. People say lots of things it does not mean there true.

The only possible way of making money month after month always being in the black, always growing and never have a losing month is by manual trading period.


I use to run all kinds of EAs. I know why folks like them, they are fun to play with. They make great little experiments. It's like being a kid again in your basement with your chemistry set hoping to not blow your house down lol. If I was rich I would put up a 1 million dollar challenge if you could show me a EA that can make only 15% each month for at least 1 full year you would win the 1 million. However you would have to make at least 15% each month not 30% one month, -10%next month, 20% the following month etc.

No only 15% ea month. I have no fear that I would still have my million for years. It's not going happen but it's fun trying.


It's my wish that we can make a manual system using some automation and the human eye, and some discretion to make a system that will make at least 30% per month every month. This I know is possible and is not chasing rainbows. There is one reason feel that we can do this and why we will never believe in this lifetime to be able to make a system complete automation and that reason is you cannot make something that is pure mechanical and responsible to always keep you in a profit with a market that has infinite variables. There will always be something that can and will come up sooner or later that you have not provided for and there goes the ball game.

..but then I could also be wrong keeping hope alive for the holy grail lol..


Happy pips and don't be shy come on in pay a visit say hi and maybe we all will be just a little bit wiser as we learn and grow from each other..




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Okay guys..not to say I told you so but we did have the NFP.

I am doing something different as planned.

Alright and Jimsmith please send me a PM with your e-mail

Outcast has already been alerted.

Elma if you are reading this please do the same..




Talk to you soon







I have sent you PM with my email already..

Thanks in advance.


This system looks great for me.

~Money often costs too much~
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yea i know. i always go back to EA's after getting discouraged from manual trading. the yoyo effect. i sure im not alone. and as im sure many of you have heard before "its not the system its my lack of disapline and money management" that fails me.

EA's start great as they as made for current condiditions then the market shifts and the ea is dead. this as patheway says is fact for all of them. "6 month wonders". take a look at the swiss national bank's escalated input from mid last year. that ended the producitivity of many EC scalping ea's.


so im trying to drum what i already know. manual trading, manual trading, manual trading. i know in having a stable system, (not constantly adding and removing indicators and back testing) and watching price patterns will become consistantly profitable. like watching the matrix screen and seeing past the code.


good fortune to us all.

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You heard teach one to fish story good for lifetime right.

A good EA is llike a few months supply of fish and then gone.

it's great that you know yourself and can be honest that way. Having this kind of spirit can only serve you.

Happy Pips






yea i know. i always go back to EA's after getting discouraged from manual trading. the yoyo effect. i sure im not alone. and as im sure many of you have heard before "its not the system its my lack of disapline and money management" that fails me.

EA's start great as they as made for current condiditions then the market shifts and the ea is dead. this as patheway says is fact for all of them. "6 month wonders". take a look at the swiss national bank's escalated input from mid last year. that ended the producitivity of many EC scalping ea's.


so im trying to drum what i already know. manual trading, manual trading, manual trading. i know in having a stable system, (not constantly adding and removing indicators and back testing) and watching price patterns will become consistantly profitable. like watching the matrix screen and seeing past the code.


good fortune to us all.

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Everyone should have my email address now. I would like f possible to spend just a little time on Sunday with our group on Skype.


The first thing to do is setting a time to do this our Aussie friends may be difficult to do all together but maybe not.


So please everyone send me a email letting me know a couple of times on Sunday you can do this.

It's probably be maybe half a hour. Skype is good as we can share screens.


Talk soon


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