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Realtime Data transfer from Tradestation to Dynamic Trader


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Anyone has experience in Realtime Data transfer from Tradestation to Dynamic Trader ? I have problem to do so.


According to "DT Tradestation Utility Instructions" I input DTTSUTILITY.ELD into TS8.6, bring up a 5 min

chart, insert the indicator DTTS and a notation appears at the top of chart saying "DTTS Utility(4)". everything seems OK : the chart is updating, but there is NO data output from Tradestation : the data file is supposed to be written in the directory "dttsdata" of C disk, but there a file named IB is empty !


Anyone has succeeded to do so ? Anyone has the DT Users Guide Suppliment which could be accessed only by DT Owners ? any help would be appreciated

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you can display intraday data from the Global Server of the TS2000i if you realize the ASCI setup shown in the following gif:




You have to add the DTTS2000 tool at each tradestation chart you want to display with the DT6 and must choose under "properties" the Subgraph "Hidden" in the Tradestation software. You will find these data at your C drive in the "dttsdata" files.



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you can display intraday data from the Global Server of the TS2000i if you realize the ASCI setup shown in the following gif:




You have to add the DTTS2000 tool at each tradestation chart you want to display with the DT6 and must choose under "properties" the Subgraph "Hidden" in the Tradestation software. You will find these data at your C drive in the "dttsdata" files.




Thank'you very much..

Now I am reading on DT homepage:

"If you have Trade Station 8, you can use our free TS data utility with DT6-EOD to update DT charts in real time from data on the TS charts. The utility does not work with TS2000i."

So..I have to download ts 8 in order to display real time charts...all rights!

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the TS data utility which works with TS2000i is called "ELA" or "ELS" from former TradeStation versions. The TS data utility which works with TS8 is an "ELD" file.

But, all mentiond utilities can be used for the DT sofware if the ASCII set up of the DT software is realized acc. to gif in my post #8.





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the TS data utility which works with TS2000i is called "ELA" or "ELS" from former TradeStation versions. The TS data utility which works with TS8 is an "ELD" file.

But, all mentiond utilities can be used for the DT sofware if the ASCII set up of the DT software is realized acc. to gif in my post #8.





Well,can I use for ts 2000i the dtts utility that appear in this thread or not in order to have real time chart?I am confusing?

This is my trading tools:

from my trading platform through metaserver I transfer data to metastock professional and global server for ts 2000i .

From global server I trasfer data to adget rt.

Now my question:after I have realized ASCII set up for DT,which utility can I use?

ts2000i is not for real time chart...

thank's in advance for your help....

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Hi Sixer,I use DT5 with all modules educated by Almomayaz;in this version my antivirus find the Troyan TEMIDA.It does not matter for me because I use it on a pc not connected to the web and for EOD....

Now I have read that you don't use DT6 found in this forum because it has a virus...so I ask you which version do you use for real time.

Can you upload your version for rt use?

Thank's another time..

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  • 4 months later...
hi eros,

can you please share your ela for ts2000





Just opened the file eld with omega 8, copied the function test and created a new function with the ts2000i editor, calling it dtts2000_manual.

this is the code to be copied in the function:


{This file is source code for the Easy Language interface to DT. }




Vars:Directory("C:\DTTSDATA\"),Interval(" "),FileName(""),x(0),wParm(0),ThisVolume(0),Count(0),LastDate(0),LastTime(0),fname("");





ThisVolume = Ticks;


if barnumber = 1 then



if DataCompression = 0 then Interval = NumToStr(Highest(upticks + downticks,5),0);

if DataCompression = 1 then Interval = NumToStr(BarInterval,0);

if DataCompression = 2 then Interval = "Daily";

if DataCompression = 3 then Interval = "Weekly";

if DataCompression = 4 then Interval = "Monthly";


fname = MidStr(getsymbolname,InStr(getsymbolname,":")+1,20) + "_"+Interval+"."; {name & extension only}


if DataCompression = 0 then fname = fname + "dtt";

if DataCompression = 1 then fname = fname + "dti";

if DataCompression = 2 then fname = fname + "dtd";

if DataCompression = 3 then fname = fname + "dtw";

if DataCompression = 4 then fname = fname + "dtm";


FileName = Directory + fname;


Input: cf(4);

{if PriceScale = 1/1000 then CF = 1000;

if PriceScale = 1/100 then CF = 100;

if PriceScale = 1000 then CF = 4;

if PriceScale = 100 then CF = 3;

if PriceScale = 10 then CF = 2;

if PriceScale = 1 then CF = 1;

if PriceScale = 0 then CF = 0;

if PriceScale = 2 then CF = -1;

if PriceScale = 4 then CF = -2;

if PriceScale = 8 then CF = -3;

if PriceScale = 16 then CF = -4;

if PriceScale = 32 then CF = -5;

if PriceScale = 64 then CF = -6;

if PriceScale = 128 then CF =-7;

if PriceScale = 256 then CF = -8;}



FileAppend(FileName,"cf= " + NumToStr(CF,0) + newline);

if DataCompression = 0 then FileAppend(FileName,"ticks= " + Interval + NewLine);

if DataCompression = 1 then FileAppend(FileName,"min= " + Interval + NewLine);

if DataCompression > 1 then FileAppend(FileName, LeftStr(Interval,1) + NewLine);



for x = MaxBarsBack downto 1


ThisVolume = iff(DataCompression =0,Upticks[x] + DownTicks[x],Ticks[x]);

fileappend(FileName,numtostr(date[x],0) + " " + numtostr(time[x],0) + " " +

numtostr(open[x],4) + " " + numtostr(high[x],4) + " " + numtostr(low[x],4) + " " + numtostr(close[x],4) + " " +

numtostr(ThisVolume,0) + newline);

LastDate = Date; {Date & Time of last whole bar stored in file}

LastTime = Time;




wParm=BarStatus(1); {NOTE: Does not return 0 for opening tick as specified in docs!}


if wParm = 2 then

begin {Last Tick Of Bar, print new line}

fileappend(FileName,numtostr(date,0) + " " + numtostr(time,0) + " " +

numtostr(open,cf) + " " + numtostr(high,cf) + " " + numtostr(low,cf) + " " + numtostr(close,cf) + " " +

numtostr(ThisVolume,0) + newline);



if LastBarOnChart then


if (wParm<>2 or (date <> LastDate) or (time <> LastTime)) then {we're not duplicating last bar in file}

value1 = SendData(wParm,MidStr(getsymbolname,InStr(getsymbolname,":")+1,20),Interval,fname,Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,ThisVolume,OpenInt);


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thanks eros, ill try this asap :D


update: got some errors "word not recognized by easylanguage" in the easylanguage power editor, is it possible to export your ela ? im new to this programming thing in tradestation.

Edited by noyp
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